Kageura, K., Koyama, T., Yoshioka, M., Takasu, A., Nozue, T., Tsuji, K. NACSIS corpus project for IR and terminological research. In Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1997. Phuket, Thailand, December, 1997, p. 493-496. [PostScript file] [abst]
Kando, N., Koyama, T., Oyama, K., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Nozue, T., Matsumura, A., Kuriyama, K. NTCIR : NACSIS Test Collection Project. In [Poster] the 20th Annual Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group. Autrans, France, March, 1998. [PostScript file] [abst]
Koyama, T., Yoshioka, M., Kageura, K. The construction of a lexically motivated corpus : the problem with defining lexical units. In First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Granada, Spain, May, 1998, p.1015-1019. [abst]
Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Koyama, T., Nozue, T., Tsuji, K. Towards a common testbed for corpus-based computational terminology. In COMPUTERM'98. Montreal, Canada, August, 1998, p. 81-85. [abst]
野末俊比古, 神門典子, 栗山和子. レレバンス概念再考: NACSIS テストコレクションのための試論. 第 46 回 日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表要綱. 1998年11月, p. 67-70.
神門典子. 招待講演: 情報検索システムの評価を巡って: テストコレクションとコンペティションを中心に. 1999 年情報学シンポジウム. 1999年1月, p.129-136. [abst]
神門典子, 栗山和子, 野末俊比古, 大山敬三. NTCIR-1: 情報検索システム評価用テストコレクション構築の方針と実際. 情報処理学会研究報告. No. 99-FI-53, 1999年3月, p.33-40. [abst]
吉岡真治, 岡田真穂, 影浦峡, 小山照夫. 専門用語抽出・解析処理を考慮したコーパスの作成. 情報処理学会研究報告. No. 98-FI-53, 1999年3月, p. 41-48. [abst]
野末俊比古, 神門典子. レレバンスをめぐる一考察 --- NTCIR の背景として. 情報処理学会研究報告. No. 99-FI-53, p.49-56, 1999年3月.
神門 典子 (企画). 第 58 回情報処理学会全国大会公開パネル 4 --- 情報検索の新たな展開: テストコレクションからサーチエンジンまで. 1999年3月. [slides]
栗山和子, 野末俊比古, 神門典子, 大山敬三. 大規模テストコレクション構築のためのプーリングについて: NTCIR-1の予備テストの分析. 情報処理学会研究報告. 99-FI-54, 1999年5月, p.25-32.
栗山和子, 神門典子. 大規模テストコレクション構築について: NTCIR-1の訓練用検索課題の分析. 情報処理学会研究報告. 99-FI-55, 1999年7月, p.41-48.
Kando, N. Cross-lingual information retrieval at NTCIR Workshop (invited). Presented at ACM Digital Libraries and ACM-SIGIR Joint Workshop on Multilingual Information Discovery and Access. Berkeley, CA, USA, August, 1999.
Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T. NACSIS Test Collection Workshop (NTCIR-1). In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Berkeley, CA, USA, August, 1999. [PostScript file]
Kando, N., Nozue, T. (ed.) NTCIR Workshop 1: Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999. 487 p. [http: //research.nii.ac.jp/ ntcir/workshop/OnlineProceedings/]
Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. Overview of IR tasks at the first NTCIR Workshop. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 11-44.
Kando, N. Cross-lingual information access and its evaluation (invited). In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Digital Libraries. Tsukuba, Japan, September, 1999, p.58-65. [PDF file]
栗山和子, 江口浩二, 野末俊比古, 神門典子. 大規模テストコレクションNTCIR-1の構築(1)-プーリングと正解判定の分析-. 情報処理学会第59回全国大会講演論文集. 1999年9月, p. 3-105 - 3-106.
神門典子, 栗山和子, 江口浩二, 野末俊比古. 大規模テストコレクションNTCIR-1の構築(2)-検索課題の分析-. 情報処理学会第59回全国大会講演論文集. 1999年9月, p. 3-107 - 3-108.
Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. The NTCIR Workshop : The first evaluation workshop on Japanese text retrieval and cross-lingual information retrieval (invited). In Proceedings of the 4 th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages. Taipei, Taiwan, November, 1999. [PDF file]
Kando, N. NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation of cross-lingual information retrieval (invited). In Proceeding of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences. Maui, HI, USA, January, 2000. [PDF file]
神門典子. 情報検索システムの評価:テストコレクションと評価ワークショップ(特集:情報検索の新潮流). 情報の科学と技術. Vol.50 No.1, 2000年1月, p.22-29.
栗山和子, 神門典子, 野末俊比古, 江口浩二. 「大規模テストコレクション構築のためのプーリングについて:NTCIR-1の分析」. 学術情報センター紀要. 第12号, 2000年3月, p.17-30.
大山敬三, 神門典子, 佐藤真一, 加藤弘之, 日高宗一郎. 「オンラインジャーナル編集・出版システムの開発」. 学術情報センター紀要. 第12号, 2000年3月, p.111-120.
神門典子. 第1回NTCIRワークショップ:情報検索・用語抽出の評価会議. 学術情報センターニュース. No.50, 2000年3月, p.11-13. [html]
Kando, N. The NTCIR Workshop: The first evaluation workshop of Japanese text retrival and automatic term recognition. NACSIS Newsletter. No.20, March, 2000, p.10-12.
Kageura, K., Fukushima, T., Kando, N., Okumura, M., Sekine, S., Kuriyama, K., Takeuchi, K., Yoshioka, M., Koyama, T. and Isahara, H. IR/IE/Summarisation Evaluation Projects in Japan. In Proceedings of LREC 2000 Workshop on Using Evaluation within HLT Programs, Athens, Greece. May 31, 2000, p. 19-22.
