NTCIR-11 Workshop SpokenQuery&Doc Task Formal Run
Evaluation Results
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* Evaluation Results
- Evaluation results for the Spoken Query driven Spoken Content Retrieval (SQ-SCR) task
- Slide Group Segment Retrieval Task ( five groups with 52 runs + 2 baseline runs ) [SQSCR-SGS.xlsx]
- Passage Retrieval Task ( one group with 16 runs + 2 baseline runs ) [SQSCR-PAS.xlsx]
- Evaluation results for the Spoken Query driven Spoken Term Detection (SQ-STD) task
These results were used in the
overview paper:
Tomoyosi Akiba, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Hiroaki Nanjo, and Gareth J. F. Jones (2014)
Overview of the NTCIR-11 SpokenQuery&Doc task.
In Proceedings of the 11 th
NTCIR Conference, Tokyo, December 9-12, 2014.