
- Bono, M., Okada, T., Skobov, V., and Adam, R. (2024) Data Integration, Annotation, and Transcription Methods for Sign Language Dialogue with Latency in Videoconferencing, 11th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Evaluation of Sign Language Resources, LREC-COLING2024. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, 26–35
- Skobov, V., & Bono, M.(2023) Making Body Movement in Sign Language Corpus Accessible for Linguists and Machines with Three-Dimensional Normalization of MediaPipe. Findings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1844-1855 [peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., Sakaida., R, Ochiai, K, & Fukushima, S.(2023) Intersubjective Understanding in Finger Braille Interpreter-mediated Interaction: Two Case Studies of Other-initiated Repair. Lingua, Elsevier [PDF][peer-reviewed]
- Sakaida, R., & Bono, M.(2021) Finger Braille Interpreter's Work of Communicating Multimodality to the Deafblind. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology. Vol. 20, Issue Special S118-S124. doi:110.24525/jaqp.20.Special_S118 (written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
- Ochiai, K., & Bono, M.(2021) “Shaking-Fingers” in Finger Braille Conversation: How Do Deafblind People Display Their Affective Attitude?, The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, vol.24, No.1, pp. 67-82 (written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., & Fukushima, S.(2020) Researcher × Tojisha: How Does Fukushima Connect with the World?, Cognitive Studies, Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, pp.123-137. doi: 10.11225/cs.2020.011 [peer-reviewed]
- Sakaida, R., Bono, M., & Makino, R.(2020) Organizing ‘Walking to the Next’ during Interaction: Science Communicators’ Embodied Practices of Guiding Visitors to Successive Exhibits, Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology, No.19, pp.7-25.(written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
- Trejo, K., Angulo, C., Satoh, S., & Bono, M.(2018) Towards robots reasoning about group behavior of museum visitors: Leader detection and group tracking. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol.10, No.1, pp.3-19. [PDF][peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M.(2017) Syuwa sougokoui ni okeru sokkyo syuwa hyogen syuhuku no rensa no kanten kara (Improvisational Signing in Sign Language Interaction Through a Lens of Repair Sequence). Syakai gengo kagaku (The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), Vol.19, No.2, pp.20-31. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Makino, R., Abe, K., Furuyama, N., & Bono, M.(2017) Kaiwa ni okeru syuroku sareru koto no tayo na riyou (Various use of "being videotaped" in face-to-face Conversation). Shitsuteki sinrigaku kenkyu (Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology). (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M.(2015) Robotto wa idobatakaigi ni haireruka: nichijyoukaiwa no engekiteki sousakubamen ni okeru fi-rudowa-ku (Can a Robot Join an Idobata Kaigi?: A Fieldwork on Theatrical Creation of Daily Conversation). Ninchi kagaku (Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science Society), Vol.22, No.1, pp.9-22. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M.(2015) Sougokoui toshiteno shuwatsuuyaku katsudo:tsuuyakusha wo kaishita jyunbankaisi no tameno kikitekakutoku tetsuzuki no bunseki. (Sign interpreting as an Interaction: An analysis on procedures of getting addressee for turn-opening mediated by sign interpreters). Ninchi kagaku (Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science Society), Vol.22, No.1, pp.167-180. (written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
- Makino, R., Furuyama, N., & Bono, M. (2015) Fiirudo ni okeru kataribunseki no tameno sintai no kuukanjinkei:kagakukonyunikeeta no tenjibutsu kaisetsukoudou ni okeuru tachiichi no bunseki. (Body formation for the narrative in a field: A case study on science communicators’ standing position employed to display the readiness to start giving an explanation of the exhibit). Ninchi kagaku (Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science Society), Vol.22, No.1, pp.53-68. (written in Japanese)