Kando, N. The NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation of Asian language information retrieval. RIAO'2000, Panel on IR Evaluation World Wide. Paris, France, April 12-14, 2000.
神門典子. 日本語情報検索システムの評価:NTCIR Workshopとテストコレクション. ACM SIGMOD 日本支部第14回大会講演論文集, 東京, 2000年4月. (招待講演)
神門典子. 情報検索システムの評価プロジェクト:NTCIRワークショップ(情報処理最前線).情報処理. 41巻 6号, 2000年6月, p.689-697.
江口浩二, 栗山和子, 神門典子. 「大規模テストコレクションNTCIR-1における検索課題の難易度に関する分析」. 情報処理学会研究報告. 第24回デジタル・ドキュメント研究会(DD)/第59回情報学基礎研究会(FI)合同研究発表会. 東京, 2000年7月28日.
栗山和子, 神門典子. 情報検索システム評価用テストコレクション. 人文学と情報処理. No. 28, 2000年7月.
Kando, N. What shall we evaluate? Preliminary discussion for the NTCIR Patent IR Challenge based on the brainstorming with the specialized intermediaries in patent searching and paten attorneys. ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Patent Retrieval, Athens, Greece, July 28, 2000, p.37-42.
神門典子(編集). 特集:情報検索システムの力くらべ, テストコレクションによる評価. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.897-924.
岸田和明. 情報検索技術とテストコレクション. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.898-901.
関根聡, 井佐原均, 栗山和子. 日本におけるテストコレクションと評価の動向. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.902-905.
山本幹雄, 梅村恭司. 大学研究者から見たテストコレクションと評価ワークショップ. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.906-907.
藤田澄男. 企業研究者から見たテストコレクションと評価ワークショップ. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.908-910.
Gey, F. C., Chen, A., Jiang, H. NTCIRへの参加から学んだこと. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.910-912.
福島俊一. WWW情報検索技術と評価の問題. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.913-916.
奥村学, 福島孝博. NTCIR Workshop 2の新しいタスクの紹介, テキスト自動要約タスク. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.917-920.
神門典子. 今後の展望, 情報検索評価プロジェクトの展開. 情報処理. Vol.41, no. 8, 通巻426号, 2000年8月, p.921-923.
Kando, N. NTCIR and its way ahead. The first workshop of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum, the fourth European Conference on Digital Libraries, Panel on CLIR Evaluation in the Future. Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 21-22, 2000. (invited)
Kando, N. "NTCIR Workshop: Japanese- and Chinese-English Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Multi-grade Relevance Judgments. In Proceedings of the first workshop of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum, Lisbon, Sept. 22-23, 2000. (Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science) (invited, to appear)
Kando, N. NTICR Workshop: Evaluation of Asian Information Retrieval and Text Processing. Presented at Panel on IR Evaluation, the 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages, Hong Kong, Sept. 29-Oct.1, 2000. (invited)
Kando, N. English-Japanese Cross-lingual Information Retrieval of Scientific and Technical Information. Presented at the Panel on Conquering the Babel: Cross-language Retrieval on the Web. In Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Chicago, IL, Nov.12-16, 2000, p.2-3. (invited)
Kando, N., Adachi, J. NTCIR Workshops : Data Collection-Based Evaluation of Information Retrieval and its Challenges. In Proceedings of 2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries : Research and Practice, Kyoto, Nov. 13-16, 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press. (invited, to appear)
Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. Analysis of the Topic Difficulty for NTCIR (NACSIS Test Collection for Information Retrieval Systems). In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2000). Seoul, Korea, December, 2000, pp.231-238.
Kando, N. Overview of the Second NTCIR Workshop (Draft). Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.4-1-4-8.
Fukushima, T., Okumura, M. Text Summarization Challenge: Text Summarization Evaluation at NTCIR Workshop2. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.4-9-4-13.
Chen, K., Chen, H. The Chinese Text Retrieval Tasks of NTCIR-II Workshop. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.4-15-4-36.
Kando, N. Overview of the Japanese and English IR Tasks at the Second NTCIR Workshop (Draft). Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.4-37-4-59.
Yoshioka, M., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. Analysis of the Usage of Japanese Segmented Texts in NTCIR Workshop 2. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-184-5-189.
Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N. The Effect of Cross-Lingual Pooling on Evaluation. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-190-5-203.
Fukumoto, J., Kato, T. An Overview of Question and Answering Challenge (QAC) of the Next NTCIR Workshop. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.7-1-7-3.
難波英嗣, 奥村学. 第2回NTCIRワークショップ自動要約タスク(TSC)の結果および評価法の分析. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 69, 2001-NL-144. 2001年7月16日・17日. p.143-150.
神門典子, 奥村学, 福島孝博. 情報検索と要約の評価. 第2回NTCIRワークショップ概要. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.1-8.
栗山和子, 吉岡真治, 神門典子. 大規模テストコレクションNTCIR-2の構築. 言語横断的プーリングの評価への影響. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.9-16.
江口浩二, 栗山和子, 神門典子. テストコレクションにおける検索課題の難易度予測への挑戦. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.17-24.
福本淳一, 加藤恒昭. Question and Answering タスクの提案. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.25-31.
奥村学, 福島孝博. TSC2 (Text Summarization Challenge 2) の目指すもの. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.33-39.
大山敬三, 神門典子, 江口浩二, 栗山和子. Web検索チャレンジの課題. NTCIRワークショップ3の新タスク. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.41-48.
岩山真, 藤井敦, 高野明彦, 神門典子. 特許コーパスを用いた検索タスクの提案. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.49-56.
岸田和明. 検索実験における評価指標としての Mean Average Precision の性質. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.97-104.
