Bibliograpy of Kando Noriko
Awards and Honors
Invited Talks & Panel
Review, Special Issues, Progress
Oral Presentation
Seminar Talk
Special Issue/ Guest Editors
- 2001-present: Committee on Evaluation of Databases
- 2000-present: ISO/TC46 Japanese Committee, Board Member,
- 2000-present: Committee for GIS Clearing Systems
- 1998-1999: Committee on Governmental Information Processing System for
Health, Welfare
- 1995-present: ISO/TC37 Japanese Committee
- 1994-present: Database Standardization Committee, Japan Electronic Industry
Development Association (Preparing Draft Japanese Industrial Standards
corresponding to the International Standards from ISO/TC46)
Research Papers (Journals, International Conferences, etc.):
- Rubin, V. L., Kando, N., Liddy, E. D. "Certainty categorization model”,
In Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect
in Text: Theories and Applications, Stanford, CA, USA, March 2004 (to appear).
- Seki, Y., Eguchi, K., Kando, N. "Analysis of multi-document viewpoint summarization using multi-dimensional genres” [poster], In Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications, Stanford, CA, USA, March 2004 (to appear)
- Seki, Y., Eguchi, K., Kando, N. "Compact Summarization for Mobile Phones", In Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access, Springer-Verlag, Jan 2004, pp. 172-186 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol.2954)
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K. "Evaluation
methods for web retrieval tasks considering hyperlink structure'', IEICE
Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E86-D, No.9, pp.1804-1813,
Sep. 2003.
- Kando, N. "Evaluation of information access technologies at NTCIR Workshop", In Results of the CLEF 2003 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign. Working Notes for the CLEF 2003 Workshop, August 2003, Tronheim, Norway, pp. 445-454 (revised version will be appeared in the Springer Verlag's Lecture Note in Computer Science) (Invited).
- Kishida, K., Kando, N. "Two stages refinement of query translation
for pivot language approach to cross-lingual information retrieval: a trial
at CLEF 2003", In Results of the CLEF 2003 Cross-Language System Evaluation
Campaign. Working Notes for the CLEF 2003 Workshop, August 2003, Tronheim,
Norway, pp. 129-136 (revised version will be appeared in the Springer Verlag's
Lecture Note in Computer Science)
- Iwayama, M., Fujii, A., Kando, N., Marukawa, Y. "An empirical study
on retrieval models for different document genres: Patents and newspaper
articles", In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International ACM-SIGIR
Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR
2003), July 28-Aug. 1, 2003, Tronto, Canada, pp. 251-258
- Iwayama, M., Fujii, A., Kando, N., Takano, A., "Overview of Patent
Retrieval task at NTCIR-3", In Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop
on Patent Corpus Processing, July 12, 2003, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K. "System
evaluation methods for web retrieval tasks considering hyperlink structure'',
[poster] In. the Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference
(WWW2003), No.poster-344, Budapest, Hungary, May 2003
- Chen, K.H., Chen, H.H., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Lee, S.H., Myaeng, S.H.,
Kishida, K., Eguchi, K., Kim, H. "Overview of CLIR task at the third
NTCIR Workshop", In Working Notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting,
Part 1: Overview, Tokyo, Japan, October 8-10, 2002, pp.23-60.
- Iwayama, M., Fujii, A., Takano, A., Kando, N. "Overview of patent
retrieval task at NTCIR-3", In Working Notes of the Third NTCIR Workshop
Meeting, Part 1: Overview, Tokyo, Japan, October 8-10, 2002, pp67-76
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, K., Kuriyama, K. "Overview
of Web retrieval task at the third NTCIR Workshop", In Working Notes
of the Third NTCIR Workshop Meeting, Part 1: Overview, Tokyo, Japan, October
8-10, 2002, pp.93-105
- Kando, N. "CLIR at NTCIR Workshop 3: Cross-Language and Cross-Genre
Retrieval", In Proceedings of 3rd Cross-Language Evaluation Forum
(CLEF2002), Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-20, 2002, Springer Verlag, 2003, (Lecture
Note in Computer Science) (extended version of the above) (to appear) (Invited)
- Kando, N. "Cross-culture and cross-genre information retrieval: Challenges
in CLIR Evaluation at the third NTCIR Workshop", In Results of the
CLEF 2002 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign. Working Notes for
the CLEF 2002 Workshop, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-20, 2002, pp. 385-394 (Invited)
- Seki, Y., Kando, N. "Dynamic document generation based on tf/idf weighting",
In Proceedings of 25th ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Mobile Personal Information
Retrieval, Tampere, Finland, Aug.15, 2002, pp.57-63.
- Kando, N. "Evaluation -- the way ahead: A case of the NTCIR",
In Proceedings of 25th ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Cross Language Information
Retrieval: A Research Roadmap, Tampere, Finland, Aug.15, 2002, pp. 72-77.
- Gey, F., Kando, N., Peters, C. "Cross-language information retrieval:
A research roadmap". SIGIR Forum, Vol. 36, No., 2, 2002
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "The web
retrieval task and its evaluation in the third NTCIR Workshop", [poster]
In Proceedings of the 25th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2002), Aug. 11-15,
2002, Tampere, Finland, pp. 375-376.
- Kando, N. "Evaluation of information access technologies", In
Proceedings of the 4th DELOS Workshop on Evaluation of Digital Libraries,
June 6-8, 2002, Budapest, Hungary (to appear) (Invited)
- Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Sensitivity of IR systems Evaluation
to Topic Difficulty",[poster] In the proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Canary Island, Spain,May
29-31, 2002 (to appear)
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kuriyama, K., Kando, K. "Evaluation
Design of Web Retrieval Task in the Third NTCIR Workshop", [Poster],
The 11th International World Wide Web Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
May 7-11, 2002.(to appear)
- Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N. "Construction of a Large Scale
Test Collection NTCIR-2: The Effect of Additional Internactive Search and
Cross-Lingual Pooling", IPSJ Transactions on Databases, Vol.43, No.
SIG2 (TOD13), pp.48-59, March 2002.(in Japanese)
- Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Evaluation of Text Retrieval
Systems Considering Topic Difficulty", IPSJ Transactions on Databases,
Vol.43, No. SIG2 (TOD13), pp.60-68, March 2000. (in Japanese)
- Nanba, H., Kando, N., Okumura, M. "Classification of Research Papers
Using Citation Links and Citation Types : Towards Automatic Review Article
Generation", Advances in Classification Research, Vol.11 (to appear)
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Pooling for a large-scale test collection
: An analysis of the search results from the first NTCIR Workshop."
Information Retrieval, Vol.5, No.1, pp.41-59, January 2002.