- Joh, A., Bono, M., & Takanashi, K. (2015) Kagakukan ni okeru “Taiwa” no kouchiku: sougokoui bunseki kara mita “Shitteru?” no siyou (Constructing a Dialogue at Science Museum: A Practice of ‘Do you know X?’ from the Perspective of Interaction Analysis). Ninchi kagaku (Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science Society), Vol.22, No.1, pp.69-83. (written in Japanese)
- Osugi, Y., Bono, M. (2015) Syuwajinbungaku no kochiku ni mukete.2 -Syuwa Gengo Courpus Project-. Syuwa/Gengo/Communication, Nihonsyuwa Kenkyujyo (Ed.) (Japanese Institute for Sign language Studies,Sign language, language communication.(Ed.)), pp.99-136, Bunrikaku. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M., Ogata, H., & Takanashi, K., & Joh, A. (2014) The Practice of Showing ‘Who I am’: A Multimodal Analysis of Encounters between Science Communicator and Visitors at Science Museum. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Universal Access to Information and Knowledge Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8514, pp.650-661. [PDF][peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., Yoshikawa, Y., Ishiguro, H., & Hirata, O. (2014) Robot/Android engeki no kogaku/kagaku/geijyutu ni okeru imi (The Meaning of Robot/Android-Human Theater: From the Perspectives of Engineering, Science and Arts), Densijyoho Tsushin Gakkai Kiso/Kyokai Society, Fundamentals Review (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Fundamentals Review), Vol.7, No.4, pp.326-335. (written in Japanese)[PDF] [peer-reviewed]
- Hosoma, H., Bono, M., Ishiguro, H., & Hirata, O. (2014) Hito wa andoroido to donoyouna sougokoui wo okonaiuruka- androidoeigeki “Sannin Simai” no maturimo-daru kenkyuu (How human can interact with android?: Multi-modal analysis of “Three Sisters, Android Version: A Play”). Jinkou chinou gakkai ronbunshi (Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.29, No.1, pp.60-68. (written in Japanese) [On line][peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., Takanashi, K., Ogata, H., Osaki, A., Ochiai, H., & Morita, Y. (2013) Chishikikyousou interface tositeno kagaku komyunikeetaa: Nihon kagaku miraikan ni okeru intarakushon bunseki (The Role of Science Communicator as a Knowledge Creation Interface: Analyses of Human Interactions at Miraikan). Huuman intafeesu gakkai ronnbunnshi (Japanese Journal of Human Interface Society), Vol.15, No.4, pp.375-388. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M. (2013) Syuwa sansyakaiwa ni okeru Shintai to Shisen. Nihongogaku (Japanese Language Studies), Vol.404, pp.41-55, Meiji-Shyoin. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2013) Sougokoui ni okeru shuwahatuwa wo kijyutu suru tameno anote-shon mojikashuhou no teian (Proposal of New Annotation and Transcription Scheme for Signed Utterances in Interaction). Shuwagaku kenkyuu (Japanese Journal of Sign Language Studies), Vol.22, pp.37-63. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Okada, S., Bono, M., Sumi, Y., & Takanashi, K. (2012) Jikeiretsu Data Mining wo enyoushita kaiwa interaction ni okeru gesture bunseki no sien (Time-series Data Mining Approach for Gesture Analysis in Conversational Interaction), Syakai gengo kagaku (The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), Vol.15, No.1, pp.38-56. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M., Kikuchi, K., & Otsuka, K. (2011) Syuwa kaiwa ni okeru hyougen Modality no keizokusei (An Analysis of the Continuity of Modality in Sign Language Conversation.), Syakai gengo kagaku (The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), Vol.14, No.1, pp.126-140. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2011) Enkakutsushin kankyouka deno taninzuu syuwakaiwabamen ni okeru sanyokouzou no bunseki. Sessyokubamen・Sankasya・Sougokoui: Sessyokubamen no gengokanri kenkyuu Vol.9 (An analysis of participation framework in multi-party sign language conversation under tele-communication environment). Muraoka Hidehiro (Ed), Chiba daigaku daigakuin jinmonsyakaigaku kenkyuu project houkokusyo (Hidehiro Muraoka (Ed.) Contact Situations, Participants, and Interactions : Language Management in Contact Situations vol.9. Report on Research Project, Chiba University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Vol.238, pp.41-50. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M. (2011) Syuwakaiwa ni taisuru multimodal bunseki: syuwa sannin kaiwa no hutatsu no jireibunseki kara (Multimodal Analysis for Sign Language Conversation: From Two Case Studies on Three Party Conversations). Syakai gengo kagaku (The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), Vol.13, No.2, pp.20-31. