Open Source Graphics Library for Chemistry
What's ChemoJun?
Download & License
Hardware &
Software Requirements
Contact us
National Institute
of Informatics
H.Satoh's Software

You can download the latest version of ChemoJun, here. It is free of charge.

Please note that when you download any files, the system automatically recognizes that you have accepted the GPL license. If you do not agree to the license, you are prohibited from downloading the files. You are strongly recommended to carefully read the license statements before accessing the program.


If you use the runtime versions of ChemoJun, you do not need to download Jun.
ChemoJun uses classes of "Jun for Smalltalk", thus you should download Jun for Smalltalk if you make a program with ChemoJun.
[]For installing "Jun for Smalltalk", access (SRA site, in Japanese) (SRA site, Developer's site)
[]Source codes
ChemoJun has been published as free software under the terms of "GPL license" (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)
We can provide a "LGPL license" version. If interested, contact us at:
Using other software such as Jun, please take care their licenses and not to infringe on their rights.
[]Runtime version
The runtime version provided from this site can be used for only noncommercial purposes.
[]All ChemoJun items
In no event will NII, ROIS, and Hiroko Satoh's Lab. be liable to any user of the ChemoJun items for any damages, expenses, lost revenues, lost savings, lost profits, or any other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or in ability to use the ChemoJun items.