Research Record

Journal Article

  1. Michikazu Matsumura, Toshiyuki Sawaguchi, Takao Oishi, Koichiro Ueki, Kisou Kubota. Behavioral deficits induced by local injection of bicuculline and muscimol into the primate motor and premotor cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. Vol.65, No.6, p.1542-1553(1991)

Oral Presentations

  1. Koichirou Ueki, Michikazu Matsumura, Kisou Kubota. Behavioral deficits induced by local injection of GABAa and GABAb antagonists into the motor areas of primate cortex. Japanese Journal of Physiology, Vol.41 Sup.,S253(1991)
  2. Koichirou Ueki. Differential Equations that can describe oscillatory phenomenon. Neuroscience Research, Sup.18,S235(1993)

Research Grants

  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists 1992-1993
  2. Cooperative Research Fund of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University 1994
  3. Toshihiko Tokizane Memorial Brain Research Fund 1994

(C) Kouichirou Ueki 2002-2013