神門典子. 特集: NTCIR:情報アクセスに関わるテキスト処理技術の評価ワークショップ. NTCIRとその背景 -情報アクセス技術の評価ワークショップとテストコレクション-. 人工知能学会誌. Vol. 17, no. 3, 2002, p. 296-300,
神門典子, 栗山和子, 吉岡真治. 特集: NTCIR:情報アクセスに関わるテキスト処理技術の評価ワークショップ. 福島孝博, 奥村学, 加藤恒昭. テキスト処理研究の動向 -情報抽出・自動要約・質問応答における評価ワークショップの重要性-. 人工知能学会誌. Vol. 17, no. 3, 2002, p. 301-305,
小川泰嗣, 佐々木裕, 増山繁, 村田真樹, 吉岡真治. 特集: NTCIR:情報アクセスに関わるテキスト処理技術の評価ワークショップ. 参加者から見たNTCIR. 人工知能学会誌. Vol. 17, no. 3, 2002, p. 306-311,
神門典子, 安達淳. 特集: NTCIR:情報アクセスに関わるテキスト処理技術の評価ワークショップ. 評価ワークショップによるテキスト処理研究 -第3回NTCIRワークショップを例として-. 人工知能学会誌. Vol. 17, no. 3, 2002, p. 312-319,
吉岡真治, 原口誠, 大久保好章. 適合的汎化に基づく情報検索システムの研究(第1報)−検索語が持つ適合性判定への寄与度の利用− 情報処理学会情報学基礎研究会, 2002-FI-67, 東京,2002年5月21日・22日. p.151-158, [abst]
岸田和明, 神門典子, 栗山和子, 江口浩二. 言語横断検索技法の性能比較:NTCIRによる実証分析. 第51回日本図書館情報学会研究大会. 茨城, 筑波大学春日キャンパス. 2003年10月25日・26日. 第51回日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表要綱. p.13-16
佐々木 裕 翻訳技術と質問応答技術の総合的評価: NTCIR CLQA の狙い 言語処理学会第11回年次大会併設ワークショップ「評価型ワークショップを考える」, 2005.3
栗山和子. シソーラスを用いた検索式拡張の評価. 情報処理学会研究報告. No.
98-FI-52, January, 1998, p. 1-8.
Kando, N., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Oyama, K. Phrase processing methods
for japanese text retrieval. In ACM-SIGIR '98 Workshop on "Information
Retrieval : Theory into Practice. Melbourne, Australia, August, 1998, p.13-19.
[abst] [PostScript file]
Aizawa, A., Kando, N., Kageura, K. A graph-based method for automatic
generation of multilingual keyword clusters and its applications. In International
Joint Digital Library Workshop '98. Bangkok, Thailand, September, 1998.
Kando, N., Aizawa, A. Cross-lingual information retrieval using automatically
generated multilingual keyword clusters. In the Proceedings of 3rd International
Workshop on Information Retireval with Asian Languages. Singapore, Singapore,
October, 1998, p. 86-94. [abst] [PostScript file]
Kando, N., Aizawa, A., Tsuji, K., Kageura, K., Kuriyama, K. Cross-language
information retrieval and automatic construction of multilingual lexicons.
In 1998 Anuual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science.
Pittbergh, U.S.A, October, 1998.
神門典子, 相澤彰子. 学術情報の言語横断検索:自動構築した多言語キーワードクラスタを用いて.
第 46 回 日本図書館情報学会研究大会発表要綱. November, 1998, p. 63-66.
Kando, N., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Oyama, K. Phrase processing methods
for Japanese text retrieval. SIGIR Forum. Vol.32, No.2, 1998, p. 23-28.
Fujii, A., Ishikawa, T. Cross-language information retrieval for technical documents. In Proceedings of the Joint ACL SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora. College Park, MD, USA, Junuary, 1999, p. 29-37.
金沢輝一. 関連性の重ね合わせモデルを用いた情報検索手法に関する研究. 東京大学修士論文. February. 1999.
金沢輝一, 高須淳宏, 安達淳. 関連性の重ね合わせモデルによる文書検索. 電子情報通信学会 第 10 回 データ工学ワークショップ. No. 5B-5, March, 1999.
小澤智裕, 山本幹雄, 山本英子, 梅村恭司. 情報検索の類似尺度を用いた検索要求文の単語分割. 言語処理学会第 5 回年次大会発表論文集. March, 1999, p. 305-308.
藤井敦, 石川徹也. 言語横断検索システム Quest. 言語処理学会第 5 回年次大会発表論文集. March, 1999, p. 353-356.
辻慶太, 芳鐘冬樹, 影浦峡. 対訳コーパスからの訳語対抽出における辞書情報の利用について. 言語処理学会第 5 回年次大会発表論文集. March, 1999, p. 402-405. [abst]
金澤輝一, 高須淳宏, 安達淳. 関連性の重ね合わせモデルに基づく問い合わせ表現の拡張. 夏のデータベースワークショップ1999. No. 5C-3, 沖縄, July, 1999.
Chen, A., Kishida, K., Jiang, H, Liang, Q., Gey, F. C. Automatic construction of Japanese-English lexicon and its application to cross-language information retrieval. In ACM Digital Libraries and ACM-SIGIR Joint Workshop on Multilingual Information Discovery and Access. Berkeley, CA, USA, August, 1999. [http://www.clis.umd.edu/conferences/midas/papers/Welcome.html]
Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. Overview of IR tasks at the first NTCIR Workshop. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 11-44.