- Nanba, H., Kando, N., Okumura, M. "Classification of Research Papers
Using Citation Links and Citation Types", IPSJ Journal, Vol.42, No.11,
pp.2640-2649, 2001 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Adachi, J. "NTCIR Workshop; Data collection-based evaluation
of information retrieval and its challenges ". Proceedings of the
2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and
Practice, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 13-16, 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press,
pp.67-74, 2001
- Kando, N. "NTCIR Workshop: Japanese- and Chinese-English cross-lingual
information retrieval and multi-grade relevance judgments ". In. Cross-Language
Information Retrieval and Evaluation : Proceedings of the Cross-Language
Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2000, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept., 2000, Revised papers
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2069), Springer, pp.24-33, 2001
- Kando, N. "Overview of the Second NTCIR Workshop". In Proceedings
of the Second NTCIR Workshop on Research in Chinese & Japanese Text
Retrieval and Text Summarization, Tokyo, Japan, May 2000-March 2001, pp.
35-43, 2001
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M. "Overview of Japanese and English
Information Retrieval Tasks (JEIR) at the Second NTCIR Workshop",
. In Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop on Research in Chinese &
Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization, Tokyo, Japan, May 2000-March
2001, pp.73-96, 2001.
- Yoshioka, M., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Analysis of the usage of Japanese
segmented texts in NTCIR Workshop 2", In Proceedings of the Second
NTCIR Workshop on Research in Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and
Text Summarization., Tokyo, Japan, May 2000-March 2001, pp.291-296, 2001.
- Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N. "The effect of cross-lingual
pooling on evaluation", In Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop
on Research in Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization.,
Tokyo, Japan, May 2000-March 2001, pp.297-310, 2001
- Oyama, K., Kageura, K., Kando, N., Kimura, M., Maruyama, K., Yoshioka,
M., Takahashi, K. "Development of an Information Retrieval System
suitable for Large-Scale Scholarly Databases" Journal of EIC D-1,
Vol.J84-D-I,No.6,pp.658-670, 2001 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. "Overview of the Second NTCIR Workshop". In Proceedings
of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese
Text Retrieval and Text Summarization., Tokyo, Japan, March 7-9, 2001,
pp. 4-1 - 4-9.
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M. "Overview of Japanese and English
Information Retrieval Tasks (JEIR) at the Second NTCIR Workshop",
. In Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of
Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization., Tokyo, Japan,
March 7-9, 2001, pp. 4-37 - 4-60.
- Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N. "The effect of cross-lingual
pooling on evaluation", In Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop
Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text
Summarization., Tokyo, Japan, March 7-9, 2001, p. 5-190 - 5-204.
- Yoshioka, M., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Analysis of the usage of Japanese
segmented texts in NTCIR Workshop 2", In Proceedings of the Second
NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval
and Text Summarization., Tokyo, Japan, March 7-9, 2001, p.5-184 - 5-189.
- Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Analysis of the topic difficulty
for NTCIR (NACSIS Test Collection for information Retrieval Systems)".
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries,
Seoul, Korea, December, 2000,p.231-238.
- Kando, N., Leong, M-K. (ed) "Patent Retrieval : Proceedings of the
ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Patent Retrieval" Athens, Greece, July 28, 2000.
- Nanba, H.; Kando, N.; Okumura, M. Classification of Research Papers using
Citation Links and Citation Types: Towards Automatic Review Article Generation.
the 12th American Society for Information Science SIG/CR Workshop, Chicago,
IL, U.S.A, Nov.12, 2000, p.117-134.
- Kando, N. "What shall we evaluate? Preliminary discussion for the
NTCIR Patent IR Challenge based on the brainstorming with the specialized
intermediaries in patent searching and patent attorneys" ACM-SIGIR
Workshop on Patent Retrieval, Athens, Greece, July 28, 2000, p.37-42.
- Kageura, K., Fukushima, T., Kando, N., Okumura, M., Sekine, S.,Kuriyama,
K., Takeuchi, K., Yoshioka, M., Koyama, T. and Isahara, H. "IR/IE/Summarisation
Evaluation Projects in Japan." Proceedings of LREC 2000 Workshop on
Using Evaluation within HLT Programs, Athens, Greece, May, 2000, p. 19-22
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K. “Pooling for a large-scale
test collection: Analysis of the search results for the NTCIR-1 Workshop”.
Research Bulletin of the National Center for Science Information Systems.
Vol.12, March, 2000, p.17-30. (in Japanese)
- Oyama, K., Kando, N., Satoh, S., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. “Development of
an online journal editing and publishing system”. Research Bulletin of
the National Center for Science Information Systems. Vol.12, Mar. 2000,
p.111-120. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. "Information retrieval system using text-level structure
of documents". In Proceedings of First International Symposium on
Advanced Informatics. Tokyo, Japan, March 9-10, 2000, p.119- 126.
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Kato, H., Hidaka, S., Oyama,
K. "NTCIR: Construction of a large-scale test collection for IR systems".
In Proceedings of First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics.
Tokyo, Japan, March 9-10, 2000, p.111-118.
- Aizawa, A., Kageura, K., Kando, N., Tsuji, K. "Automatically Extracting
Synonymous Relationship of Technical Terms using a Graph-based Method".
In Proceedings of First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics.
Tokyo, Japan, March 9-10, 2000, p.59- 62.
- Sakai, T., Kitani, T., Ogawa, Y., Ishikawa, T., Kimoto, H., Keshi, I.,
Toyoura, J., Fukushima, T., Matsui, K., Ueda, Y., Tokunaga, T., Tsuruoka,
H., Nakawatase, H., Agata, T., Kando, N. "BMIR-J2: A test collection
for evaluation of Japanese information retrieval systems". SIGIR-Forum.
Vol.33, No.1, p.13-17, December, 1999
- Kando, N. "The NTCIR Workshop". presented at the 8th Text Retrieval
Conference. Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 16-19, 1999.
- Kando, N. "Text structure analysis as a tool to make retrieved documents
usable". In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Information
Retrieval with Asian Languages. Taipei, Taiwan, November 11-12, 1999, p.126-135.
- Oyama, K., Kando, N., Satoh, S. "Construction of a distributed online
journal editing system". In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium
on Digital Libraries. Tsukuba, September 28-29, 1999, p.74-81.
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. "Overview
of IR tasks at the First NTCIR Workshop". In Proceedings of the First
NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition.
Tokyo, Japan, August30-31, 1999, p. 11-44.
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T. "NACSIS Test Collection Workshop
(NTCIR-1) [poster]". In Proceedings of the 22nd annual international
ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
Berkeley. CA, USA, August 15-19, 1999, p.299-300.
- Kando, N.. "NTCIR Project" Research Bulletin of the National
Center for Science Information Systems. Vol.11, March, 1999, p.1-18,
- Kando, N., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Oyama, K. "Phrase processing
methods for Japanese text retrieval". SIGIR-Forum. Vol.32, No.2, p.23-28,
December, 1998.