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M. (2009) Syuwakaiwa ni miru wareware ga kangaeru beki rinri: “Kuukan teki rensa kouzou” no teian ni mukete (Ethics Issues in Sign Language Conversation: Toward a Proposal of ‘Spatial Sequence Structure’). Syuwagaku kenkyu (Journal of Japanese Association for Sign Language Studies), Vol.18, pp.15-18. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M. (2009) Syuwakaiwa bunseki wo hajimeru tameni (An Introduction of Conversation Analysis for Sign Language). GENGO (Language), Vol.38, No.8, pp.40-48, Taishukan-shoten. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M. (2008) Nihonsyuwadanwa ni okeru kuukan to shiten: syuwakenkyuu to gesture kenyukuu no setten (Space and Viewpoint in Japanese Signed Discourse: Sign language studies meets Gesture Studies). Syuwagaku kenkyu (Journal of Japanese Association for Sign Language Studies), Vol.16, pp.1-10. (written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., & Takanashi, K. (2008) Tutorial e no shitumon to kaitou (Question and Answer for The Commentary Series). Jinkou chinou gakkaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.23, No.6, pp.803-810. (written in Japanese)
- Takanashi, K., & Bono, M. (2008) Zadankai:Gengo・Higengo communication kenkyuu kara multimodal communication kenkyuu he (Discussion: From Verbal/Nonverbal toward Multimodal Communication). Jinkou chinou gakkaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.23, No.5, pp.668-676. (written in Japanese)
- Sumi, Y., Nishida, T., Bono, M., & Kijima, H. (2008) IMADE: Kaiwa no kouzourikai to content-ka no tame no jissekai interaction kenkyuu kiban (IMADE : Research Environment of Real-world Interactions for Structural Understanding and Content Extraction of Conversation). Joho syori (IPSJ Magazine), Vol.49, No.8, pp.945-949, (Creating Vital Information Technologies for the Info-plosion Era). (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M. (2008). Kaiwa kouzou rikai no tame no bunsekitani: F-jinkei (Units of Analysis for Underst&ing Conversational Structure : F-Formation). Jinkou chinou gakkaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.23, No.4, pp.545-551. (written in Japanese)
- Harada, N., & Bono, M. (2008) A Note in 'Zibun'. The Bulletin of St.Margaret's. Vol.39, pp.1-16.
- Bono, M., & Takanashi, K. (2007) Tanning interaction kinky no houhou : Gengo・Higengo communication kenkyuu no tame no bunsekitani to sono gainen (Methodology for Analyzing Multi-Party Interaction: Overview of Analytic Units of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication). Jinkou chinou gakkaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.22, No.6, pp.838-845. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M., & Takanashi, K. (2007) Taninzuu interaction kenkyu niwa nani ga hitsuyou ka?: Interaction kenkyu no kokunaigai no doukou to genjyou (What is necessary in analyses of multi-party interaction? : Trends and current state of interaction studies). Jinkou chinou gakkaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence), Vol.22, No.5, pp.703-710. (written in Japanese)
- Katagiri, Y., Bono, M., & Suzuki, N. (2006) Conversational Inverse Information for Context-Based Retrieval of Personal Experiences. New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4012/2006, pp.365-376. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
- Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y. (2005) Taimen communication ni okeru sougokouishiten: Gesture・Sisen・Hatsuwa no kyogi (Interactive viewpoint in face-to-face interactions: coordination of gesture, gaze and speech). Syakai gengo kagaku (The Japanese Journal of Language in Society), Vol.7, No.2, pp.3-13. (written in Japanese)
- Arakawa, A., Takahashi, H., Kimura, M., Hosoma, H., Iso, Y., Bono, M., Furuyama, N., Nishio, A., & Anso, H. (2005) Higengo kodo ni okeru kikite no yakuwari : hanashi-te shiko/Kiki-te shiko wo coete (Roles of the listener in nonverbal communication: Over the dichotomy of speaker - oriented gesture and listener - oriented gesture.) Ritsumeikan Ningen Kagaku Kenkyu (Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences). Vol.9, pp.121-141. (written in Japanese)
- Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y. (2004) Taninzuukaiwa ni okeru sanyo kouzou bunseki: interaction koudou kara kyomitaishou wo chusyutsu suru (An analysis of participation structures in multi-party conversations: Do interaction behaviors give clues to know your interest?). Ninchi kagaku (Cognitive Studies), Vol.11, No.3, pp.214-227. (written in Japanese)[peer-reviewed]
- Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y. (2004) Taninzuukaiwa wo taisyou to shita data syuusyuu to bunseki : Sanyo kouzou bunseki wo rei to shite (Multi-Modal Data Collection and Analysis of Multi-Party Conversations: An Investigation of Conversation Participation Structures). Kokusai bunkagaku (Cross-Cultural Studies Review), Vol.11, pp.81-94. (written in Japanese) [peer-reviewed]
International Conferences & Workshops
- Okada, T., & Bono, M. (2025) Recording methods, data management and analysis, Workshop on Sign Languages in Africa and Sign Language Field Work, TISLR15 Pre-Conference Event. (Jan. 12, Elilly International Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- Bono, M., Okada, T., Skobov, V., and Adam, R. (2024) Data Integration, Annotation, and Transcription Methods for Sign Language Dialogue with Latency in Videoconferencing, 11th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Evaluation of Sign Language Resources, LREC-COLING2024. (May 25, Torino, Italy)
- Bono, M., & Adam, R. (2023) Online Cross-Signing Project Between the United Kingdom and Japan: First Phase of Data Collection, Online Proceedings of JSAI-isAI2023. (Jun. 5-6, Kumamoto-Jo Hall, Japan)
- Ochiai, K. & Bono, M. (2023) Finger Braille as a Personal Medium: Exploring Communication Methods for Deafblind People Based on Computer-Mediated Communication Studies, Online Proceedings of JSAI-isAI2023. (Jun. 5-6, Kumamoto-Jo Hall, Japan)
- Skobov, V., & Bono, M. (2021) Automatic Movement Detection and Preprocessing for Annotation of the Japanese Sign Language Corpus. International Seminar on Sign Language Research 2021, Current Issues in Sign Language Research. (October 23, 2021, Online hosted by Language Convergence Research Institute, CHosun University, Gwangju, Korea)
- Bono, M., Sakaida,R., Ochiai., K. , & Satoshi, F. (2021) Maintaining Intersubjectivity in Finger Braille Interpreter-Mediated Interaction: A Study of Other-Initiated Repairs by a Deafblind Man, 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 2021), (June.27 -July.2 , Winterthur, Switzerland)
- Ochiai, K., & Bono, M. (2021) How Do Deafblind People Represent Their Attitudes?: "Shaking-Fingers" in Finger Braille Conversations, 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 2021), (June.27 -July.2,Winterthur, Switzerland)
- Bono, M., Sakaida, R., Okada, T., & Miyao, Y. (2020) Utterance-Unit Annotation for the JSL Dialogue Corpus: Toward a Multimodal Approach to Corpus Linguistics, Proceedings of the LREC 2020, 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives, pp. 13-20. ISBN: 979-10-95546-54-2
- Kalin S., Bono, M.(2019) Towards Digitally-Mediated Sign Language Communication, 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2019), (6-10th October, the Musubiwaza-kan of the Kyoto Sangyo University)
- Bono, M., & Sakaida, R. (2019) Halting Progressivity and Repair in Signed and Tactile Interaction:A Study of Intersubjective Underst&ing in Sign Language and Finger Braille, The 15th International Pragmatics Conference (16th IPRA). (9-14 June, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Kowloon, Hong Kong)
- Bono, M. (2018) Collaborative repair in sign language interaction: Which signer solves the trouble in a visually connected situation?, The 5th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA2018). (Jul. 11-15, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK)
- Bono, M. (2018) How do deafblind people share their stance?: A comparative analysis of expressing laughter in tactile Japanese sign language and finger braille interactions, The 8th International Conference of Gesture Studies (ISGS8). (Jul. 4-8, Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Sakaida, R., & Bono, M. (2018) When nonverbal behavior is interpreted: Strong orientation toward embodiment in finger braille interpretation, The 8th International Conference of Gesture Studies (ISGS8). (Jul. 4-8, Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Makino, R., & Bono, M. (2018) Hand positions for showing speakership: A report of language selection by the deafblind man, The 8th International Conference of Gesture Studies (ISGS8). (Jul. 4-8, Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Bono, M., Sakaida, R., Makino, R., & Joh, A. (2018) Miraikan SC Corpus: A Trial of Data Collection in Semi-opened & Semi-controlled Environment, The 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). (May. 7-12, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan) [PDF]
