Megumi Kaneko

Overview of Research Topics

With the exponential growth of the amount of IoT mobile data, and given the severe lack of spectrum, current wireless systems are unable to support the demands of future applications. One of the major challenges for next-generation wireless networks (Beyond 5G, 6G, WLAN, IoT, etc.) is to jointly achieve diverse requirements (high data rate, low latency, high reliability, massive connectivity) with low power consumption. In addition, future wireless communications will not only be terrestrial, but will integrate air, space, sea, underwater, providing 3D wide area coverage including isolated areas.

Our laboratory is conducting research on the design of future wireless communication systems and networks, for improving spectrum and energy efficiency. We are focusing on low power and smart wireless communication systems, aiming at supporting a sustainable digital society.

Here’s a general presentation of the recent research topics conducted in our lab.

Fig. 1: Overview of recent research topics.

  1. Wireless access methods for lower power and massive IoT connectivity: we designed low power wireless access methods that achieved high network performances even under severe interferences.
  2. Wireless networks exploiting advanced wireless technologies such as RIS (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface) or THz: we developed a joint optimization method for user selection and beamforming for THz band.
  3. Exploiting AI and machine learning for optimizing wireless communications: we proposed distributed mobile communication methods exploiting risk-averse reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning, tailored to complex mobile environments.

As our laboratory members are international, our group discussions are conducted in English.

We have strong collaborations with international entities (ex. CNRS, Paris-Saclay Univ.) and companies (ex. NTT). Motivated students will be able to conduct joint research with companies or to study abroad at overseas institutes.

Fig. 2: Overview of our ANR/JST Edge AI LIGHT-SWIFT Project (PI Japanese side: Prof. Megumi Kaneko (NII), PI French side: Prof. Olivier Berder(CNRS IRISA, University of Rennes)).

Current Lab Members

Research Collaborators (including regular lab visitors)

Lab Visitors

Past Lab Members