- Kando, N., Aizawa, A. "Cross-lingual information retrieval using automatically
generated multilingual keyword clusters". Proceedings of the 3rd International
Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages. Singapore, Singapore.
October 15-16, 1998, p.86-94.
- Aizawa, A., Kando, N., Kageura, K. "A graph-based method for automatic
generation of multilingual keyword clusters and its applications".
International Joint Workshop on Digital Library '98. Bangkok, Thailand,
September, 1998, p.94-103.
- Kando, N., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Oyama, K. "Phrase processing
methods for Japanese text retrieval". ACM-SIGIR '98 Workshop on Information
Retrieval: Theory into Practice. Melbourne, Australia, August 28, 1998,
- Kando, N., Koyama, T., Oyama, K., Kageura, K., Yoshioka, M., Nozue, T.,
Matsumura, A., Kuriyama, K. "NTCIR: NACSIS Test Collection Project".
[Poster]. The 20th Annual Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information
Retrieval Specialist Group. Autrans, France, March 25-27, 1998.
- Kando, N. "An approach for textual information retrieval, browsing,
and extraction using discourse-level structure ". [Poster]. The 20th
Annual Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval
Specialist Group. Autrans, France, March 25-27, 1998.
- Kando, N.; Kageura, K.; Yoshioka, M.; Oyama, K. (1998) "Phrase processing
methods for Japanese text retrieval". SIGIR Forum, Vol.32, No.2, p.23-28
- Kando, N. (1998) Comparison of Query Construction Methods using Text-Level
Structure : Role Analysis and Query Expansion Using Automatic Synonym Extraction.
Research Bulletin of the National Center for Science Information Systems.
No.10, p. 37-51 (Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N. "An approach for text information retrieval, browsing, and
extraction using discourse-level structure". [Poster]. In Proceedings
of the 20th annual international ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
in Information Retrieval. Philadelphia, PA, USA, July, 1997, p.388.
- Kando, N. "Text-level structure of research articles and its implication
for text-based information processing systems". In Proceedings of
the 19th British Computer Society Annual Colloquium on Information Retrieval
Research. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, April, 1997, p.68-81. In, Furner, J.;
Harper, D.J., eds. Information Retrieval Research. (Springer Electronic
Workshops in Computing, Series edited by C.J. van Rijsbergen), August,
- Kando. N. (1996) Text structure analysis based on human recognition : cases
of Japanese newspaper articles and English newspaper articles. Research
Bulletin of the National Center for Science Information Systems. No.8,
p. 107-129 (Japanese, with English abstract)
- Sugimoto, M.; Katayama, N.; Koshizuka, M.; Kando, N.; Takasu, A.; Adachi,
J. (1996) An Overview of Digital Library Researchs. Research Bulletin of
the National Center for Science Information Systems. No.8, p. 221-231 (Japanese,
with English abstract).
- Kando, N. "Information concept re-examined". International Forum
on Information and Documentation. Vol.19, No.2, p.20-25, 1995.
- Kando, N. (1995) Fulltext Database Search Using Functional Structure of
Document. Research Bulletin of the National Center for Science Information
Systems. No.7, p.29-47 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N. (1995) Structure of News Stories : As Relating to the Indexing
and Retrieval. Journal of Japan Indexers Association. Vol.19, No.1, p.1-17
(in Japanese)
- Kando, N. “Information concept re-examined". In Proceedings of the
47th FID (International Federation for Documentation) Annual Meeting. Tokyo,
Japan, October, 1994, p.15-19.
- Kando, N. (1994) Structure of Research Articles with Various Text Features.
IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) SIG Notes (94-FI-33). Vol.94,
No.37, p.17-22 (in Japanese, with English abstract) - Kando, N. (1994)
Structure Analysis of Information Media using the Categories : Re-examination
of the Criterion Based on Linguistic Consideration. Library and Information
Science, No.31, p.39-49 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N. (1994) Functional Structure Analysis of Research Articles Selected
from Three Specialities : Automatic Category Assignment. Library and Information
Science, No.31, p.25-38 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N. Functional Structure Analysis of the Research Articles and Its
Application : Extraction of State-Descriptive-Sentences from Articles on
Viral Hepatitis C and Automatic Category Assignment. Annals of Japan Society
of Library Science. Vol.40, No.2, p.49-61 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
Recieved Research Award, Japan Society of Library Science, 1995
- Ueda, S.; Kando, N.; Saito, Y.; Toda, S. (1994) Information Systems of
Learned Societies in Computer Network Environment. Annals of Japan Society
of Library Science. Vol.40, No.1, p.40-47 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kurata, K.; Kando, N. (1993) Indexing Process Concerning Indexer's Cognition
and Text Structure. Index & Bibliograph : Journal of Japan Indexers
Association. Vol.17, No.2, p.1-22 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1993) Some Aspects of the Structure of Informational Content
of the Information Media. Library and Information Science. No.30, p.1-19
(in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Ikeya, N.; Kando, N.; Koshizuka, M. (1992) A Framework for Subject Representation
: Based on a Theoretical Discussion on the Character- istics of the Fulltext
Database. Index & Bibliography : Journal of Japan Indexers Association.
Vol.16, No.3, p.15-28 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1992) Structure Analysis of Research Articles. IPSJ (In- formation
Processing Society of Japan) SIG Notes(92-FI-25). Vol.92, No.32, p.39-46
(in Japanese, with English abstract) Recieved Information Processing Society
of Japan Outstanding Research Award, 1994
- Kando, N. (1992) Standardization activities for Information dissemi- nation
: Standardization of Indexing and Indexes. Journal of Informa- tion Science
and Technology Association. Vol.42, No.5, p.428-434 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Ueda, S.; Doi, A. (1991) A Comparative Evaluation of Indexing
in Medical Online Databases. Library and Information Science. No.29, p.39-66
(in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N.; Nozue, M.; Harita, T.; Murakami, T.; Yatsu, M.; Ueda, S. (1991)
Structure of Information Retrieval Research : Tracking the Specialities
and Development of Research Using Co-citation Maps and Citation Diagrams.
Library and Information Science. No.29, p.39-66 (in Japanese, with English
- Kurata, K.; Kando, N.; Ueda, S. (1989) Opinion on Future of Univer- sity
Libraries : a Survey Report. Journal of College and University Libraries.
No.34, p.105-114 (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Tsuji, K.; Sakurai, K. (1989) Curricula in Medical Informatics
: Experience since 1985 at the Jikei University School of Medicine. Japan
Journal of Medical informatics. Vol.9, No.4, p.397-408 (in Japanese, with
English abstract)
- Kando, N.; Kishida, K.; Mushakoji, S.; Inagaki, K.; Higuchi, K.; Ueda,
S. (1988) A Comparative Evaluation of Thesauri Concerning "Conceptual
Representability" : Through an Indexing Experiment of the Documents
on Library and Information Science. Library and Information@Science. No.26,
p.103-114 (in Japanese, with English Abstract)
- Kishida, K.; Mushakoji, S.; Inagaki, K.; Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Higuchi,
K.; Ueda, S. (1988) A Comparative Evaluation of Thesauri : Performance
of "presentation of a body of knowledge". Journal of Information
Science and Technology Association. Vol.38, No.10, p.565-572 (in Japanese,
with English Abstract)
- Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Tsuji, K.; Sakurai, K. (1987) Survey on the Recognition
of Medical Informatics by Medical Students. Japan Journal of Medical informatics.