- Bono, M., Sakaida, R., Makino, R., Okada, T., Kikuchi, K., Cibulka, M., Willoughby, L., Iwasaki, S., & Fukushima, S. (2018) Tactile Japanese Sign Language and Finger Braille: An Example of Data Collection for Minority Languages in Japan, The 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). (May. 7-12, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan)[PDF]
- Sakaida, R., Makino, R., & Bono, M. (2018) Preliminary Analysis of Embodied Interactions between Science Communicators and Visitors Based on a Multimodal Corpus of Japanese Conversations in a Science Museum, The 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). (May. 7-12, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan)
- Bono, M. (2017) Improvisational signing: How JSL signers solve word-finding problems in interaction, The 6th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics. (Sep. 22-24, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan)
- Bono, M. (2017) Recipients’ stance-taking actions during storytelling in signed interactions: An analysis of sequential position of nodding and facial expression The 15th International Pragmatics Conference(15th IPRA). (Jul. 16-21, Belfast, Northern Ireland)
- Makino, R., & Bono, M. (2017) Using relationships as an interactional resource in multiparty Japanese conversation involving children, The 15th International Pragmatics Conference(15th IPRA). (Jul. 16-21, Belfast, Northern Irel&)
- Sakaida, R., & Bono, M. (2017) Interactional Ground: Synchronous Walking during Conversation, The 15th International Pragmatics Conference(15th IPRA). (Jul. 16-21, Belfast, Northern Ireland)
- Lefebvre, A., Bono, M. (2016) Gestures: a Resource for Describing an Android in an Intercultural Interaction, 7th Conference of The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 2016), (Jul. 18-22, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France)
- Bono, M. (2016) Improvisational signing with mouthing: How native signers create temporary expressions in interaction, 7th Conference of The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 2016), (Jul. 18-22, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France)
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2016) Searching for phenomena in a spontaneous Japanese signed discourse corpus using structured annotations, 12th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, (Jan. 4-7, Melbourne, Australia)
- Bono, M., Lefebvre, A, Komuro, M., & Sunakawa, C. (2015) Creating Conversation on Stage: A Report on Fieldwork with the Robot/Android–Human Theater, The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA Conference 2015), Living the material world, Panel: Situatedness of Human-Robot-Interaction: Interactional Space and Multimodality (organized by Pitsch, K. (U of Duisburg-Essen)) (Aug. 4-7, Kolding, Denmark)
- Bono, M., & Kikuchi, K. (2015) Challenging the notion of written language: Transcribing sign language interaction. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 2015), Panel: Transcribing, glossing and translating non-English transcripts of social interaction (organized by Prof. Nikander, P. (University of Tampere, Finland), & Prof. Egbert, M. (University of Southern Denmark)). (Jul. 26-31, Antwerp, Belgium)
- Lefebvre, A, Bono, M. & Sunakawa, C. (2015) Information control and accountability in social interaction: The case of the theatrical performance. 14th International Pragmatics Conference. (Jul. 26-31, Antwerp, Belgium)
- Tamura, K., Okada, T., Bono, M., & Hashimoto, T. (2015) Conceptualization for sharing images in displaced communication: A comparative analysis of hearing and deaf communities, Tokyo Lectures in Language Evolution. (Apr. 2-5, Tokyo, Japan)
- Komuro, M., & Bono, M. (2014) Improvised Interactions Dealing with Machinery Troubles: An Analysis of Gestures and Multimodality on Human-Robot Theater. 6th Conference of The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS 2014). (Jul. 8-11, San Diego, U.S.A).
