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July 10-11, 2012
Call for Papers [pdf]
Authors are invited to submit papers up to 8 pages in English via the EasyChair submission system no later than May 16, 2012.
To log in to EasyChair, you must have an EasyChair account. If you used EasyChair after the 9th of January 2007, then you have such an account. If you do not have an EasyChair account, please obtain one at the website above.
Page Style and Limit
The paper must be written in English.
The camera-ready version must be printed to fit A4 size sheet.
It cannot exceed 8 pages including the title page.
The first page must be in single column style
although the following pages could be in double columns.
The first page should contain the title, authors, affiliations, addresses
(including authors' e-mail addresses), and abstract.
A sample Latex format is appended here: sample.tex.
The proceedings will be available at the conference site. In this
year, we provide only electronic version of the proceedings, by USB
flash memory. You can also download the papers via internet, from few
days ago the workshop (for whom want to get a paper version, we
prepare printed versions on site). Since the proceeding is only
distributed at the workshop, the submission of preliminary material
that is to be submitted to or extended material to appear in other
international conferences or journals is allowed and encouraged.