Echizen Laboratory National Institute of Informatics (NII)


Department of Information and Communication Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


Department of Informatics, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences,
The Graduate University For Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)


Refereed journal papers | Refereed conference papers | Books, book chapters, and research reports | Invited talks | Oral Presentation, Poster・demo | Media coverage(Press release/ News release) | Media coverage(Online articles) | Media coverage(TV / Radio) | Media coverage(Newspapers) | Media coverage(Others) | Patents | Awards | Others

Refereed journal papers

  1. T. Yamada, Y. Takahashi, Y. Fujii, R. Ebisawa, H. Yoshiura and I. Echizen, “Integrity Verification Method for Video Content Using Robust Watermarking,” International Journal of Knowledge-based and intelligent Engineering Systems (IOS Press), Vol. 13, No.3,4, pp.141-153 (December 2009)

Refereed conference papers

  1. S. Wohlgemuth, G. Muller, N. Sonehara, I. Echizen, “On Observable Delegation of Personal Data by Watermarking,” Proc. of 5th IEEE Workshop on DRM Impact on Consumer Communications: CCNC 2009, pp. 1-5, (January 2009)
  2. X. Huang, I. Echizen, and Y. Abe, “Evaluation of Synchronized Significant Multi-bits Acoustic Steganography Method,” Proc. of AES 14th Regional Convention 2009, pp. 1-11, in CD-ROM, (May 2009)
  3. S. Wohlgemuth, I. Echizen, N. Sonehara, and G. Mueller, “On Privacy in Business Processes - Observing Delegation of Personal Data by Using Digital Watermarking,” Proc. of International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B 2009), pp. 27-32, (July 2009)
  4. A. Savoldi, P. Gubian, and I. Echizen, “How to Deal with Blurriness in Live Forensics: A Case of Study,” Proc. of 5th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM2009), pp. 25-28, (August 2009)
  5. M. Tran, A. Duong, and I. Echizen, “XPROB - A Generalized Pool-Based Anonymous Communication Framework,” Proc. of 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 52-55 (September 2009)
  6. S. Wohlgemuth, N. Sonehara, G. Mueller, I. Echizen, “On Privacy-aware Delegation of Personal Data using Digital Watermarking,” Proc. of 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009), pp. 56-59 (September 2009)
  7. S. Nakayama, I. Echizen, and H. Yoshiura, “Preventing False Positives in Content-Based Phishing Detection,” Proc. of 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2009), pp. 48-51 (September 2009)
  8. A. Savoldi, P. Gubian, and I. Echizen, “A Comparison between Windows Mobile and Symbian S60 Embedded Forensics,” Proc. of 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2009), pp. 546-550 (September 2009)
  9. M. Tran, A. Duong, and I. Echizen, “RPROB - A Family of Binomial-Mix-based Anonymous Communication Systems,” Proc. of 2009 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Pervasive Applications (TSP-09), pp. 765-770 (October 2009)
  10. S. Haas, S. Wohlgemuth, I. Echizen, N. Sonehara, and G. Mueller, “On Privacy in Medical Services with Electronic Health Records,” Proc. of International Medical Informatics Association WG4 Security in Health Information Systems (IMIA SiHIS 2009), pp. 1-9, in CD-ROM (November 2009) <Gerd Griesser Award>

Books, book chapters, and research reports

  1. I. Echizen, Y. Atomori, S. Nakayama, and H. Yoshihura, “Dual-plane Correlation-based Video Watermarking for Immunity to Rotation, Scale, Translation, and Random Distortion,” Information Hiding and Applications (J. Pan, H. Huang, and L. Jain, eds.), Chapter 2, pp. 21-46, Springer, (July 2009)

Invited talks

Oral Presentation, Poster・demo

Media coverage(Press release/ News release)

Media coverage(Online articles)

Media coverage(TV / Radio)

Media coverage(Newspapers)

Media coverage(Others)


  1. I. Echizen, H. Yoshiura, K. Miyazaki, K. Anzai, J. Taguchi, K. Nakano, K. Okeya: Method and system for contents control, 米国特許7478432号(2009/01/13登録)
  2. Y. Fujii, K. Nakano, I. Echizen, H. Yoshiura: Method of watermarking for binary images, 米国特許7499565号(2009/03/03登録)
  3. I. Echizen, T. Arai, H. Kimura, T. Yamada, Y. Fujii: System and method for controlling contents by plurality of pieces of control information, US Patent No.7577843 (Issued: 2009/08/18)