Vol.7, No. 4, p.385-400 (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Yamazaki, S.; Yamamoto, C.; Yamada, S.; Matsuyama (Kando), N. (1984) Rearrangement
of Reference Books for Better Use. Igaku Toshokan : Journal of the Japan
Medical Library Association. Vol.31, No.4, p.347-353 (in Japanese, with
English abstract)
- Matsuyama (Kando), N. (1983) The Role and Function of Detailman in Drug
Manufacturing Companies, As Relating to the Collecting and Relating of
Medical Information in Japan. Library and Information Science. No.21, p.131-148
(in Japanese, with English abstract) Recieved Mita Society for Library
and Information Science Award, 1984
Doctoral Dissertation
- Text Structure of Information Media. Keio University. July, 1995. (in Japanese)
Master Thesis
- Structure Analysis of Information Media Using Categories : Strutcure of
Resaerch Articles. Keio University, 1991, 227p. (in Japanese) -
- 1995 Japan Society of Librarianship, Research Award
- 1994 Information Processing Society of Japan Outstanding Research Award
in Honor of Dr.Yamashita
- 1984 Mita Society for Library and Information Science Award
- 1991 The Award Scholarship in Honor of Professor Kobayashi, Graduated summa
cum laude, Master-course, Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
Keio University
- 1983 The Award Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Robert L. Gitler, Graduated
summa cum laude, School of Library and Information Science, Keio University
- Kando, N. "Evaluation of QA and Summarization in the Cross-Lingual
Information Access Perspective". ACL 2003 Workshop on Workshop on
Multilingual Summarization and Question Answering -- Machine Learning and
Beyond, July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, (Invited)
- Kando, N. "Beyond Documents, Beyond Queries, and Beyond Heterogenity",
Symposium on Text Processing for Information Access", Suzuka, Feb
2003, (Special Lecture)
- Kando, N. "Evaluation of Information Retrieval and Cross-Lingual Information
Retrieval: History, Collaboration, and Implications", The 7th Korea
Science and Technology Infrastructure Workshop, Dec. 12-13, 2002, Taejon,
Korea (Invited)
- Kando, N. "Report from NTCIR Workshop 3", The 11th Text Retrieval
Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Nov.13-16, 2002. (Invited)
- Kando, N. "Relevance Re-Examined: In the Context of Information Retrieval
System Testing", International Symposium on the Logic of Real-World
Interaction (LoRWI 2002), Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 30-31, 2002.
- Kando, N., Chen, K.H. "Report from NTCIR Workshop 2: CLIR Systems
Evaluation" [oral & poster], The 10th Text Retreival Conference,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Nov.13-16, 2001.
- Kando, N. "CLIR system evaluation at NTCIR Workshops", In. Results
of the CLEF 2001 Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign : Working Notes
for the CLEF 2001 Workshop, Darmstadt, German, Sept 3-4, 2001, pp.243-252
- Kando, N. "NTCIR Workshop", The 9th Text Retrieval Conference,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Nov.13-16, 2000. .(Invited)
- Kando, N. "English-Japanese cross-lingual information retrieval of
scientific and technical information". Proceedigns of the 63th Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Information Science. Panel on Conquering
the Babel: Cross-language Information Retrieval on the Web, Chicago, IL,
U.S.A, Nov. 13-16, 2000, p.2-3.
- Kando, N.; Adachi, J. "NTCIR Workshop; Evaluation of Cross-Lingual
Information Retrieval and Its Challenges ". Proceedings of 2000 Kyoto
International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and Practice, Kyoto,
Japan, Nov. 13-16, 2000.
- Kando, N. "NTICR Workshop: Japanese Text Retrieval, parallel corpora,
technical terms, IR+NLP, and Users", The 5th International Workshop
on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages, [Panel on Evaluation of
IR with Asian Languages, Hong Kong, Sept. 30-Oct.1, 2000.
- Kando, N. "NTCIR Workshop: Japanese- and Chinese-English Cross-Lingual
Information Retrieval and Multi-grade Relevance Judgments ". Proceedings
of the first workshop of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum, ), Lisbon,
Portugal, Sept. 17-22, 2000
- "Way ahead on CLEF", Proceedings of the first workshop of the
Cross Language Evaluation Forum, Panel. (Springer Lecture Notes on Computer
Science) Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 17-22, 2000 (to appear)
- Kando, N. Evaluation of Japanese Text Retrieval Systems : NTCIR Workshop
and Test Collections. In Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the SIGMOD
Japan. Tokyo, April, 2000. (invited)
- Kando, N. "The NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation of Asian language information
retrieval". RIAO'2000: Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur
(Information Retrieval with Computer): Content-Based Multimedia Information
Access. Panel on IR Evaluation World Wide. Paris, France, April 12-14,
- Kando, N. "NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation of cross-lingual information
retrieval". In Proceeding of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference
of System Sciences. Forum on the Future of the Multilingual Digital Document
Management. Maui, HI, USA, January 3-7 2000, pp. DDMD02.
- Kando, N. Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K. Hidaka, S., Kato, H., Adachi,
J. "The NTCIR Workshop: The first evaluation workshop on Japanese
text retrieval and cross-lingual information retrieval". In Proceedings
of the 4th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages.
Taipei, Taiwan, November 11-12, 1999, p.INV-1 - INV-7.
- Kando, N. "Cross-lingual information access and its evaluation".
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Digital Libraries.
Tsukuba, September 28-29, 1999, p.58-65.
- Kando, N. "Cross-lingual information retrieval at NTCIR Workshop".
Presented at ACM Digital Libraries and ACM-SIGIR Joint Workshop on Multilingual
Information Discovery and Access. Panel on the Evaluation of the Cross-Language
Information Retrieval. Berkeley, CA, USA, August 15, 1999.
- Kando, N. "Toward real cross-lingual information discovery and access".
Presented at ACM Digital Libraries and ACM-SIGIR Joint Workshop on Multilingual
Information Discovery and Access. Panel on the Way Ahead of the MIDAS.
Berkeley, CA, USA, August 15, 1999.
- Kando, N. (organized). New perspective of IR: From test collection to search
engine. Open Panel at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Information Processing
Society of Japan. March, 1999. (in Japanese) [slides(Japanese only)]
- Kando, N. On evaluation of information retrieval systems: Aspects of test
collections and competitions (invited). In Proceedings of Informatics Symposium'99.