Ogawa, Y. NTCIR advisor report. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 45-46. (in japanese) [PDF file]
Chen, A., Gey, F. C., Kishida, K., Jiang, H., Liang, Q. Comparing multiple methods for Japanese and Japanese-English text retrieval. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 49-58. [PDF file]
Murata, M., Uchimoto, K., Ozaku, H., Isahara, H. Information retrieval based on stochastic models. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 59-70. [PDF file]
Sato, M., Ito, H., Noguchi, N. NTCIR experiments at Matsushita: Ad-hoc and CLIR task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 71-81. [PDF file]
Kanazawa, T. R2D2 at NTCIR: Using the relevance-based superimposition model. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 83-88. [PDF file]
Ozawa, T., Yamamoto, M., Umemura, K., Church, K. W. Japanese word segmentation using similarity measure for IR. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 89-96. [PDF file]
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Matsumura, A., Takasu, A., Adachi, J. Structured index system at NTCIR1: Information retrieval using dependency relationship between words. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 117-122. [PDF file]
Niwa, Y., Iwayama, M., Hisamitsu, T., Nishioka, S., Takano, A., Sakurai, H., Imaichi, O. Interactive document search with DualNAVI. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 123-130. [PDF file]
Sawada, R., Umemura, K. Dynamic programming: A new paradigm for information retrieval. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 131-136. [PDF file]
Sakai, T., Shibazaki, Y., Suzuki, M., Kajiura, M., Manabe, T., Sumita, K. Cross-language information retrieval for NTCIR at Toshiba. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 137-144. [PDF file]
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Nakazawa, S., Ochiai, T., Satoh, K., Okumura, A. Cross language information retrieval based on comparable corpora. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 149-155. [PDF file]
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Mizobuchi, S., Lee, S., Kawano, F., Kobayashi, T., Komatsu, T., Aoe, J. Multi-lingual multi-media information retrieval system. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 171-178. [PDF file]
Fukushima, T., Akamine, S. A character-based indexing and word-based ranking method for Japanese text retrieval. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 179-182. [PDF file]
Umemoto, H., Kuramochi, T., Ishitobi, Y., Tateno, M. Development of a related document retrieval system and evaluation of the system using NTCIR-1. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 183-185. [PDF file]
Kato, T., Shimada, S., Kumamoto, M., Matsuzawa, K. Idea-deriving information retrieval system. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 187-193. [PDF file]
Kameda, H., Oomori, N., Kubomura, C., Tanifuji, Y. An advanced system for information retrieval via key concepts. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 195-201. [PDF file]
Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Takeuchi, K., Koyama, T., Tsuji, K., Yoshikane, F., Okada, M. Overview of TMREC tasks. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 415-416.
Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Tsuji, K., Yoshikane, F., Takeuchi, K., Koyama, T. Evaluation of the term recognition task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 417-434.
Takeuchi, K., Yoshioka, M., Koyama, T., Kageura, K. Evaluation of the keyword extraction task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p.435-436.
Koyama, T., Yoshioka, M., Takeuchi, K., Kageura, K. Evaluation of the role analysis task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 437-439.
Uchimoto, K., Sekine, S., Murata, M., Ozaku, H., Isahara, H. Term recognition by using different field corpora. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 443-450. [PDF file]
Nakagawa, H. Compound noun based system for automatic term recognition task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 451-458.
Morimoto, T., Maeshiro, T., Fujiwara, Y. Extraction of semantic relationships among terms to construct organized knowledge resources. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 459-465.
Fukushige, Y., Noguchi, N. NTCIR experiments at Matsushita: TMREC task. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 467-474. [PDF file]
Hisamitsu, T., Niwa, Y., Nishioka, S., Sakurai, H., Imaichi, O., Iwayama, M., Takano, A. Term extraction using a new measure of term representativeness. In Proceedings of the First NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition. Tokyo, Japan, August, 1999, p. 475-481. [PDF file]
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松村敦, 高須淳宏, 安達淳. 抄録検索における構造化インデクスの効果. 情報処理学会第59回(平成11年後期)全国大会講演論文集. 2P-6, September, 1999, pp.(3-69)-(3-70).
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藤井敦, 石川徹也. 言語横断検索における機械翻訳の利用−文書翻訳に基づく順位付けの精密化−. 言語処理学会. 第6回年次大会発表論文集, 2000年3月, p.455-458.
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松村敦, 高須淳宏, 安達淳. 単語間の係受け関係を用いた情報検索手法の評価. 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, Vol.41, no.SIG1(TOD5), 2000, pp.22-30.
Matsumura, A., Takasu, A., Adachi, J. The Effect of Information Retrieval Method Using Dependency Relationship Between Words. In the Proceedings of the RIAO'2000 Conferenece, April 12-14, 2000, pp.1043-1058.
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Matsumura, A., Takasu, A., Adachi, J. Effect of Dependency Relationship and Ordered Co-occurrence of Words on Japanese Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages(IRAL2000), September 30-October 1, 2000, pp.199-200.
松村敦, 高須淳宏, 安達淳. 単語の順序付共起関係と係受け関係を用いた抄録検索. 情報処理学会第60回(平成12年後期)全国大会, 3U-7, 2000, pp.(3-165)-(3-166).
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Yamamoto, E., Yamamoto, M., Umemura, K., Kenneth W. Church. Dynamic Programming: A Method for Taking Advantage of Technical Terminology in Japanese Documents. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages. September 30 to October 2, 2000, pp.125-132. Hong Kong.
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松村敦,高須淳宏、安達 淳 情報検索における単語間の関係の効果 情報処理学会研究報告 VOL.2001,N0 70,P257-264,2001
Sakai, T., Robertson, S., Walker, S. Flexible Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for NTCIR-2. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-59-5-66.
Mori, T., Kokubu, T., Tanaka, T. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval based on LSI with Multiple Word Spaces. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-67-5-74.
Fujita, S. Notes on the Limits of CLIR Effectiveness: NTCIR-2 Evaluation Experiments at Justsystem. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-75-5-82.
Kishida, K. Regression Model and Query Expansion for NTCIR-2 Ad Hoc Retrieval Task. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-83-5-89.
