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This page provides a full list of the funded projects.

Funded Projects

  1. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (A) "Research on Creation of Privacy Protection Infrastructure in Generative AI Era"
  2. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "Research on Techniques for Quality Assurance of Large Language Models"
  3. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "Research on Testing, Analysis, and Repair for AI-based Cyber-Physical SYstems"
  4. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "High-Quality Machine Learning-based Systems via Traceability Exploration between Requirements and Implementation" (Primary Investigator)
  5. JST MIRAI Realization of a Super Smart Soceity (Society 5.0) Modeling and AI for Conneting Cyber and Physical Worlds "Engineerable AI Techniques for Practical Applications of High-Quality Machine Learning-based Systems" (Primary Investigator)
  6. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "Holistic Analysis and Repair Techniques for Stateful Deep Learning Systems"
  7. JST MIRAI Realization of a Super Smart Soceity (Society 5.0) Modeling and AI for Conneting Cyber and Physical Worlds "Value Creation by Reliable Machine Learning-based Systems" (Primary Investigator)
  8. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "Research on Autonomous and Collborative Self-Adaptation Mechanism and its Formal Verification for IoT"
  9. Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow "Research on Self-Adaptation with Compensation Crossing Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Platforms (Primary Investigator)
  10. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (B) "Continuous and Flexible Sophistication and Evolution of Assured Multi-Level System Models"(Primary Investigator)
  11. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (A) "Multi-View Models@Runtime Framewrok for Flexible Systems"
  12. JST Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) "Metamathematics for Systems Design Project" (Group Leader)
  13. Horizon2020/NICT EU-Japan "BigClouT: Big data meeting Cloud and IoT for empowering the citizen clout in smart cities"
  14. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Challenging Exploratory Research "Detection of Unexpected by Runtime Goal Model Tracking" (Primary Investigator)
  15. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Young Scientists (A) "Research on Complexity Distribution and Consistency Assurance in Stepwise Refinement" (Primary Investigator)
  16. FP7/NICT FP7-EU-Japan STREP "ClouT: Cloud of Things for empowering the citizen clout in smart cities" (Japan-side Platform Leader)
  17. IPA "Partial and Gradual Application of Formal Specification and Test Generation - Support of Code-Centric Incremental Development through Exploration" (Primary Investigator)
  18. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Challenging Exploratory Research "Modeling and Analysis of Laws and their Interpretations by Leveraging Requirements Engineering" (Primary Investigator)
  19. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (A) "Analysis, Design and Verification of Spatial Control Software Prepared for the Unexpected"
  20. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Young Scientists (B) "Research and Development of a Framework to Realize Consistent Contract Management in Service Composition" (Primary Investigator)
  21. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Young Scientists (Start-up) "Research on a Tool to Check and Realize Consistency in Multiple Contracts in Service Composition" (Primary Investigator)
  22. Grants-in-Aid (Kakenhi) for Scientific Research (A) "Research on Middleware for Open Wireless Sensor Network"