January, 1999,p.129-136.(in Japanese)
- Kando, N., Aizawa, A., Tsuji, K., Kageura, K., Kuriyama, K. "Cross-language
information retrieval and automatic construction of multilingual lexicons".
In Proceedings of 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information
Science. Panel on 'Cross-Language Applications and Large Scale Vocabularies'.
Pittsburgh, U.S.A, October 24-29, 1998, p.572.
- Kando, N. "Cross linguistic scholarly information transfer and database
services in Japan.", In Proceedings of 60th Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Information Science. Panel on Multilingual Databases.
Washington D.C., USA, November, 1997, p.386.
- Matsuyama (Kando), N. "Fitness Data System at Jikei Sport Medicine",
presetned at a Panel on 'Can IC-Cards Usable for Medice?", The 6th
Japan Association for Medical Informatics, Tokyo Nov 1986.
- Kando, N. "NTCIR and Its Background: Evaluation Workshop on Information
Access Technologies and Test Collections", Journal of the Japanese
Society for Artificial Interlligence, Vol.17, No.3, May 2002, p.296-300.
(in Japanese)
- Kando, N., Adachi, J.. Kishida, K., Kuriyama, K., Iwayama, M., Fujii, A.,
Takano, A., Fukumoto, J., Kato, T., Masui, F., Okumura, M., Fukushima,
T., Nanba, H., Eguchi, K., Oyama, K. "Research on Text Processing
Based on Evaluation Workshop" Journal of the Japanese Society for
Artificial Interlligence, Vol.17, No.3, May 2002, p.312-319. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N (editor). Special Features: Let's See What Your Systems Can Do,
Evaluating Information Retrieval Systems using Test Collections. IPSJ Magazine.
Vol. 41, no. 8, series no. 426. August, 2000, p.897-924.(in Japanese)
- Kando, N. Way Ahead of Information Retrieval Evaluation. IPSJ Magazine.
Vol. 41, no. 8, series no. 426. August, 2000, p.921-923. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. "Special Issue on Information Retrieval: Multilingual Information
Retrieval and Access" Humanities and Information Processing. No. 28,
July, 2000.
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Special Issue on Information Retrieval:Test
Collections for Information Retrieval Systems". Humanities and Information
Processing. No. 28, July, 2000. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. "Frontier: Information retrieval systems evaluation project:
NTCIR Workshop". IPSJ Magazine. Vol.41 No.6, June, 2000, p.689-697.(in
- Kando, N. "The first NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation forum on information
retrieval and automatic term recognition". NACSIS News. No.50, March,
2000, p.11-13. (in Japanese) [html]
- Kando, N. The first NTCIR Workshop: An evaluation forum on information
retrieval and automatic term recognition. NACSIS News. No.50, March, 2000,
p.11-13. (in Japanese) [html]
- Kando, N. "Special feature: New wave of information retrieval. Evaluation
of information retrieval systems: Test collections and evaluation workshops".
The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association. Vol.50 No.1,
January, 2000, p.22-29. (in Japanese)
- Kimura, M., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N., Kageura, K., Oyama, K. "Special
feature: New wave of information retrieval. Evaluation of information retrieval
systems: New development of NACSIS-IR". The Journal of Information
Science and Technology Association. Vol.50 No.1, January, 2000, p.230-36.
(in Japanese)
- Oyama, K., Kando, N., Satoh, S., Kato, H., Hidaka, S. “Development of
an online journal editing and publishing system”. Research Bulletin of
the National Center for Science Information Systems. Vol.12, Mar. 2000,
p.111-120. (in Japanese)
- Oyama, K., Kando, N., Satoh, S. “Special feature; Digital Library. NACSIS-OLJ
Project”. The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association.
Vol.49,No.6, June, 1999
- Sakai, T., Ogawa, Y., Kitani, T., Ishikawa, T., Kimoto, H., Keshi, I.,
Toyoura, J., Fukushima, T., Matsui, K., Ueda, Y., Tokunaga, T., Tsuruoka,
H., Agata, T., Kando, N. "Special feature: New trends of information
retrieval with multimedia/Internet. Test collections for information retrieval
systems". Computer Today. Vol.15, No.5, p.31-35, December 1998.
- Fujii, A., Iwayama, M., Kando, N., "Building a test collection for
associative patent retrieval in NTCIR-4", IPSJ Sig Techinical Report,
No.2004-NL-159, Jan 2004, pp.45-52.
- Kuriyama, K., Eguchi, K., Kishida, K., Kando, N. "Analysis of CLIR
task results for the 3rd NTCIR Workshop: Focusing on the pooling",
IPSJ Sig Techinical Repor, 2003-FI, Nov.. 2003
- Seki, Y., Eguchi, K., Kando, N., "Multi document summary analysis
with faceted genre", Technical Reports of IEICE, Vol. 103, No. 280,
pp.49-54, (No.NLC2003-23), Aug. 2003
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, K., Kuriyama, K. "Overview
of the Web Retrieval Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop'', NII Technical
Report, No.NII-2003-002E, Jan. 2003, 29 p.
- Eguchi, K., Oyama, K., Ishida, E., Kando, K., Kuriyama, K. "Evaluation
methods for web retrieval task", DBWeb2002, pp.415-422
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M. Information Retrieval System Evaluation
using Multi-grade Relevance Judgments. Discussion on Averageable Single-numbered
Measures. IPSJ SIG Notes. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July 24・25, 2001.
p.105-112. (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N., Okumura, M., Fukushima, T. Evaluation of Information Retrieval
and Text Summarization Systems. Overview of the Second NTCIR Workshop.
IPSJ SIG Notes. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July 24・25, 2001. p.1-8.
(in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kuriyama, K., Yoshioka, M., Kando, N. Construction of a Large Scale Test
Collection NTCIR-2. The Effect of Cross-Lingual Pooling on Evaluation.
IPSJ SIG Notes.Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July 24・25, 2001. p.9-16.
(in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. Challenge to Predict Topic Difficulty
in Test Collections. IPSJ SIG Notes. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July
24・25, 2001.p.17-24. (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Oyama, K., Kando, N., Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K. Consideration on Web Information
Retrieval Challenge. A New Task of NTCIR Workshop-3. IPSJ SIG Notes. Vol.2001,
No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July 24・25, 2001. p.41-48. (in Japanese w/English
- Iwayama, M., Fujii, A., Takano, A., Kando, N. Patent Retrieval Challenge
in NTCIR-3. IPSJ SIG Notes. Vol. 2001, No. 74, 2001-FI-63. July 24・25,
2001. p.49-56. (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. "Construction of a large-scale test collection
NTCIR-1: Fusion in the pooling of the multiple submitted esults",In
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Information Processing Society
of Japan. Matsuyama, October 2000, pp3U-08(in Japanese)
- Eguchi, K., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K. "Analysis of the Topic Difficulty
for NTCIR-1: NACSIS Test Collection for Information Retrieval System-1".
