[Japanese][NTCIR][workshop][register][agreement] Task [clir][patent][qac][tsc][web]
The 3rd NTCIR Workshop was OVER. |
For the current NTCIR Workshop (the latest in the series of NTCIR Workshops), visit
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- Makoto Iwayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology / Hitachi Ltd.)
- Atsushi Fujii (University of Library and Information Science / CREST, Japan
Science and Technology Corporation)
- Akihiko Takano (National Institute of Informatics)
- ML for organizers: ntcadm-patent
- ML for those who are interested in the task: ntc-patent
Data used
- Japanese patents: 1998-1999
- Japio patent abstracts: 1995-1999
- Patent Abstracts of Japan (English translations for Japio patent abstracts):
- Patolis test collection (34 search topics for Japanese patents and relevance
- Newspaper articles (Japanese/English)
Task Overview
- main task
- retrieve patents in response to J/E newspaper articles associated with
technology and commercial products (cross-language cross-DB retrieval)
- for each search topic (i.e., either a newspaper article or patent), participants
submit a list of retrieved patents and passages associated with the topic.
- recall/precision-based and passage-based measures are used for evaluation
- optional task
- Any research reports are invited on patent processing using the above data,
including, but not limited to: generating patent maps, paraphrasing claims,
aligning claims and examples, summarization for patents, clustering patents.
- Participants who are interested in a specific task submit a brief description
for their proposal.
- Task descriptions proposed so far:
- 2001.10.16: sample document data release
- 2001.11.01: complete document data release
Main Task
dry run
- 2001.11.16: search topics for the dry run release
- 2001.11.30: submission deadline for the dry run retrieval results
- 2002.01.31: dry run evaluation results release
formal run
- 2002.03.08: search topics for the main task release
- 2002.04.07: submission deadline for the main task retrieval results
- 2002.07.01: evaluation results for the main task releas
Optional Task
- 2002.01.31: proposals for optional task deadline
- 2002.02.01: public release of the task proposals
- 2002.05.01: application deadline (application for participating optional
Workshop Meeting
- 2002.08.20: deadline for camera-ready paper
- 2002.10.8-10: NTCIR Workshop 3 Meeting (at NII, Tokyo, Japan)

ACM SIGIR 2000 Workshop on Patent Retrieval - Online Proceedings
[Japanese][NTCIR][workshop][register][agreement] Task [clir][patent][qac][tsc][web]
Last modified on March 1, 2002