Iwayama, M., Niwa, Y., Nishioka, S., Takano, A., Hisamitsu, T., Imaichi, O., Sakurai, H., Fujio, M. The Effect of Document Clustering in Interactive Relevance Feedback. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-90-5-97.
Kanazawa, T., Takasu, A., Adachi, J. R2D2 at NTCIR 2 Ad-hoc Task: Relevance-based Superimposition Model for IR. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-98-5-104.
Kluev, V., Bessonov, M., Dobrynin, V. NTCIR Experiments Using the OASIS System. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-105-5-109.
Umemura, K., Takeda, Y., Tanaka, M., Feng, L., Yamamoto E. Empirical Term Weighting. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-110-5-115.
Sakai, H., Ohtake, K., Masuyama, S. On a Retrieval Support System by suggesting terms to a user. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-116-5-120.
Ogawa, Y., Mano, H. RICOH at NTCIR-2. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-121-5-123.
Sato, T., Hata, N., Hiraiwa, K. Kobata, K., Furusho, A., Han, K. NTCIR-2 Experiments Using Long Gram Based Indices. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-124-5-128.
Morimoto, T., Kondo, T., Sugita, K. Ishikawa, D., Ikemura, M., Fujiwara, Y. The Intelligent Method of Information Retrieval Based on Self Organized Knowledge Resources. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-129-5-135.
Tanimura, S., Suzuki, M., Nakagawa, H. Mori, T. Japanese and English Cross-lingual Information Retrieval at DLUT. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-136-5-143.
Fujii, A., Ishikawa, T. Evaluating Multi-lingual Information Retrieval and Clustering at ULIS. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-144-5-148.
Matsumura, A., Takasu, A., Adachi, J. Structured Index System at NTCIR Workshop 2: Information Retrieval Methods Using Ordered Co-occurrence of Words and their Dependency Relationships. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-149-5-156.
McNamee, P. Experiments in the Retrieval of Unsegmented Japanese Text at the NTCIR-2 Workshop. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-157-5-162.
Umemoto, H., Miyauchi, T., Ueda, Y. Document Retrieval in Consideration of the Amount of Term Frequencies. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-163-5-166.
Isogai, S., Ohira, S., Shirai, K. Information Retrieval using Relevance Feedback. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-167-5-172.
Sato, M., Noguchi, N. NTCIR-2 Experiments at Matsushiita: Monolingual and Cross-Lingual IR Tasks. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-173-5-178.
Jiang, F., Littman, M. Approximate Dimension Reduction at NTCIR. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-179-5-183.
内山将夫, 井佐原均. 情報検索パッケージの実装. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.57-64.
藤井敦, 伊藤克亘., 秋葉友良., 石川徹也. 音声入力型文書検索システムの開発とテストコレクションの構築. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.65-72.
金澤輝一, 相澤彰子., 高須淳宏., 安達淳. 関連性の重ね合わせモデルを用いた日英言語横断検索. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.73-80.
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藤田澄男. 情報検索システム評価における対訳テストコレクションの意義について. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.89-96.
寺尾健一郎、梅村恭司 大規模コーパスに対する一般化文書頻度の係数手法 情報処理学会夏のプログラミングシンポジウム「データの達人」、pp26-36,2003.
Yoshiyuki takeda,kyojiUmemura,Eiko Yamamoto Determining Indexing Strings with Satistical Anakysis IECE TRANS.INF &SYST,Vol.E(86-Dno/9,pp/1781-1797,2003
Xinghui Xu,kyoji Uemura Very Low Dimentional Latent Semantic Indexing for Local Query Regions Sixth International Workshop on Information Retrival with Asian Languages (IRAL-2003),pp.84-91,2003
尾形知美、寺尾健一郎、梅村恭司 SVMと一般化文書頻度によるキーワードの推定 情報処理学会第66回全国大会発表番号5Y-7,2004
T.Ogata,K..Terao,K.Umemura Japanese multowprd Extraction using SVM and Adaptaion LREC-2004 Workshop on methodologies anda Evaluation of Multiwaord Units in Real-word Applications.pp/1-4,2004(lisbon,portugal
Eiko Ymamoto,kyouji Umemura Related Word-pairs Extraction without Dictionaries LREC-2004 Workshop on methodologies anda Evaluation of Multiwaord Units in Real-word Applications.pp.1309-1312,2004(lisbon,portugal
中瀬健太、梅村恭司 Bigram の反復度を用いた技術用語抽出 第46回デジタルドキュメント研究会、研究方向デジタル・ドキュメント(IPSJ-DD04046003),Vol.2004,No.97,pp.15-20,2004
小林啓一郎、金谷敦史、梅村恭司 検索質問拡張における実証的重みの検証 情報処理学会第67回全国大会発表番号6M-4,,2004
Junan Chakma ,Kyouji Uemura Factor Controlled Hierarchical SOM Visualization for Large Set of Data IEICETRANS.INF & SYST.Vol.E86-D No/9,pp.1796-1803,2003
松村敦, 係り受け関係を利用した検索意図の抽出と情報検索 言語処理学会第11回年次大会発表論文集、2005年3月、pp1026-1029
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Bian, G., Lin, C. Description of the Trans-EZ English-Chinese Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-8-5-13.
Kwok, K.L. NTCIR-2 Chinese, Cross Language Retrieval Experiments Using PIRCS. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-14-5-20.
Murata, M., Utiyama, M., Ma, Q., Ozaku, H., Isahara, H. CRL at NTCIR2. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-21-5-31.
Chen, A., Jiang, H., Gey, F. Berkeley at NTCIR-2: Chinese, Japanese, and English IR experiments. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-32-5-40.
Yibo, Z., Le, S., Lin, D., Youbing, J., Yufang, S. ISCAS: Text Retrieval in NTCIR Workshop II. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-41-5-48.