In Special Interest Group Notes of Information Processing Society of Japan,
No. 2000-FI-59, Jul. 2000, pp.25-32. (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Nanba, H., Kando, N., Okumura, M. "Organization of related papers
based on reference relationship" In Special Interest Group Notes of
Information Processing Society of Japan. No. 2000-NL-137, Hayama, June
2000, pp.94 (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Eguchi, K., Kando, N. "Strategic utilization of query logs for academic
information retrieval system: query term clustering method based on search
histories", In Proceedings of the 11th Sociery of Electronic Information
Communication, Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2000), March 2000, No.5A-2.(in
Japanese w/English abstract)
- Nanba, H., Kando, N., Okumura, M. "Automatic text summarization using
reference information among research papers" In 12th Synsophy Meeting.
December 1999 (in Japanese)
- Hidaka, S., Kato, H., Satoh, S., Kando, N., Oyama, K. “Online publication
systems”. In the Special Interest Group Notes of Information Processing
Society of Japan. 99-FI-56, Vol.99, No.102, November, 1999, p.9-14.(in
Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kuriyama, K., Eguchi, K., Nozue, T., Kando, N. “On construction
of a large-scale test collection (1): Analysis of the pooling and the relevance
assessments ”. In Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the
Information Processing Society of Japan. September, 1999, p. 3-105
- 3-106. (in Japanese).
- Kando, N , Kuriyama, K., Eguchi, K., Nozue, T. “On construction
of a large-scale test collection (2): Analysis of the search topics”.
In Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Information Processing
Society of Japan. September, 1999, p.3-107 - 3-108. (in Japanese)
- Eguchi, K., Kando, N. "Query expansion based on selective information
in clusters", In Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Information
Processing Society of Japan. September, 1999, p3-23 - 3-24 (No.5K-02).(in
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N. “Construction of a large scale test collection:
Analysis of the search topics for training of the NTCIR-1”. In the Special
Interest Group Notes of Information Processing Society of Japan. 99-FI-55,
Vol.99, No.57, July 16, 1999, p.41-48 (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Oyama, K, Kando, N, Satoh, S. “Development of document processing
system for editing of online journals”. In the Special Interest Group
Notes of Information Processing Society of Japan. 99-DD-19, Vol.99, No.57,
July 16, 1999, p.33-40.(in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Sekine, S., Kando, N., Kitani, T. “Test collection for IR/IE”. In Proceedings
of the 13th Annual Confence of JSAI 1999. June 17.1999, p.119-124(in Japanese)
- Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Kando, N., Oyama, K. “Pooling for a large scale
test collection: Analysis of the search results for the pre-test of the
NTCIR-1 Workshop”. >In the Special Interest Group Notes of Information
Processing Society of Japan. 99-FI-54, Vol.99, No.36, May, 1999.(in Japanese
w/English abstract)
- Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Kando, N., Oyama, K. “Pooling for a large scale
test collection: Analysis of the search results for the pre-test of the
NTCIR-1 Workshop”. In the Special Interest Group Notes of Information
Processing Society of Japan. .May 1999, p.25-32.(in Japanese w/English
- Nozue, T., Kando, N. “Primary considerations in the concept of relevance:
Relevance judgement of NTCIR”. In the Special Interest Group Notes of
Information Processing Society of Japan. 99-FI-53, Vol.99, No.20, March
1999, p. 49-56. (in Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Oyama, K. “NTCIR-1 (NACSIS Test Collection
for Information Retrieval system-1): Its policy and practice”. In the
Special Interest Group Notes of Information Processing Society of Japan.
99-FI-53, Vol.99, No.20, Tokyo, Japan, March 1, 1999, p. 33-40. (in Japanese
w/English abstract)
- Kando, N., Aizawa, A. “Cross-lingual retrieval of scholarly information
using automatically generated multilingual keyword clusters”. In Proceeding
of the 46th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Library and Information
Science. Tokyo, Japan, November 7-8, 1998, p.63-66 (in Japanese)
- Nozue, T., Kando, N., Kuriyama, K. “Reconsideration of the concept of
relevance for NACSIS test collection ”. In Proceeding of the 46th Annual
Conference of Japan Society of Library and Information Science. Tokyo,
Japan, November 7-8.1998, p. 67-70. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Kimura, M.; Shizuta, Y.; Oyama, K.; Koshizuka, M.;Koyama, T.
(1995) Enhancement of Search Functions in NACSIS-IR System.The 39rd SIGFI:
Information Processing Society of Japan,Special Interest Group on Foundamental
Studies on Information. Tokyo,Sept, 1995. (in Japanese, with English abstract)
- Ueda, S; Kando, N.; Koshizuka, M. (1995) Framework for Image Cognition
and Image Indexing. The 28th SIGCH: Information Processing Society of Japan,
Special Interest Group on Computer and Humanities. Tokyo, Nov, 1995. (in
Japanese, with English abstract)
- Kando, N. (1994) Structure of Newspaper Articles : As Relating to Indexing.
The 1994 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science.
Tokyo, October, 1994. (in Japanese)
- Hirota, T.; Koshizuka, M.; Agata, T.; Kando, N.; kurata, K.; Ueda, S. (1994)
Subject Search Behavior on a University Library OPAC System by Graduate
Students. The 1994 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information
Science. Tokyo, October, 1994. (in Japanese)
- Koshizuka, M.; Agata, T.; Kando, N.; Hirota, T.; kurata, K.; Ueda, S. (1994)
Subject Search Behavior on an OPAC System by University Students : an Observational
Study. The 42th Conference of Japan Society of Library Science. Atugi,
October, 1994. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1994) Structure of Research Articles with Various Text Features.
The 33rd SIGFI: Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest
Group on Foundamental Studies on Information. Tokyo, May, 1994. (in Japanese)
- Kurata, K.; Kando, N. (1993) On the Cognitive Framworks used by Indexers
during Indexing Procees. The 1993 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library
and Information Science. Tokyo, October, 1993. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1993) Functional Structure of Research Articles on Viral Hepatitis
Type C, Information Retrieval Research, and Inter-personal Cognition Studies.
The 1993 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science.
Tokyo, October, 1993. (in Japanese)
- Ueda, S.; Toda, S.; Kando, N.; Saito, Y. (1993) On the Plan for "Library
and Information Science Index" The 41th Conference of Japan Society
of Library Science. Sagamihara, October, 1993. (in Japanese)
- Kurata, K.; Kando, N. (1992) On the Relationship between Indexer's Cognition
and Text Structure during Indexing Process. The 1992 Annual Meeting of
Mita Society of Library and Information Science. Tokyo, October, 1992.
