



Prof.Shinichi Honiden

Ph.D(Engineering,Waseda University). He specializes in agent, ubiquitous computing and software engineering.

Dear Prospective Students

Your time in a graduate school as a science student shapes your future. I really think this is not an understatement. It is not rare to meet researchers who pursue the same research topic for their whole life, from graduate school where they discover a passion for a subject. I have myself discovered my passion for software in graduate school, for which the appeal has been lasting beyond today. Besides, education in a graduate school differs from undergraduate teachings. Most situations at an undergraduate level ask for students to solve an existing problem. Ph.D. and Master courses require students to first find an original research problem that no one has never tackled, and to provide a scientific solution. A research problem is subtle: It may not have any solution, or a two-year or three-year course may not be enough to solve it, or a researcher on the other side of the planet may already be solving it. In such a context, solving a problem is of course very important, but the most important part of the work remains finding the research problem itself, which is very challenging for many people. Such an experience is unique and serves for life in whatever company or industry you decide to go after. Professionals who can spot problems are a precious asset to any company. Professionals even get a double advantage when this problem finding skill is completed by high technical skills, and an acute problem solving power.

It is however not easy to complete a Ph.D. or a Master course. It requires great efforts and going beyond oneself. The feeling of achievement you get as a result is profound and long-lasting. The exquisite tension before presenting research results at an international conference or receiving comments on your technical writings has no equal. I would like everyone to experience the feeling of fulfillment after presenting ones research at an international conference and receiving a round of applause for a well-done piece of work. This kind of experience gives, needless to say, a constructive self-confidence all along life. This confidence becomes unique property that supports oneself in the different stages of life, which is not only bound to researchers, but to any active member in our society.

Undergraduate studies are usually structured around a “listen and study” basis. Graduate studies are different. Although they are based on individual progress in one’s research, the supervisor and all members of the research team, whatever level, get involved in lively debates on one another’s work. Everyone is encouraged to take part in discussions and improve ideas in the group. This is actually one of the core mechanisms in research, by which new discoveries emerge in the process, together with the accomplishment of projects.

Graduate studies are thus a perfect transition between undergraduate studies and the employment life. They impact life greatly, thanks to a unique experience. This is exactly the kind of experience we offer at Honiden Laboratory.

Shinichi Honiden