Yuichi Yoshida

Yuichi Yoshida

I am a professor at National Institute of Informatics (NII).

My research interest includes

  • Theoretical computer science: property testing, approximation algorithms, and constraint satisfaction problems.
  • Practical algorithms for real-world graphs based on theoretical insights

I am looking for postdocs to work on average sensitivity of algorithms (prepreint) in a theoretical or practical aspect or both, or related topics such as sublinear-time algorithms, approximate counting, and learning theory. Please contact me directly with your CV. The start date is flexible.

See also: Researchmap, DBLP, and Google schloar


  • Zihan Zhang

Past Postdocs

Past RAs

Past and Current Interns

See here for details on the NII international internship program.


  • Address: 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan.
  • E-mail: yyoshida at nii.ac.jp
  • twitter: @oxytan