NTCIR-9 Meeting
Invited Talks
Report Out and Panel Discussion
|NTCIR-9 Keynote| |NTCIR-9 Invited Talk|
|EVIA 2011 Report Out| |EVIA2011 Panel Discussion|
NTCIR-9 Workshop Meeting
December 7 Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:30
Title: Natural Language understanding, Semantic-based Information
and Knowledge Management
Junichi Tsujii, Microsoft Research Asia
Natural language understanding (NLU) has been taken as one of the core
fields, and the hardest one among others, of Artificial Intelligence. As
such, it has been considered an impractical technology from the perspective
of the real world application. However, the situation surrounding NLU has
been changing rapidly. We have witnessed large knowledge resources being
constructed, manually or automatically from huge collection of text and
structured data bases in Web. We have also witnessed significant amount
observation data of user behaviors being accumulated in the forms of query
logs, query-click logs, networks among users, etc. These observation
data will shed (and actually are shedding) light on how linguistic expressions
and their interpretation interact in context. What was considered
impractical as research scenario five years ago is now being taken as serious
research and application scenario. In this talk, I will discuss how the
three fields of natural language understanding, semantic-based information
retrieval and knowledge management are being evolved into a single unified
research field and how semantics of text and intentions manifested in user
queries are to be computationally manipulated.
Dr. Junichi Tsujii is a Principal Researcher of Microsoft Research Asia. He joined MSRA in May, 2011. Before joining MSRA, he was Professor of Natural Language Processing in the Department of Computer Science, University of Tokyo and Professor of Text Mining in the School of Computer Science, University of Manchester. His recent research achievements include (1) Deep semantic parsing based on feature forest model, (2) Efficient search algorithms for statistical parsing, (3) Improvement of estimator for maximum entropy model, and (4) Construction of the gold standard corpus (GENIA) for Bio Text Mining.
Tsujii has received numerous awards such as the IBM Science Award
(1989), SEYMF Visiting Professorship in Hong Kong (2000), Daiwa-Adrian
Prize (2004), IBM Faculty Award
(2005) , Achievement Award of Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence
(2008), Fellow of Information Processing Society Japan (2010) and the
Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbons (2010). He was President of ACL
(Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006),
President of IAMT (International Association for Machine Translation
(2002-2004), and President of AFNLP (Asian Association for Natural
Language Processing, 2007).
NTCIR-9 Workshop Meeting
Invited Talk 1
December 8 Thursday, 9:20-9:55
Title: Principles for Robust Evaluation Infrastructure
Mark Sanderson, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

William Webber, The University of Maryland, USA

The standard “Cranfield” approach to the evaluation of information retrieval
systems has been used and refined for nearly fifty years, and has been
a key element in the development of large-scale retrieval systems. The
resources created by such systematic evaluations have enabled thorough
retrospective investigation of the strengths and limitations of particular
variants of this evaluation approach; over the last few years, such investigation
has for example led to identification of serious flaws in some experiments.
Knowledge of these flaws can prevent their perpetuation into future work
and informs the design of new experiments and infrastructures.
In this position statement we briefly review some aspects of evaluation
and, based on our research and observations over the last decade, outline
some principles on which we believe new infrastructure should rest.
Biography: Mark Sanderson and William Webber
Mark Sanderson is a Professor in Information Retrieval at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
William Webber is a researcher at University of Maryland, USA
NTCIR-9 Workshop Meeting
Invited Talk 2
December 8 Thursday, 9:55-10:30
Title: Information Retrieval Experimentation with Terrier:
Scaling Up in Size and Language Support
Iadh Ounis, University of Glasgow, UK
This talk will describe the Terrier Information Retrieval Platform, aimed
at facilitating research and experimentation with large textual corpora.
In particular, the talk will cover Terrier's most recent developments for
supporting large-scale indexing using the MapReduce distributed framework.
Additionally, it will also describe our latest efforts towards enabling
retrieval in non-English languages (in particular, Asian languages), which
will be a core component of the upcoming release of the platform. Overall,
we hope that this talk will inform NTCIR participants on how to use Terrier
for effective and efficient retrieval on Asian corpora.
EVIA 2011
Reports from Other Evaluation Campaigns
December 6 Tuesday, 15:30 - 16:45
15:30 - 15:45
by Ian Soboroff, NIST, USA

Ian Soboroff is Acting Group Leader at NIST in Washington DC, USA.
15:45 - 16:00
by Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland

Gareth Jones is a senior lecturer at Dublin City University, Ireland.
16:00 - 16:15
by Andrew Trotman, The University of Otago, New Zealand

Shlomo Geva, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Andrew Trotman is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Otago, New
Geva is an Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology,
16:15 - 16:30
Title: CLEF 2011: Evaluation Labs, Conference, and Initiative
by Nicola Ferro, The University of Padua, Italy

Hideo Joho, The University of Tsukuba.

Starting with 2010, a radical renewal and innovation process is taking
place in the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF). CLEF became an independent
event constituted by (i) Evaluation Labs, i.e. laboratories to conduct evaluation of information access systems and workshops to discuss and pilot innovative evaluation activities; (ii) a peer-reviewed
Conference on a broad range of issues, including investigation continuing the activities
of the Evaluation Labs; experiments using multilingual and multimodal data;
in particular, but not only, data resulting from CLEF activities; and,
research in evaluation methodologies and challenges. This process led to
the establishment of the CLEF Initiative with a charter describing its scope and aims and new organizational structure.
talk will thus discuss the achievements and happenings in CLEF 2011, the
activities conducted in the Evaluation Labs, the discussions held during the
Conference, and the new organization of CLEF.
Biography: Nicola Ferro and Hideo Joho
Nicola Ferro is assistant professor in Computer Science at the
Department of Information Engineering and at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences
of the University of Padua, Italy. His main research interests are digital
libraries and archives, their architectures, interoperability, and evaluation,
as well as multilingual information access and its evaluation. He is chair of
the Steering Committee of CLEF (Cross Language Evaluation Forum) initiative and
he coordinates the PROMISE FP7 network of excellence on experimental evaluation
of multilingual and multimodal information access system. He has been program
co-chair of the CLEF 2010 Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information
Access Evaluation and served on the program committee of several conferences
(among them SIGIR, ECIR, CIKM, ECDL, JCDL, WSDL). He has published more than 70
papers on digital library architectures, interoperability, and services;
multilingual information access and its experimental evaluation; the management
of the scientific data produced during evaluation campaigns. He is member of
Hideo Joho is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Library, Information
and Media Science at the University of Tsukuba.
16:30 - 16:45
by Hideo Joho, The University of Tsukuba.
EVIA 2011
Panel Discussion
December 6 Tuesday, 16:45 - 17:30
Title: TREC is 20 years old, Where Now for Evaluation Campaigns?
Session Chairs:
Mark Sanderson, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
William Webber, The University of Maryland, USA
Ian Soboroff (TREC/TAC) |
Gareth Jones (Medieval) |
Andrew Trotman and Shlomo Geva (INEX) |
Hideo Joho (NTCIR) |
We are looking forward to your participation!