- Bono, M., Ogata, H., Takanashi, K., & Joh, A. (2014) The Practice of Showing ‘Who I am’: A Multimodal Analysis of Encounters between Science Communicator and Visitors at Science Museum. Organized Session: Brightening Life Style up with Technologies. HCI International 2014 (Jun. 22-27, Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece) [PDF]
- Sunakawa, C.,& Bono, M. (2014) Greetings in family and friend conversations. Skype Connections and the Gaze of Friendship and Family Conference. (Jun. 3-4, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2014) Skype as an Interactional Agent of Distant Person: An Analysis of Practices of Gazing & Pointing in Japanese Sign Language. Skype Connections and the Gaze of Friendship and Family Conference. (Jun. 3-4, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom)
- Bono, M., Kikuchi,K., Cibulka, P., & Osugi, Y. (2014) Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: A Design of Language Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversation. Proc. of The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pp.1898-1904. (May 26-31, Reykjavik, Iceland) [PDF]
- Okada, S., Bono, M., Sumi, Y., & Takanashi, K. (2013) Context based Conversational Hand Gesture Classification in Narrative Interaction. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013). Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal interaction, pp.303-310. (Dec. 9-13, Sydney, Australia) [PDF]
- Bono, M. (2013) Incorporation of Professional Voices in Conversation Analysis: Evaluating the Skills of Science Communicators At a Science Museum in Japan. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH BETWEEN the MICROANALYSIS of INTERACTION AND ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH: HOW CAN WE FILTER the MULTIMODAL DATA to MAKE RIGOROUS ANALYTIC CLAIMS? The 112th AAA Annual meeting (American Anthropological Association). (Nov. 20, Hilton, Marquette Room, Chicago, U.S.A.), Panel organizer and presenter.
- Ogata, H., Mouri, K., Bono, M., Joh, A., Takanashi, K., Osaki, A., Ochiai, H., & Morita, Y. (2013) Analysis of Ubiquitous Learning Logs in the Context of Science Communications in a Museum, 4th International Workshop on Technology-Transformed Learning: Going Beyond the One-to-One Model?,Workshop proceedings of ICCE 2013, pp.74-79, Nov 18-22, 2013, in Conjunction with International Conference on Computers in Education 2013, (Nov. 18-22, Bali, isl&, Indonesia)
- Komuro, M., Bono, M., Ishiguro, H., & Hirata, O. (2013) Practices for Sequential Structure in Robot-Human Theater. International Workshop on Multimodality in Multiparty Interaction (MiMI2013). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimodality in Multiparty Interaction (MiMI2013), pp30-39. (Oct. 28, Kanagawa, Japan).
- Bono, M. (2013) Sentences and Utterances in Conversations: Similarities and Differences between Signed and Spoken Languages. Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics (SSLL) Festa at Minpaku 2013, Second International Symposium on Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics, Word Order and Sentence Structure in Languages. (Sep. 29, Minpaku, Osaka, Japan)
- Bono, M. (2013) Bodily Stance Display in Narrative: An Analysis of Sequential Structure in JSL Conversation. 13th International Pragmatics Conference. (Sep. 8-13, New Delhi, India)
- Kikuchi, K., Bono, M. (2013) Organization of repair and temporal structure of utterances in Japanese Sign Language. 13th International Pragmatics Conference. (Sep. 8-13, New Delhi, India)
- Bono, M. (2013) Involving Visitors in Science Communication: A multimodal analysis of multi-activities at a science museum in Japan. NII Shonan Meeting , Multi-activity in Interaction: A Multimodal Perspective on the Complexity of Human Action (Feb. 18-20, Shonan, Japan)
- Bono, M. (2012) Multimodality and Multi-spatiality in Japanese Sign Languag Conversation. Multimodality in Multispace Interaction (MiMI). JSAI-isAI 2012, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimdality in Multispace Interaction. pp.49-60 (Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, Miyazaki AZM hall)