(in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1992) Analysis of Research Trends in the Particular Displine
using Categories. The 1992 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and
Information Science. Tokyo, October, 1992. (in Japanese)
- Ueda, S.; Kando, N.; Koshizuka, M. (1992) A Prototype Question-Answering
System Based on Analysis and Synthesis of NewsPaper Text. The 7th SIGME:
Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest Group on Information
Media. Tukuba, July, 1992. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N. (1992) Structure Analysis of Research Articles. The 25th SIGFI:
Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest Group on Foundamental
Studies on Information. Tokyo, May, 1992. (in Japanese)
- Ueda, S.; Koshizuka, M.; Kando, N. (1991) An Analysis-Synthesis-and-Question-Answering
System for Newspaper Articles : Design and Configulation. The 1991 Annual
Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science. Tokyo, November,
1991. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Nozue, M.; Harita, T.; Yatsu, M.; Murakami, T.; Ueda, S. (1991)
Selecting the Foundamental Articles on Information Retrieval Research through
Citation Analysis and Development of Retrieval Theories. The 1991 Annual
Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science. Tokyo, November,
1991. (in Japanese)
- Ikeya, N.; Kando, N.; Koshizuka, M. (1991) A Framework for Subject Representation
: Based on a Theoretical Discussion on the Characteristics of the Fulltext
Database. The 39th Conference of Japan Society of Library Science. Tokyo,
October, 1991. (in Japanese)
- Ueda, S.; kurata, K.; Mayumi, I.; Kishida, K.; Mushakoji, S.; Ikeya, N.;
Kando, N. (1990) On the Development of "Library and Information Sciece
Database". The 1990 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and
Information Science. Tokyo, November, 1990. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N.; Kishida, K.; Mushakoji, S.; Inagaki, K.; Higuchi, K.; Ueda,
S. (1988) A Comparative Evaluation of Thesauri through an Indexing Experimant.
The 1988 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science.
Tokyo, November, 1988. (in Japanese)
- Kurata, K.; Kando, N.; Ueda, S. (1988) Survey on the Future of the University
Libraries. The 1988 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information
Science. Tokyo, November, 1988. (in Japanese)
- their problems. The 18th Documentation Symposium. Tokyo, May, 1988. (in
- Tsuji, K.; Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Sakurai, K. (1987) On Electronic Medical
Records. The 7th Conference of Japan Association for Medical Informatics.
Tokyo, November, 1987. (in Japanese)
- Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Tsuji, K.; Sakurai, K. (1987) On Medical Informatics
Education. The 7th Conference of Japan Association for Medical Informatics.
Tokyo, November, 1987. (in Japanese)
- Tsuji, K.; Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Kono, T.; Shirahata, T.; Ohata, Y. (1986)
On Electronic Medical Recordings. The 6th Conference of Japan Association
for Medical Informatics. Tokyo, November, 1986. (in Japanese)
- Tsuji, K.; Matsuyama (Kando), N. (1986) Personal Computers Network in a
Hospital. The 6th Conference of Japan Association for Medical Informatics.
Tokyo, November, 1986. (in Japanese)
- Tsuji, K.; Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Yabuki, M.; Korogi, K.; Iribe, M.; Kato,
M.; Okuda, A. (1986) Study on Nursing Record Support Expert System using
Natual Language Understanding Technology. The 6th Conference of Japan Association
for Medical Informatics. Tokyo, November, 1986.
- Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Tsuji, K.; Sakurai, K. (1986) Survey on the Recognition
of Medical Informatics by Medical Students. The 6th Conference of Japan
Association for Medical Informatics. Tokyo, November, 1986. (in Japanese)
- Matsuyama (Kando), N.; Suga, T. (1985) Trends in Medical Libraries : through
Analysis of Papers Presented at the 5th International Conference of Medical
Libraries. The 1985 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information
Science. Tokyo, October, 1985. (in Japanese)
- Ueda, S., Muranushi, T., Matsuyama (Kando), N. "Development of a Dialog emulator, The 1982 Annual Meeting of Mita Society of Library and Information Science. Tokyo, October, 1982. (in Japanese)
- Kando, N., Shimizu, M., Hashizume, H., Yamamoto, T. "Fulltext Retrieval:
Technology and Application", Maruzen, 1998
- Gey, F., Kando, N. Peters, C. (eds) "Special Issue on Cross Language
Information Retrieval", Information Processing and Management, Vol.
40, Elsevier, (to appear)
- Kando, N., Oyama, K., Ishida, E. (eds), "NTCIR Workshop 3: Proceedings
of the Third NTCIR Workshop on Research in Information Retrieval, Automatic
Text Summarization, and Question Answering", Tokyo, Japan, October
2002 - October 2003 (ISBN:4-86049-016-9) (to appear) (オンライン版は http:
// /ntcir /workshop/OnlineProceedings/より入手可能)
- Ishida, E., Oyama, K., Kando, N. (eds) "Working Notes of the Third
NTCIR Workshop", Tokyo, Japan, Oct.8-10, 2002, (6 vol.) (ISNBs: 4-86049-010-X,
4-86049-011-8, 4-86049-012-6, 4-86049-013-4, 4-86049-014-2, 4-86049-015-0)
- Gey, F., Kando, N. Peters, C. (eds) "Proceedings of 25th ACM-SIGIR
Workshop on Cross Language Information Retrieval: A Research Roadmap",
Tampere, Finland, Aug.15, 2002, 80p.
- Eguchi, K., Kando, N., Adachi, J.(ed) "NTCIR Workshop 2 : Proceedings
of the Second NTCIR Workshop on Research in Chinese & Japanese Text
Retrieval and Text Summarization", Tokyo, Japan, May 2000-March 2001.
(ISBN: 4-924600-96-2)
- Kando, N., Aihara, K., Eguchi, K., Kato, Hl(ed) "NTCIR Workshop 2
Meeting: Proceedings of the Second NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation
of Chinese & Japanese Text Retrieval and Text Summarization",
Tokyo, Japan, March 7-9, 2001. (ISBN: 4-924600-89-X)
- Kando, N., Leong, M-K. (ed) "Patent Retrieval : Proceedings of the
ACM-SIGIR Workshop on Patent Retrieval" Athens, Greece, July 28, 2000.
- Kando, N., Nozue, T. (ed.) "NTCIR Workshop 1: Proceedings of the First
NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition".
Tokyo, Japan, August 30-31, 1999, 487 p. (ISBN: 4-924600-77-6) (オンライン版は
http: // /ntcir /workshop/OnlineProceedings/より入手可能)
- Kando, N. (2002) "IR to Make Information More Usable", Colloqium
Serien on Information Studies at University California Los Angels, Los
Angels, CA, USA, March 14, 2002.
- Kando, N. (2002) "Information Retrieval and Technologies to Make Information
in the Retreived Documents More Usable", NII Symposium on Advanced
Informatics Opening up the Future, Tokyo, Japan, Feb, 27, 2002.
