National Institute of Informatics

Global Liaison Office

Emmanuel Planas, Acting Director

National Institute of Informatics NII - Overview


NII Mission and Figures

NII activities

NII has three main activities:


  • Sokendai: The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
    • Sokendai is the Graduate School
      • Inter-University Research Institutes (ROIS) association
    • 366 Professors
    • 396 Associate Professors
    • 356 Assistant professors
  • Sokendai Schools
    • School of Multidisciplinary Sciences
      • Department of Informatics (NII):
      • 30 Professors, 21 Associate Professors, 13 Assistant professors
      • 95 Ph.D. students (2022)
      • 57% foreign students (2022)
      • Some NII GLO Internship foreign students continued on a Ph.D. course at Sokendai
      • Career follow-up: Universities or Research Institutes: 114, Company: 64, Others: 22 (2021)
      • 6 fields of study for the Ph.D. program in Informatics:
        • Foundations of Informatics
        • Information Infrastructure Science
        • Software Science
        • Multimedia Information Science
        • Intelligent Systems Science

Operation: Serving the Scientific Community

Research at NII

Research Divisions

  1. Principles of Informatics
    • Mathematical Informatics
    • Intelligent Informatics
    • Quantum Information
    • Mathematical Logic
  1. Information Systems Architecture
    • Information Network
    • Computer Architecture
    • Software infrastructure
    • Software Engineering
  1. Digital Content and Media Sciences
    • Foundation of content management
    • Text and Language Media
    • Pattern media
    • Human and Knowledge media
  1. Information and Society
    • Information use
    • Science Information
    • Information Public policy

1. Principles of Informatics Research Division

Research to discover new principles, theories and methods in informatics, and extend our goal to pioneering the frontiers to try and achieve a paradigm shift in informatics.

2. Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division

Research into the architecture and systems behind computers, networks and other forms of hardware and software

3. Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division

Research into methods of analyzing, generating, storing, using and processing text, images and various other content and media from theories to actual systems

4. Information and Society Research Division

Interdisciplinary research combining information and systems technology with human and social sciences for a society in which the information world merges with the real world

Some Awards

Research Centers and Services

  • Service and Operation Centers for Research
  • Shonan Meetings - Overview

    Japanese-French Laboratory in Informatics

    Global Liaison Office - International Relations


    International Cooperation Policy

    Examples of collaboration with Germany

    • Aachen RWTH
    • Augsburg University
    • DFKI
    • University of Freiburg
    • Georg-August University Göttingen
    • University of Potsdam
    • Saarland University
    • University of Konstanz
    • Technical University Braunschwieg
    • Technical University Berlin
    • Technical University Munich

    Examples of collaboration with UK

    • The Alan Turing Institute
    • University of Bath
    • University of Bristol
    • University of Cambridge
    • University of Edinburgh
    • University of Essex
    • Imperial College London
    • University College London
    • University of Newcastle
    • Open University
    • University of Oxford

    Collaboration with France

    • Auvergne University (LIMOS, ISIMA)
    • Grenoble Alpes
    • Grenoble INP
    • Lens: CRIL
    • Lyon: ENS Lyon
    • Lyon: Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
    • Lyon: INSA
    • Nice: Côte d’Azur Université
    • Paris: CNRS
    • Paris: INRIA
    • Paris-Sorbonne (UMPC, LIP6)
    • Paris-Saclay (Paris Sud)
    • Rennes: IRISA
    • Nantes: LS2N
    • Toulouse: INP ENSEEIHT
    • Toulouse: Université Paul Sabatier (IRIT)

    Examples of collaboration with North America

    • Carnegie Mellon University
    • University of Washington
    • ICSI - University of California Berkeley
    • Viterbi School - USC Los Angeles
    • University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
    • Indiana University
    • University of Michigan Dearborn
    • New Jersey Institute of Technology
    • Simon Fraser University
    • University of Alberta
    • McGill University
    • Polytecnique Montreal
    • York University - Lassonde School
    • University of Waterloo

    Global Liaison Office - International Cooperation

    NII MOU Grant Funding Program

    NII MOU Grants - Who exactly?

    NII MOU Grants - Comments

    NII International Internship Program

    Internship Call- How it works

    Internships Call - What you should not miss

    Some Research topics offered by NII researchers

    2023 1st Call topics

    Practical Information

    • Interns will receive 5,700 Yen/day (around 170,000 month) and will have a basic health insurance
    • The plane ticket is not provided by the NII
    • Accommodation cost in Tokyo 60,000 to 90,000/month depending location in Tokyo
      •, (most popular)
    • NII Cafeteria available for lunch /diner 600-800 Yens/meal ($€4-6, £3.5-5)
    • Outside restaurant lunch set ~ 1,000 Yens ($€7, £6)
    • Diner around minimum ~ 2000/2500 Yens
    • Cinema 2,000 Yens
    • Metro Ticket 160 yens minimum and varies with distance
    • The working language is English at NII
    • Many seminars/lectures are offered by visiting researchers and open to Interns

    … ありがとうございます。 Thank You!