Talks and Seminars
Invited Lecture, “A Reinforcement Learning Framework for User-to-Access Points Association in Future Wireless Networks”, IEICE Radio Communications Conference, Yokosuka Research Park, Yokosuka, Japan, 8th March 2019
“将来の無線アクセスネットワーク~今のままでは周波数が足りない!~”, NII市民講座「情報学最前線, 2018年10月24日
Radio Resource Allocation and Interference Management for 5G Cloud/Fog Radio Access Networks, Invited Talk at LIP6 (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6), Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 22nd June 2018
Special Invited Talk, “Radio Resource Allocation and Interference Management for Cloud-Assisted Radio Access Networks”, IEICE Communications Quality Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, 20th April 2018 [特別招待講演] “クラウド技術を活用した無線アクセスネットワークのための無線資源割り当てについて”, 電子情報通信学会コミュニケーションクオリティ研究会(CQ研), 2018年4月20日
グラフ信号処理を用いたエネルギーハーベスティング 無線センサーネットワークのための信号復元法 - Graph-based Signal Restoration for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, 東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究「IoT 時代におけるスマートスペクトラムとその応用」研究会 東北大学 2017年12月26日 Seminar at Tohoku University, 26th December 2017
Spectrum and Energy Efficient Wireless Communications for Future 5G/IoT Systems , Invited seminar at LIMOS, University Clermont-Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 16th November 2017
Optimizing Radio Resource Utilization and Exploiting Interference in Future Wireless Access Networks , HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) Defense at LRI, Paris-Saclay/Paris-Sud University, 29th May 2017
Prediction-based Radio Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks , Invited Talk at Labex/Digicosme Seminar on Future Access Networks at LRI, Paris-Sud University, 10th May 2017
Future Wireless Access Networks , Invited Tutorial (3 hours) at Digicosme Spring School (2-5 May 2017 at Paris-Saclay CNRS Castle, Gif-sur-Yvette), 3rd May 2017
“パリ・オールボー・京都で学んで - What I learned from studying in Paris, Aalborg and Kyoto”, 新潟大学 情報工学科 招待講演 〜海外勤務経験者による特別セミナー〜, 2016年12月19日 Invited Lecture at Niigata University, 19th December 2016
“Radio Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks”, Invited Talk at MathWorks Asia Research Summit, Tokyo, Japan, 1st October 2016
“Distributed Resource Allocation with Local CSI Overhearing and Scheduling Prediction for OFDMA Heterogeneous Networks”, Invited Talk at the Center for Wireless Communication and Signal Processing Research (CWCSPR) at New Jersey Institute of Technology, 27th July 2015
Distributed Resource Allocation Schemes based on CSI overhearing and scheduling prediction in OFDMA Heterogeneous Networks, Invited Talk at Labex/DigiCosme Research Day in Supelec, Orsay, France, 23rd March 2015
Compressed Sensing based Protocol for Interfering Data Recovery in Wireless Multi-Hop Sensor Networks, Invited Lecture at Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 20th March 2014
Interference Mitigation based on Partial CSI Feedback and Overhearing in an OFDMA Heterogeneous System, Sino-Japan Future Forum Workshop on the Next Generation Mobile Communication Technologies and Applications, Guiyang, China, 31st July 2013
Superposition Coding in Wireless Relay Systems , 京都大学情報学研究科 通信情報システム専攻2012年度第7回談話会で講演, 2012年12月21日 Invited Lecture at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, 21st December 2012
Contention-based Uplink CSI Feedback with Variable Collision Protection for a Cellular Multi-Carrier System, Invited Lecture at ETIS-ENSEA, Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France, 12th June 2012
Contention-based Uplink CSI Feedback with Variable Collision Protection for a Cellular Multi-Carrier System, Invited Lecture at Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 11th June 2012
Compressed Sensing for Wireless Communication Systems - Applications in Multi-hop Sensor Networks, Invited Lecture in the Workshop on “Advances in Wireless Communication Systems”, Aalborg University, Denmark, 27th February 2012
Superposition Coding for Multi-User Wireless Relay Systems, Invited Lecture in the GCOE Wireless Signal Processing & Networking Workshop: Recent Advances in Wireless Communications Techniques, Tohoku University, 2nd November 2011
マルチユーザ無線リレーシステムのためのSuperposition Coding法, 電子情報通信学会 アドホックネットワーク研究会(AN) 若手招待講演, 2011年7月15日 “Superposition Coding for Multi-User Wireless Relay Systems”, Invited Lecture in the IEICE Workshop in Ad-Hoc Networks, Kyoto University, 15th July 2011
Radio Resource Allocation and Scheduling in the Next Generation Wireless Communication System, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学ゼミナールI 招待講演, 2010年7月5日 Invited Lecture in Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, 5th July 2010
“Quality Dependent Variable Collision Protection Scheme for OFDMA CSI Feedback”, Invited Talk in The 52nd Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, Osaka, Japan, 21st November 2009
“Radio Resource Allocation Algorithms for Wireless Multi-Carrier Relayed Systems”, Seminar in Microsoft Science Cafe, Kyoto University, Japan, 6th November 6 2009
“Radio Resource Allocation Algorithms for Wireless Multi-Carrier Relayed Systems”, Seminar in Informatics Young Colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 22nd October 2009
“Cross-layer optimized design of wireless systems”, Invited Lecture in Aalborg University, Denmark, January 2008