Selected Publication List in the Past
Record Linkage, Duplicated Document Identification
Information Categorization and Clustering
- Akiko Aizawa: "Analysis of Source Identified Text Corpora: Exploring the Statistics of Reused Text and the Authorship" Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2003) (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa: "A Method of Cluster-Based Indexing of Textual Data" Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002), 1-7 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa: "An Approach to Microscopic Clustering of Terms and Documents PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence" Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mitsuru Ishizuka, Abdul Satter (Eds). LNAI2417 Springer 404--413 (2002)
- Akiko Aizawa "A Co-evoltionary Framework for Clustering in Information Retrieval Systems" the IEEE 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation 1787-1792 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa "Linguistic Techniques to Improve the Performance of Automatic Text Categorization," Proceedings of the Sixth Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS2001), 307-314 (2001).
- Akiko Aizawa "An Information-Theoretic Perspective of Tf-idf Measures" Information Processing &: Management, Vol.39, No.1, 45--65 (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa "The Feature Quantity: An Information Theoretic Perspective of Tfidf-like Measures," proc. of ACM SIGIR 2000, p.104-111 (2000).
- Akiko Aizawa "Selecting and Aggregating Features: Mining HTTP Log Files," in Proc. of the First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics (AdInfo2000), p.183-190 (2000).
- Akiko AIZAWA: "Reducing the Dimensions of Attributes by Selection and Aggregation (Abstract)," First International Conference, DS'98 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1532), Springer, p.417-418 (1998).
Automatic Generation of Multilingual and Synonymous Dictionaries
- Hidekazu Nakawatase and Akiko Aizawa: "Discovering Homographs using N-partite Graph Clustering," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'03), pp.402-409 (2003).
- Kageura, K., Tsuji, K. and Aizawa, A. N. "Automatic Thesaurus Construction through Multiple Fitering," Proc. of COLING 2000, p. 397--403 (2000).
- Aizawa, Akiko and Kageura, Kyo: An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters. in ``Recent Advances in Computational Terminology'', Bouligault, D., Jacquemin, C. and l'Homme, M-C. eds., John Benjamins, p.1-27 (2001).
- Akiko Aizawa, Kyo Kageura, Noriko Kando and Keita Tsuji “Automatically Extracting Synonymous Relationship of Technical Terms using a Graph-based Methods,” in Proc. of the First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics(AdInfo2000), p.59-62 (2000).
- Noriko KANDO, and Akiko AIZAWA: "Cross-lingual information retrieval using automatically generated multilingual keyword clusters". the 3rd International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages at Singapore (1998).
- Akiko AIZAWA and Kyo KAGEURA: "An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters," Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPTERM'98), p.8-14, Montreal Canada (1998).
- Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, Akiko Aizawa, Tasanee Metapisit "SAIKAM: Collaborative Japanese-Thai Dictionary Development on the Internet," The 2001 Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX) (2001).
Schemata Processing in Genetic Algorithms
- Akiko Aizawa: "Designed Sampling with Crossover Operators", in "Advances in Evolutionary Computing", A.Ghosh & S. Tsutsui, Eds., 413--439 (Chapter 16), Springer (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa, "Fitness Landscape Characterization by Variance of Decompositions," in Foundation of Genetic Algorithms 4, Belew,R.K. and Vose,M.D. eds., p.225-245 (1997).
Full Publication List is here.