2. Research
  3. Awards

Research Awards

Excellent Field Research Report Award, Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology.(2023)
Sakaida,R., & Bono, M., 2023, Finger Braille Interpreters’ Work of Communicating Multimodality to the Deafblind, Qualitative Research in Psychology ,Vol. 20 Special Feature, pp.S118-S124 .
20th Research Conference Presentation Award,The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (2018)
Outstanding Presentation Award, The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistics Sciences, Japan. (May 2019)
Okada, T., & Bono, M., 2019, Deaf people's language use in JSL conversation: focusing on the frequency of mouthing in each generation.
Encouragement Paper Award, Japanese Cognitive Science Society (September 2016)
Bono, M., 2015, Can a Robot Join an Idobata Kaigi?: A Fieldwork on Theatrical Creation of Daily Conversation, Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science Society, Vol.22, No.1, pp.9-22.
Young Scientist Award, The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. (April 2015)
Bono, M., 2015, "A comparative studies of multi-party interaction in Japanese and Japanese Sign Language."
JSAI Incentive Award, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,Japan.(June 2012)
Toyama, T., Den, D., Bono, M., & Otsuka, K., 2011, "Reconsideration of Gestural Viewpoint."
Tokugawa Munemasa Award, The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistics Sciences, Japan.(March 2012)
Bono, M., 2011, "Multimodal Analysis for Sign Language Conversation: From Two Case Studies on Three Party Conversations."
Outstanding Presnetation Award, The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistics Sciences, Japan.(July 2009)
Bono, M., 2009, "Schisming in Japanese Sign Language Conversation: From a Point of View of Turn-taking and Participation Framework."
Tokugawa Munemasa Award, The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistics Sciences, Japan.(March 2006)
Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y., 2005, "Interactive viewpoint in face-to-face interactions: coordination of gesture, gaze and speech."
JSAI Incentive Award, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japan.(June 2005)
Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y., 2004,"Identification of Conversation Participation Procedures with Ubiquitous Sensors."