Chang, J., Yu, D., Shen, C., Cheng, A., Shen, Garfield., Shen, Giordano., Wong, D. Nathu IR System at NTCIR-II. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-49-5-52.
Youli, Q., Guowei, X., Jun, W. Rerank Method Based on Individual Thesaurus. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-53-5-58.
Mori, T., Kikuchi, M., Yoshida, K. Term Weighting Method based on Information Gain Ratio for Summocuments retrieved by IR systems. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-205-5-212.
Nobata, C., Sekine, S., Murata, M., Uchimoto., K., Utiyama, M., Isahara, H. Sentence Extraction System Assembling Multiple Evidence. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-213-5-218.
Ishikawa, K., Ando, S., Okumura, A. Hybrid Text Summarization Method based on the TF Method and the Lead Method. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-219-5-224.
Otake, K., Okamoto, D., Kodama, M., Masuyama, S. Yet another summarization system with two modules using empirical knowledge. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-225-5-234.
Nakao, Y. How small distinction among summaries can the evaluation method identify?. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-235-5-241.
Hirao, T., Hatayama, M. Yamada, S., Takeuchi, K. Text Summarization based on Hanning window and dependency structure analysis. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-242-5-247.
Kameda, M. Modified Key-Sentence Extraction by RICOH at NTCIR-2 TSC. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-248-5-253.
Oka, M., Ueda, Y. Phrase-representation Summarization Method and Its Evaluation. Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization. Tokyo. Japan. March 2001. p.5-254-5-261.
仲尾由雄. 情報検索タスクに基づく自動要約手法の評価. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.113-120.
平尾努., 前田英作., 松本裕治. Support Vector Machine による重要文抽出. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.121-127.
大竹清敬., 岡本大吾., 児玉充., 増山繁. 重要文抽出, 自由作成要約に対応した新聞記事要約システム YELLOW. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.129-136.
竹内和広., 松本裕治. 要約品質向上のための文再構成知識の自動獲得. 情報処理学会研究報告. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. 2001年7月24日・25日. p.137-144.
大竹清敬 岡本大吾、児玉充、増山繁、 重要文抽出、自由作成要約に対応した新聞記事要約システムyellow, 情報処理学会論文誌「データベース」Vol.43,NoSIG2(TOD13)pp。37-47,2002年3月
大竹清敬 岡本大吾、児玉充、増山繁、 重要文抽出、自由作成要約に対応した新聞記事要約システムyellow, 情報処理学会研究報告63−17、pp。129-136、2001年7月25日
関洋平, 原田賢一, 野村直之. Rubyによる複数資源要約システムの実現. 情報処理学会研究報告.Vol.2002, No.28, 2002.DD-32, 2002-FI-66, 2002年3月15日. p.47-54.
Seki, Y. Summarization-Based Japanese Question and Answering System from Newspaper Articles. Proceedings of LREC2002 Q&A Workshop.LAS PALMAS,CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN. May 2002. The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Facultad de Informatica. (to appear)
秋葉 友良, 伊藤 克亘, 藤井 敦. 質問応答における文書集合を用いた常識的な解の選択. 言語処理学会第10回年次大会発表論文集, pp.297-300, Mar. 2004.
新森昭宏, 奥村学, 丸山雄三, 岩山真. 特許請求項を対象とした言語処理−修辞構造解析と言い換え− 東京工業大学精密工学研究所 第40回シンポジウム「知的財産と特許情報処理」講演予稿集. 東京工業大学精密工学研究所. 平成15年3月14日
新森昭宏, 奥村学, 丸山雄三, 岩山真. 修辞構造解析に基づく特許請求項の自動言い換え. 「情報アクセスのためのテキスト処理」シンポジウム発表論文集. 電気情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイェティ. 言語理解とコミュニケーション(NLC)研究会. 2003年2月12.13日. pp.104-111.
新森昭宏, 奥村学, 丸山雄三, 岩山真. 手がかり句を用いた特許請求項の修辞構造解析. 情報処理学会研究報告. 情報処理学会,2002-NL-149,pp.65-72
Shinmori,A., Okumura,M., Maruyama,Y., Iwayama,M. "Patent Claim Processing for Readability - Structure Analysis and Term Explanation -", ACL-2003 Workshop on Patent Corpus Processing, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2003. pp.56-65.
Fujii,A., Itou,K., Akiba,T., Ishikawa.T. A Cross-media Retrieval System for Lecture Videos. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003). Geneva. Sep, 2003. pp.1149-1152
Fujii,A., Itou,K. Building a Test Collection for Speech-Driven Web Retrieval. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003). Geneva. Sep, 2003. pp.1153-1156
辻裕樹, 藤本典幸, 萩原兼一. 検索質問に含まれる単語と適合文書内の単語の距離に着目した適合フィードバックの改善.電子情報通信学会第15回データ工学ワークショップ (DEWS2004)論文集. 2004年3月.
伊藤克亘, 藤井敦. NTCIR3ワークショップにおける音声入力型ウェブ検索タスク. 音声言語情報処理研究報告. 2002-SLP-43. 2002年10月25日. pp.25-32.
Kando,N. Overview of the Third NTCIR Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartI:Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p.1-16
Harman,D. QA at TREC and Summarization at Duc. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartI:Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p17-19.
Shinghal,A. Web IR Research: Can we do without the data?. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartI:Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p.21
Iwayama,M., Fujii,A., Kando,N., Takano,A. Overview of Patent Retrieval Task at NTCIR-3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p67-76.
Fukumoto,J., Kato,T., MASUI,F. Question Answering Challenge (QAC-1) Question answering evaluation at NTCIR Workshop 3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p77-86.
FUKUSIMA,T., OKUMURA,M., NANBA,H. Text summarization Challenge 2 Text summarization evaluation at NTCIR Workshop3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p87-91
Eguchi,K., Oyama,K., Ishida,E., Kando,N., Kuriyama,K. Overview of Web Retrieval Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p93-116.
