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NTCIR What's New Archive

  ■ What's New Archive ■

Also see the NTCIR General Announcement Email archive, the General NTCIR Home Page for the current What's New list, and the NTCIR-7 Blog for NTCIR-7 related news.

[2004- ]

2003-12-03--2003-12-10 QAC formal run
2003-11-24 TSC system results due
2003-11-21 PATENT formal run search results due
2003-11-17 TSC formal run topics release
2003-10-29 Submission Deadline of CLIR is extended to: Saturday, Nov.8, 2003.
2003-10-17 PATENT formal run search topics release
2003-10-01 CLIR formal run search topics release
2003-09-29--2003-10-10 QAC dry run
2003-09-19 PATENT Round table meeting (NII)
2004-02-20 Evaluation results release
2003-12-03--2003-12-10 QAC formal run
2003-11-24 TSC system results due
2003-11-21 PATENT formal run search results due
2003-11-17 TSC formal run topics release
2003-10-29 Submission Deadline of CLIR is extended to: Saturday, Nov.8, 2003.
2003-10-17 PATENT formal run search topics release
2003-10-01 CLIR formal run search topics release
2003-09-29--2003-10-10 QAC dry run
2003-09-19 PATENT Round table meeting (NII)
2003-06-04 PATENT Round table meeting (NII)
2003-04-17 NTCIR-3 data for research porpose use are available.
2003-04-03 Documents Release Started for the participants (NTCIR-4 QAC, TSC)
2003-03-29 Documents Release Started for the participants (NTCIR-4 CLIR)
2003-03-28 Documents Release Started for the participants (NTCIR-4 WEB)
2003-03-25 Documents Release Started for the participants (NTCIR-4 PATENT)
2003-03-24 NTCIR-3 WEB document collection (NW100G-01) available.
2003-03-24 Deadline of registration for NTCIR-4 task was extended to April 20.
2003-03-13 NTCIR-3 PATENT is available for research purpose use
2003-03-07 User Agreement Forms are available
2003-03-07 Round table meeting for PATENT (NII)
2003-02-25 Online Registration for NTCIR-4 is Open!
2003-01-27 Round table meeting for TSC (NII)
2003-01-17 Round table meeting for WEB (NII)
2003-01-17 Round table meeting for QAC (NII)
2002-12-26 Round table meeting for CLIR (NII)
2002-12-26 Round table meeting for PATENT (NII)
2002-12-01 Paper for Final Proceedings Due
2002-11-18 Round table meeting for TSC & QAC
2002-10-08/10 NTCIR Workshop 3 meeting was OVER. We are grateful for your participation, cooperation, support and interest.
2002-08-20 Paper for Working Note Due
2002-08-20 Registration forms for perticipants will be available.
2002-08-06 Round table meeting for TSC
2002-08-02 Round table meeting for QAC
2002-07-30 Round table meeting for PATENT
2002-07-01 Release of Evaluation Results ( without CLIR task ・・・Delay for a few days)
2002-06-28 Evaluation results of Patent Retrieval Task was released.
2002-05-10 Results submission of Formal Run for TSC
2002-05-07 Task (topics) for TSC available
2002-04-22/26 Formal Run for QAC
2002-04-22 Formal run topics release for WEB
2002-04-08 Dry run evaluation results release for WEB
2002-04-07 Results submission deadline of Formal Run for PATENT
2002-03-27 Round Table for TSC
2002-03-08 Search topics for the main task release for PATENT
2002-03-06 Round Table for QAC
2002-02-18 Search Results submittion deadline of Dry Run for WEB
2002-02-08 Topics Releace of Dry Run for WEB
2002-02-04 Submit Search Results of Formal Run for CLIR
2002-01-31 Evaluation results release of Dry Run for PATENT
2002-01-08 Distribution of Formal Run Search Topics for CLIR
2002-01-04 CLIR schedule updated
2001-12-07 Deliver Evaluation Results of Dry Run for CLIR
2001-11-28 Memorandum on Permission to Use NTCIR-3 Web Task Test Collection available
2001-11-13/16 NTCIR report-out at TREC
2001-10-31 PATENT complete dataset delivery
2001-10-30 Dry run topics for CLIR available (passwd protected)
2001-10-30 CLIR schedule updated
2001-10-16 Patent Sample Data available (passwd protected)
2001-10-15 Newspaper Documents delivery start(CLIR,TSC,QAC)
2001-10-15 User agreement forms updated (CLIR,TSC,QAC)
2001-10-12 Workshop Schedule was updated
2001-10-10 WEB task schedule updated
2001-08-24 Link for Resources was added
2001-08-17 Link for SIGIR2000Workshop on Patent Retrieval was added
2001-08-08 User agreement forms for CIRB010, CIRB020 are available
2001-08-08 Chinese version of CFP for CLIR (PDF) is available
2001-08-01 CFP for NTCIR Workshop 3 Start!
2001-07-24/25 IPSJ/SIGFI Special Session on NTCIR

Also see the NTCIR General Announcement Email archive, the General NTCIR Home Page for the current What's New list, and the NTCIR-7 Blog for NTCIR-7 related news.