- Kando, N. (2001) "English-Japanese Cross-lingual Information Retrieval
of Scientific and Technical Information", Information Technology Seminar
at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA, Nov. 17, 2001
- Kando, N. (1997) Fulltest retrieval and text structure. NACSIS Symposium,
Osaka, Nov, 1997: Tokyo, Dec, 1997.
- Kando, N. (1997) An approach for automatic template creation for English
research articles. Paper presented at the IR Seminar, Glasgow University,
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July, 1997, 20p.
- Kando, N. (1997) Text-level structure: Implications for information retrieval
and the potential for automatic genre analysis. Paper presented at the
Seminar on Information Extraction, UMIST, Manchester, UK, July, 1997,24p.
- Kando, N. (1997) Text-level structure: implications for information retrieval
and the potential for genre analysis. Paper presented at the NLP Seminar,
Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK, June, 1997,24p.
- Kando, N. (1997) Analysis of image in the context of information retrieval.
Paper presented at the Special Seminar on Visual Literacy, Lancaster University,
Lancaster, UK, June, 1997, 6p.
- Kando, N. (1997) Image indexing based on users' recognition. Paper presented
at the Seminar on Indexing and Classification, Royal School of Library
and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, April, 1997.
- Kando, N. (1997) Structural approach to information. Paper presented at
Library and Information Science Seminar, Royal School of Library and Information
Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, April, 1997.
- Kando, N. (1997) Text structure analysis :its background, methodology and
implication. Paper presented at Research and Methodology Seminar, Graduate
School , Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark,
March, 1997.
- Kando, N. (1995) Text structure analysis : methodological aspects. Paper
presented at Information Technology and Research Seminar, Syracuse, N.Y.,
U.S.A., November, 1995.
- Kando, N. (1995) Text structure analysis. Paper presented at Information
Technology and Research Seminar. Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A., October, 1995.
- Eguchi, K., Kando, N. "Digital Libraries and Information Retrieval:
Information Retrieval Research Trends Reported at TREC10" In the Final
Report of Gant-in-Aid Research of Foundermental Research (International
Academic Study) on" Study of International Trends in Construction
of Digital Scholary Contents and Extention of Scholarly Digital Libraries",
March 2002, (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kuriyama, K., Kando, N., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K."Pooling for a large-scale
test collection: analysis of the search results for the NTCIR-1 workshop",
In Final Report of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous
Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces"
pp179-190, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Eguchi, K., Kuriyama, K., Kando, N.. "Topic analysis of a test collection
for information retrieval system testing", In Final Report of JSPS
Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous Information System
for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces" pp171-178,
March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N., Kuriyama, K., Nozue, T., Eguchi, K., Yoshioka, M., Kageura,
K., Oyama, K., Adachi, J. "NTCIR: Construction large-scale test collections
for information retrieval system testing", In Final Report of JSPS
Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous Information System
for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces" pp163-170,
March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N. "Information retrieval system using functional text structure",
In Final Report of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous
Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces"
pp155-162, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N. Aizawa, A. "Cross-lingual information retrieval of scholarly
information using automatically constructed multilingual related term clusters",
In Final Report of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous
Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces"
pp125-132, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Akizawa, A., Kageura, K.,Kando, N. Tsuji, K. "Automatically extracting
sysnonymous relationship of technical terms using a graph-based method",
In Final Report of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous
Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces"
pp117-124, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N. "Multilingual information access", Overview. In Final
Report of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous
Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information resouces"
pp113-115, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- Kando, N. "Information Retrieval", Overview. In Final Report
of JSPS Research for Future Program "A Study on Ubiquitous Information
System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information Resouces"
pp.41-43, March 2001 (In Japanese w/English abstract)
- "Cognitve Study on Image Indexing"(Grant No.207114-A02) In Report
of 1995 Grant-in-Aid Research, esearch Priority Area : Humanity and Computer;
Enhancement of Humanities Studies Supported by Computers" March 1996,pp.169-176
(In Japanese)
- Report of 1994 Grant-in-Aid Report General Scientific Research (A) "Reserach
and Development of Scholarly Information Dissemination Systems" (Primary
Investigatr: Eisuke Naito), March 1995, 83p.
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1994) Copyright
Law and Library Service : Toward Successful Coexistence with Academic Library
Services and Copyright Law in the New Era. Tokyo, The School, 43p. (in
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1993) Fundamental
Consideration about "Information" Concepts. Tokyo, The School,
135,63,10p. (in Japanese)
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1992) University
Libraries under Network Environment : Based on a Discussion on the Types
of Scholary Information which Academic Libraries should Serve for. Tokyo,
The School, 75p. (in Japanese)
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1991) A Varidation
Analysis on Co-Citation as a Measurement for Similarity among Documents
: through Analysis of "Information Science" Related Documents,
Tokyo, The School, 77p. (in Japanese)
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1990) The
Personal Information System for Storage and Retrieval Based on "MEMEX"
: Future Prospect. Tokyo, The School, 87p. (in Japanese, with English Abstract)
- School of Library and Information Science, Keio University. (1989) Variety
among Information-Related Research and Education in Japanese Universities
: through an Analysis of Schools and Departments whose names includes the
term "information". Tokyo, The School, 72p. (inJapanese)
(Grant of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan)
- 2001-2002 "Structure Analysis of Academic Displinaries based on Co-citation
and Bibliographic Coupling Analysis of Links"
- 2001- Research Priority Area (C); Informatics Sutides for the Foundation
of IT Evolution. A02 (as a partner)
- 2001- JST CREST "Association-based Interation with Information Space"
(as a partiner)
- 1998-1999 Encouragement of Yound Scientists (A) "Automatic Creation
of Templates for Text Structure Representation"
- 1996-2000 JSPS "Research for Future" Program. "A Study on
Ubiquitous Information System for Utilization of Highly Distributed Information
Resouces" (as a partner)
- 1996 Encouragement of Yound Scientists (A) "Cognitive Study on Structure
and Use of Information Media; Towards Enhanced Information Retrieval and
Access" (Accepted, and then Cancelled because of Extended Research
Leave for Denmark)
- 1996 Research Priority Area : Humanity and Computer "Basic Study on
Image Indexing and Retrieval based on Congitive, Structural, and Statistical
Methods" (as a partner)
- 1995 Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) "Cognitve Study on Content
Structure of Information Media for fulltext data analysis enhancement"
- 1995 Research Priority Area : Humanity and Computer "Cognitve Study
on Image Indexing" (as a partner)
- 1994-1996 General Scientific Research (A) "Reserach and Development
of Scholarly Information Dissemination Systems" (as a partner)
- 1993-1994 Scientific Research relating to JSPS Fellow "Analysis of
Content of Information Media : with Consider-ation to the Contxt"
Mail: Noriko.Kando![](nii-mail-add211.gif)