Chen,K H., Chen,H H., Kando,N., Kuriyama,K., Lee,S., Myaeng,S H., Kishida,K., Eguchi,K., Kim,H. Overview of CLIR Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p.23-60. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan.October 2002. p1-38.
Lee,S., Myaeng,S H., Kim,H., Seo,J H. Lee,B., Cho,S. Characteristics of the Korean Test Collection for CLIR in NTCIR-3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartI: Overview. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p.61-65. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p39-43.
Kwok,K L. Chinese, Cross Language Retrieval Experiments Using PIRCS. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p45-50.
Sakai,T., Koyama,M., Suzuki,M., Manabe,T. Toshiba KIDS at NTCIR-3: Japanese and English-Japanese IR. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p51-58.
Moulinier,I. Molina-Salgado,H. Jackson,P. Thomson Legal and Regulatory at NTCIR-3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p59-65.
Tomlinson,S. Asian Language Parsing Evaluated by Hummingbird SearchServer at NTCIR-3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p1-38.
Seo,H C., Kim,S B., Kim,B I., Rim,H C., Lee,S Z. KUNLP System for NTCIR-3 English-Korean Cross-Language Information Retrieval. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p73-79.
Takeda,Y., Umemura,K., Yamamoto, E. Deciding Indexing Strings with Statistical Analysis., Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p79-85.
Murata,M., Ma,Q., Isahara,H. Applying Multiple Characteristics and Techniques to Obtain High Levels of Performance in Information Retrieval. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p87-92.
Luk,R W P., Wong,K F., Kwok,K L. Different Retrieval Models and Hybrid Term Indexing. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p93-100.
Lin,W C., Chen,H H. NTU at NTCIR3 MLIR Task. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p101-105.
He,H., Gao,J. NTCIR-3 CLIR Experiments at MSRA. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p107-113.
Yang.Y., Ma,N. CMU in Cross-Language Information Retrieval at NTCIR-3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p115-119.
Zhang,J., Sun,Le., Qu,W., Lin,D., Sun,Y., Fan,Y., Lin,Z. ISCAS at NTCIR3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p121-127.
Fujii,A., Ishikawa,T. NTCIR-3 Cross-Language IR Experiments at ULIS. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p128-132.
Donghong,J., Lingpeng,Y., Yu,N. Chinese Language IR based on Term Extraction. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p133-135.
Juang,D H., Tseng,Y H. Uniform Indexing and Retrieval Scheme for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p137-141.
McNamee,P. Knowledge-light Asian Language Text Retrieval at the NTCIR-3 Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p143-148.
Sato,T., Han,K. NTCIR-3 CLIR Experiments at Osaka Kyoiku University: Comparison of Gram-based Indices. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p149-151.
Kluev,V. OASIS at NTCIR-3: Monolingual IR Task. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p153-158.
Huang,X., Peng,F., Schuurmans,D., Cercone,N. Waterloo at NTCIR-3: Using Self-supervised Word Segmentation. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p159-163.
Lee,C., Lee,S. Lee,G G. POSNIR: Probabilistic Natural Language Information Retrieval System. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p165-171.
Chen,A., Gey,F C. Experiments on Cross-language and Patent Retrieval at NTCIR-3 Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p173-182.
Jang,M G., Kim,P., Jin,Y., Cho,S H., Myaeng,S H. Simple Query Translation Methods for Korean-English and Korean-Chinese CLIR in NTCIR Experiments. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting PartII: Cross Lingal Information Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p183-188.
ITOH, H., MANO, H., OGAWA, Y. Term Distillation for Cross-DB Retrieval. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p11-14
KISHIDA,K., Experiment on Pseudo Relevance Feedback Method Using Taylor Formula at NTCIR-3 Patent Retrieval Task. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p.
SATO,T., SATOMOTO,T., HAN,K. NTCIR-3 PAT Experiments at Osaka Kyoiku University -- Long Gram-based Index and Essential Words --Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p21-24
Nakatani,Y., Takada,K., Isoda,M., Okumura,M., Iwayama,M., Marukawa,Y., Shinmori,A. NTT DTEC at Patent Retrieval Task. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p25-31.
Niwa,Y., Hisamitsu,T., Nishioka,S., Imaichi,O., Fujio,M. Patent Search: A Case Study of Cross-DB Associative Search. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p33-39.
Fujii,A., Ishikawa,T. NTCIR-3 Patent Retrieval Experiments at ULIS. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p41-46.
Chen,A., Gey,F C. Experiments on Cross-language and Patent Retrieval at NTCIR-3 Workshop. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p47-56.
Sahlgren,M., Hansen,P., Karlgren,J. English-Japanese Cross-lingual Query Expansion Using Random Indexing of Aligned Bilingual Text Data. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p57-60.
