Echizen Laboratory National Institute of Informatics (NII)


Department of Information and Communication Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


Department of Informatics, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences,
The Graduate University For Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)


Refereed journal papers | Refereed conference papers | Preprints | Preprints | Books, book chapters, and research reports | Invited talks | Oral Presentation, Poster・demo | Media coverage(Press release/ News release) | Media coverage(Online articles) | Media coverage(TV / Radio) | Media coverage(Newspapers) | Media coverage(Others) | Patents | Awards | Others

Refereed journal papers

  1. C. C. Chang, H. H. Nguyen, J. Yamagishi, and I. Echizen, "Cyber Vaccine for Deepfake Immunity", IEEE Access, 14 pages, 2023
  2. M. Kitsuregawa, S. Urushidani, K. Yamaji, H. Takakura, I. Hasuo, I. Sato, F. Ishikawa, I. Echizen, K. Mori, "Activities of National Institute of Informatics in Japan," Communications of the ACM, vol. 66. no. 7, pp. 58-63, July 2023 Link
  3. Yi Ji, Trung-Nghia Le, Huy H. Nguyen, Isao Echizen, "Purifying Adversarial Images using Adversarial Autoencoders with Conditional Normalizing Flows," IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 2023
  4. CC Chang, X Wang, S Chen, H Kiya, I Echizen, "On the predictability in reversible steganography", Telecommunication Systems, Springer, 1-13, January 2023, Link

Refereed conference papers

  1. T. Ouyang, H.-Q. Nguyen, H. H. Nguyen, I. Echizen, Y. Seo, "Quality Assurance of A GPT-based Sentiment Analysis System: Adversarial Review Data Generation and Detection", Proc. of the 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023), 8 pages, December 2023
  2. T. Ouyang, I. Echizen, Y. Seo, "Data Quality Assurance via Local Conditional Probability Based Out-of-Distribution Detection", Proc. of the 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023), 8 pages, December 2023
  3. E. Bao, C.-C. Chang, H. H. Nguyen, I. Echizen, "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: A Plug-in Module for Diffusion-Based Purification of Adversarial Examples", Proc. of the 22nd International Workshops on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2023), November 2023
  4. R. Shukla, H. Kaur, I. Echizen, and P. Khanna, "Fingerprint Digital Twin for Secure and Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication", Proc. of the 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2023), 8 pages, October 2023
  5. F. Shalabi, H. H. Nguyen, H. Felouat, C.-C. Chang, and I. Echizen, "Image-Text Out-Of-Context Detection Using Synthetic Multimodal Misinformation", APSIPA ASC 2023, 8 pages, October 2023
  6. A.P. MaungMaung, I. Echizen, and H. Kiya, "Hindering Adversarial Attacks with Multiple Encrypted Patch Embeddings", APSIPA ASC 2023, 7 pages, October 2023
  7. H. H. Nguyen, J. Yamagishi, and I. Echizen, "How Close Are Other Computer Vision Tasks to Deepfake Detection?", IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023), 10 pages, September 2023
  8. M. Niu, Z. Li, Y. Zhan, H. H. Nguyen, I. Echizen, and Y. Zheng, "Physics-Based Adversarial Attack on Near-Infrared Human Detector for Nighttime Surveillance Camera Systems", ACM Multimedia 2023, 10 pages, October 2023
  9. Hoang-Quoc Nguyen-Son, Seira Hidano, Kazuhide Fukushima, Shinsaku Kiyomoto and Isao Echizen, "VoteTRANS: Detecting Adversarial Text without Training by Voting on Hard Labels of Transformations". Finding of The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 2023
  10. H. Kaur, R. Shukla, I. Echizen, and P. Khanna, "Secure and Privacy Preserving Proxy Biometrics Identities", AINA 2023, March 2023, Preprint
  11. Y. Sun, Z. Zhang, I. Echizen, H. H. Nguyen, C. Qiu, and S. Lu, “Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series”, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshop (WACV-W) 2023, Preprint
  12. Futa Waseda, Sosuke Nishikawa, Trung-Nghia Le, Huy H. Nguyen, and Isao Echizen, "Closer Look at the Transferability of Adversarial Examples: How They Fool Different Models Differently," IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) , January 2023, Preprint
  13. Huy H. Nguyen, Trung-Nghia Le, Junichi Yamagishi, and Isao Echizen, "Analysis of Master Vein Attacks on Finger Vein Recognition Systems," IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023), January 2023, Preprint


Books, book chapters, and research reports

Invited talks

  1. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? Frontiers of Countering Fake Media in the Age of Infodemics", MATH CU SEMINAR, Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, March 1, 2024
  2. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? Frontiers of Countering Fake Media in the Age of Infodemics", The 1st Japan-Korea Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, December 27, 2023
  3. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? Frontiers of Countering Fake Media in the Age of Infodemics", The 11th US-JAPAN HI-TECH INDUSTRIALIZATION FORUM, December 19, 2023
  4. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? From Biometric Data Protection to Fake Media Detection", 2023 The 6th Asia Conference on Cognitive Engineering and Intelligent Interaction, December 15, 2023
  5. Isao Echizen, "The Risks and Opportunities of Generative AI", G7 Mito Ibaraki: Interior and Security Ministers' Meeting, December 9, 2023
  6. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? Frontiers of Countering Fake Media in the Age of Infodemics", 2023 5th International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC 2023), July 2023
  7. Isao Echizen, "Real or Fake? From Biometric Data Protection to Fake Media Detection", 2023 8th International Conference on Information and Network Technologies (ICINT 2023), May 2023, Link
  8. Isao Echizen, "Fake media detection and its practical application", Dagstuhl Seminar 23021, Media Forensics and the Challenge of Big Data, January 2023, Link

Oral Presentation, Poster・demo

Media coverage(Press release/ News release)

Media coverage(Online articles)

  1. Isao Echizen, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan Institute Researchers Devise New Way to Fight Deepfakes, August 30, 2023

Media coverage(TV / Radio)

  1. Isao Echizen, 2023/01/13, NHK World, [IN DEPTH] AI: The Good, the Bad and the Inspirational, Link

Media coverage(Newspapers)

Media coverage(Others)


