Construction of multimodal semiotics for gestures associated with spoken conversation

Gestures play an important role in daily communication. However, it is not easy to identify the "meaning" of gestures. To address this issue, we are constructing a "multimodal semiotics" based on the method of "multimodal sequential analysis". We aim to develop a "next-generation corpus of gesture" and share it with academic communities.

Katsuya Takanashi
Principal Investigator
Research Area : Model of Multimodal Semiotics
The University of Shiga Prefecture Professor

Eiko Yasui
Research Area : Multimodal Analysis
Nagoya University Associate Professor

Takeshi Enomoto
Research Area : Theoretical Considerations of The Model
Osaka University Associate Professor

Rui Sakaida
Research Area : Annotation of Embodied Symbols
Future University Hakodate Associate Professor

Atsushi Yamamoto
Research Area :Cognitive Science,Interaction Analysis
Waseda University Associate Professor