2007-05-15/18 -NTCIR-6 Meetingwas OVER. We are grateful for your participation, cooperation, support and interest
2007-05-14 -Evaluation Sheet for NTCIR-6 and NTCIR-6 Meeting [MSword | PDF]
2007-05 - Program for NTCIR-6 Meeting and EVIA is avaialble here
2007-03-20 -NTCIR-6 Meeting Registration open
2007-03-14 -Procedure for Proposing NTCIR-7 Tasks updated.
2007-03-08 -Deadline for paper submission
2007-03-01 -Deadline for task proposal was extended to April 15
2007-01-18 -EVIA 2007 (Pre-Meeting Workshop) Call for Poster Submissions (Due: March 15, 2007)
2006-12-05 -Procedure for Proposing NTCIR Tasks added.
2006-08-10 ACM-SIGIR 2006 Workshop on New Direction of MLIA
2006-08-04 Round Table Meeting for QAC
2006-07-23 Panel on Evaluation at COLING-ACL 2006
2006-07-23 Workshop on Task-Based Summarization and QA (Noriko Kando)
2006-07-19 CFP for Opinion Analysis Pilot Task (OPINION) Start!
         Registration for CLQA is still open. CFP for MuST will come later 
2006-07-15 Dry Run starts. PATENT Classification Subtask
2006-07-03 Dru Run starts. PATENT Retrieval Subtask
2006-07-01 CLIR Topic Release (Formal Run for Stage 1)
2006-06-01-NTCIR-6 Registration Period is extended until June 23, 2006
2006-05-31-NTCIR-6 Registration Due
2006-05-25 NTCIR-6 Patent Round-Table Meeting at LREC
2006-05-25 -LREC 2006 Key Note "Evaluation of IA with Asian Languagest at NTCIR" by Noriko Kando, Presentation on NTCIR-5 Patent Retrieval Task by Atsuhi Fujii et al.
2006-05-24 -2nd CFP for NTCIR-6 [How to Participate] Register NOW!
2006-05-23 -EVIA 2007 (Pre-Meeting Workshop) Call for Papers (Due: January 5, 2007)
2006-05-23 -User Agreement Forms for NTCIR-6 were updated
2006-05-18 -NTCIR DATA Home was updated
2006-05-17 -QAC Rount Table Meeting at NII
2006-04-17  NTCIR-6 Call for Participation Starts
2006-04-06  NTCIR-6 Patent Retrieval Task Round-table Meeting.
2006-03-15  NTCIR ntcir Mailing List Archive
2006-03-23 NTCIR-6 CFP will start mid-April 2006
2006-03-23 Search for NTCIR Project Office Staff, Project Researchers
2006-03-18/19 NTCIR-5 MuST Workshop
2006-03-15 Archive of NTCIR mailing list is available
2006-03-10 Special Session on NTCIR at IPSJ Annual Meeting.
2006-02-22 NTCIR-6 Round-table Meeting at large
2005-12-06 Proceedings of NTCIR-5 Workshop Meeting are available.
2005-12-05 The Program of NTCIR-5 Meeting is revised and added some meetings like Opinion Workshop + Invited talk.
2005-11-10 NTCIR-5 Meeting for Workshop online Registration will close at midnight, November 30, Japan time
2005-08-25 Submission raw data archive for research  purpose
2005-08-09 The 5th NTCIR Workshop page available
2005-05-18 NTCIR-4PATENT test collecrion is available for research purpose use
2005-05-18 NTCIR-4 WEB document data is available for research purpose use
2005-03-28 Deadline of registration for NTCIR-5 task
2005-03-15 NTCIR-4 PATENT is available for research purpose use
2005-01-19 Mailing lists for NTCIR-5 was added
2004-12-20 Online Registraion for Tasks is available
2004-12-07 NTCIR-5 user Agreement form(CLQA task)is available.
2004-12-06 NTCIR-5 user Agreement form(QAC task) is available.
2004-11-24 CFP for QAC
2004-11-16 NTCIR-5 user Agreement form(CLIR task) is available.
2004-09-30 NTCIR-5 user Agreement form( PATENT task & WEB task) is available.
2004-06-02--2004-06-04 The 4th NTCIR workshop Meeting
2004-04-30 Acceptance notice of open submission paper
2004-04-26 Notification of approval of Travel support
2004-04-20 The 4th NTCIR workshop Meeting: Online Registration Open!
2004-04-16 PATENT Round table meeting (NII)
2004-04-15 (Japan Time) Application dead line of Travel Support
2004-04-15 Submission of Extended abstracts of the open submission paper
2004-04-01 Call for papers for Open submission paper
2004-04-01 Announcement for travel support
2004-03-31 Submission of Camera-ready manuscript for Working Notes
2004-03-15 NTCIR4 Meeting page partially available
2004-02-24 TSC, QAC Round table meeting (NII)
2004-02-20 Evaluation results release


Also see the NTCIR General Announcement Email archive, the General NTCIR Home Page for the current What's New list, and the NTCIR-7 Blog for NTCIR-7 related news.