Murata,M., Isahara,H. Using the Diff Command in Patent Documents. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p61-68
SHINMORI,A., OKUMURA,M., MARUKAWA,Y. IWAYAMA,M. Rhetorical Structure Analysis of Japanese Patent Claims using Cue Phrases. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIII Patent Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p69-76
Akiba,T., Itou,K., Fujii,A., Ishikawa,T. Towards Speech-Driven Question Answering: Experiments Using the NTCIR-3 Question Answering Collection. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p11-15 p11-15
IKENO,A., OHNUMA,H. Oki QA System for QAC-1. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p17-20
Kawahara,D., Kaji,N., Kurohashi,S. Question and Answering System based on Predicate-Argument Matching. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p21-24
KAWATA,K., SAKAI,H., MASUYAMA,S. A question and answering system using newspaper corpus as a knowledge source. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p25-29
Lee,S., Geunbae,G G. Lee. SiteQ/J: A Question Answering System for Japanese. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p31-38
MORI,T., OHTA,T., FUJIHATA,K., KUMON,R. A* Search Algorithm for Question Answering. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p39-46
Murata,M., Utiyama,M., Isahara,H. A Question-Answering System Using Unit Estimation and Probabilistic Near-Terms IR. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p47-54
NOMOTO,M., SATO,M., SUZUKI,H. NTCIR-3 QAC Experiments at Matsushita. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p55-62
Sasaki,Y., Isozaki,H., Hirao,T., Kokuryou,K., Maeda,E. NTT's QA System for NTCIR QAC-1. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p63-70
SEKI,Y. Answer Extraction System by Question Type from Query-Biased Summary for Newspaper Articles. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p71-77
SEKINE,S., SUDO,K., SHINYAMA,Y., NOBATA,C., UCHIMOTO,K., ISAHARA,H. NYU/CRL QA system, QAC question analysis and CRL QA data. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p79-85
TAKAHASHI,T., NAWATA,K., KOUDA,S., INUI,K. Seeking Answers by Structural Matching and Paraphrasing. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p87-94
Takaki,T., Eriguchi,Y. NTT DATA Question-Answering Experiment at the NTCIR-3 QAC. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p95-100
TOMOIKE,T., KAWACHI,T., THAWONMAS,R., SAKAMOTO,A. Article Retrieval and Answer Extraction Exploiting Characteristics in Newspaper Articles for the QAC Task2. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p101-105
MASUI,F., MIYAGUCHI,M. Mie Univ. QA system for QAC-1.Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p107-111
FUKUMOTO,J., ENDO,T., NIWA,T. RitsQA: Ritsumeikan question answering system used for QAC-1.Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. PartIV: Question Answering Challenge. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p113-116
FUKUSIMA,T., OKUMURA,M., NANBA,H. Text summarization Challenge 2 Text summarization evaluation at NTCIR Workshop3. Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p1-5
FUKUMOTO, J. Text summarization based on itemized sentences and similar parts detection between documents Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p7-12
HIRAO,T., TAKEUCHI, K., ISOZAKI,H., SASAKI,Y., MAEDA, E. NTT/NAIST's Text Summarization Systems for TSC-2 Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p13-18
ISHIKAWA, K., ANDO, S., DOI, S., OKUMURA, A. Trainable Automatic Text Summarization Using Segmentation of Sentence Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p19-24
MORI, T., SASAKI, T. Information Gain Ratio meets Maximal Marginal Relevance - A method of Summarization for Multiple Documents - Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p25-32
NOBATA, C., SEKINE, S., UCHIMOTO, K. ISAHARA, H. TOMOBE, H., ISHIZUKA, M. A summarization system with categorization of document sets Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p33-38
OKAZAKI, N., MATSUO, Y., MATSUMURA, N., Two Different Summarization Method at NTCIR3-TSC2: Coverage Oriented and Focus Oriented Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p39-46
SAKAI, H., MASUYAMA, S. Unsupervised Acquisition of knowledge about the abbreviation possibility of some of multiple phrases modifying the same verb/noun Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p47-54
SEKI, Y. Sentence Extraction by tf/idf and Position Weighting from Query-Biased Summary for Newspaper Articles Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part V: Text Summarization Challenge2. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p55-59
Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K. Overview of Web Retrieval Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p1-24
KAWAI, H., AKAMINE, S., MATSUDA, K., FUKUSHIMA, T. Evaluation of Web Retrieval Methods Using Anchor Text Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p25-29
TOYODA, M., KITSUREGAWA, M., MANO, H., ITOH, H., OGAWA, Y. University of Tokyo/RICOH at NTCIR-3 Web Retrieval Task Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p31-38
OZAKU, H.i., UTIYAMA, M., ISAHARA, H., KONO, Y., KIDODE, M. Study of Merging with Multiple Results of Information Retrieval System Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p39-46
Kluev, V. Web Search Experiments Using OASIS Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p47-49
SATO, T., KYO, Y., KOBATA, K. WEB Experiments at Osaka Kyoiku University -- Towards Index Patitioning and Parallel Retrieval -- Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p51-54
Fujii, A., Itou, K. Evaluating Speech-Driven IR in the NTCIR-3 Web Retrieval Task Working notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting. Part VI: Web Retrieval Task. Tokyo. Japan. October 2002. p55-61
Okazaki,N., Mastuo Y., Mastumura, N., Ishizuka, M., Sentence Extraction by Spreading Activation with Refined Similarity Measure. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, submitting.
Okazaki,N., Mastuo Y., Mastumura, N., Tomobe., H, Ishizuka, M., Extracting Characteristic Sentences from Related Documents. In Proc. of 6th Int'l Conf. on Knowledge-based Intelliegnt Information Engineering Systems andApplied Technologies(KES2002) , IOS Press/Ohmsha (ISSN:0922-6389), Crema, Italy, pp.1257-1261, (2002.9)
Okazaki,N., Mastuo Y., Mastumura, N., Ishizuka, M., Sentence Extraction by Spreading Activation with Refined Similarity Measure. The 16th International FLAIRS Conference, to appear in May 2003.
岡崎直観、松尾豊 石塚満 複数文書からのテキスト断片抽出法 第一回情報科学技術フォーラム、No. E-2 東京工業大学(2002)(FIT2002)
岡崎直観,松尾豊,石塚満. 関連する複数新聞記事からの重要文抽出法. 第3回AI若手の集い MYCOM2002,(2002.7).
伊藤克亘, 藤井敦. NTCIR-3 ワークショップにおける音声入力型ウェブ検索タスク 音声言語情報処理研究報告. 2002-SLP-43. 2002年10月25日. pp.25-32.
藤井 敦. 音声による言語バリアフリーな他言語情報アクセス. 電子情報通信学会 信学技報. NLC 2002-76. SP2002-153(2002-12). p.31-36.
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