Selected works are listed below.
For a complete list, see CV or researchmap.
M. Kishida and M. Nagahara, “Risk-aware maximum hands-off control using worst-case conditional
value-at-risk,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023 (to appear)
M. Kishida,“Greedy synthesis of event- and self-triggered controls with control Lyapunov-barrier
function,” Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023 (to appear)
M. Kishida and A. Cetinkaya,“Risk-aware linear quadratic control using conditional value-at-risk,”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, pp.416-423, 2023
K. Hashimoto, A. Saoud, M. Kishida, T. Ushio, D. V. Dimarogonas, “Learning-based symbolic abstractions for nonlinear control systems,” Automatica pp.110646, 2022
M. Kishida and M. Ogura, “Temporal deep unfolding for constrained nonlinear stochastic optimal
control,” IET Control Theory & Applications, vol.16, pp. 139-150, 2022.
A. Cetinkaya and M. Kishida, “Impossibility results for constrained control of stochastic systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.66, pp. 5974-5981, 2021.
A. Cetinkaya and M. Kishida, “Instabilizability conditions for continuous-time stochastic systems under control input constraints,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol.6, pp. 1430-1435, 2021.
K. Hashimoto, M. Kishida, Y. Yoshimura, T. Ushio, A Bayesian optimization approach to decentralized event-triggered control,
IEICE E104-A(2) 2021.
M. Kishida, M. Ogura, Y. Yoshida, and T. Wadayama, Deep learning-based average consensus, IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.142404-142412, 2020.
M. Ogura, M. Kishida, and J. Lam, Geometric programming for optimal positive linear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, pp.4648 - 4663, 2020.
S.Kawamura, K. Cai, and M.Kishida, Distributed output regulation of heterogeneous uncertain linear agents, Automatica, vol. 119, 109094, 2020.
C. Zhao, M. Ogura, M. Kishida, A. Yassine, Optimal resource allocation for dynamic product development process via convex optimization, Research in Engineering Design, 2020.
K. Hashimoto, A. Saoud, M. Kishida, T. Ushio and D. V. Dimarogonas, A symbolic approach to the self-triggered design for networked control systems, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 3, pp. 1050-1055, 2019.
M. Ogura, J. Harada, M. Kishida, and A. Yassine, Resource optimization of product development projects with time-varying dependency structure, Research in Engineering Design, vol. 30, pp. 435-452, 2019.
M. Kishida, Event-triggered control with self-triggered sampling for discrete-time uncertain systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, pp. 1273-1279, 2019.
M. Kishida, Encrypted control system with quantizer, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 13, pp. 146-151, 2019.