- Kikuchi, K., Bono, M. (2012) Interpretation as a situated activity: An analysis of participation framework in reading session between Hearing and Deaf people. Multimodality in Multispace Interaction(MiMI). JSAI-isAI 2012, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimdality in Multispace Interaction. pp.38-48 (Nov. 30 - Dec.1, Miyazaki AZM hall)
- Toyama, E., Kikuchi, K., Bono, M., & Den, Y. (2012) Interactional viewpoint: an analysis of speech & gesture in co-telling conversation. ISGS 5, International Society for Gesture Studies, (Jul. 24-27, Sweden)
- Kikuchi, K., Bono, M. (2012) Proposal of a new transcription scheme for sign language utterances in interaction. ISGS 5, International Society for Gesture Studies, (Jul. 24-27, Sweden)
- Toyama, E., Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2011) Joint Construction of Narrative Space: Coordination of gesture, sequence and gaze in Japanese three-party conversation. Coordination of Multimodality in Multispace Interaction (MiMI). JSAI-isAI 2011. pp.49-60 (Dec. 1-2, Sunport Hall Takamatsu)
- Kikuchi, K., & Bono, M. (2011) An analysis of gaze and body orientation in sign language conversation in telecommunication environment. Coordination of Multimodality in Multispace Interaction (MiMI). JSAI-isAI 2011. pp.93-104 (Dec. 1-2, Sunport Hall Takamatsu)
- Bono, M. (2010) Highlighted Repairs by Mouthing and Mora Rhythm in JSL Conversation, 10th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA10), (July, Mannheim)
- Bono, M. (2009) Managing overlapping conversational spaces in Japanese sign language, Panel: LANGUAGE, THE BODY, AND LIVED SPACE, Members: Mey, Inger., Bono, M., Sunakawa, C., Monteiro, Marko., Keating, Elizabeth. N Enfield, American Anthropological Association 2009 Annual Meeting. (Dec. 2-6, Philadelphia Mariott Downtown hotel in Philadelphia)
- Bono, M. (2008) Using Space & Gaze in Japanese Discourse: A Comparative Analysis of Spoken & Signed Language. 14th Workshop on East Asian Linguistics 2008(WEAL2008) (Feb. 23, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.)
- Bono, M., Takanashi, K., & Katagiri, Y. (2007) Management of space and viewpoint in Japanese Sign Language Discourse. International Society for Gesture Studies Conference 2007: Integrating Gestures. (Jun.18-21, Evanston, IL, USA.)
- Bono, M., Sumi, Y., & Nishida, T. (2007) Towards Achieving Complex Medical Engineering to Understand Conversational Dynamics. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering-CME2007. (May 23-27, Beijing Jingfeng Hotel, China.)
- Katagiri, Y., Bono, M., & Suzuki, N. (2005) Analysis of Conversation Participation Structures for Experience Retrieval. International Workshop on Beyond Two-party Task-oriented Dialogue. (Oct., Tokyo, Japan.)
- Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y. (2005) Extracting invisible & intangible exchanges in ubiquitous sensor environments. UEM2005: Proceedings of the ISWC’05 Workshop on Ubiquitous Experience Media, pp.39-49. (Oct. 18-21, Osaka, Japan.)
- Bono, M., Katagiri, Y. (2005) Gestural cues for turn management in interactions. 2nd Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) (Jun. 15-18, Lyon, France.)
- Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y. (2005) Gazing, pointing and modality expression in conversations. 2nd Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) (Jun. 15-18, Lyon, France.)
- Katagiri, Y., Bono, M., & Suzuki, N. (2005) Conversational inverse information for context-based retrieval of personal experiences. International workshop on conversational informatics. (Jun. 13-14, Kita-kyushu, Japan.)
- Katagiri, Y., Bono, M., Suzuki, N. (2004) Caputuring Conversational Participation in Ubiquitous Sensor Enviroment. Proceedings of Pervasive 2004 Workshop on Memory and Sharing of Experiences. 101-106. (Apr. 20, Vienna, Austria.)
- Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y. (2003) Interaction Analysis of Multi-party conversation. International Symposium'The "Origins of language" Reconsiderd'. (Dec. 4-6, Hotel Fujita Kyoto, Japan)
- Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y. (2003) An analysis of participation structure in conversation based on Interaction Corpus of ubiquitous sensor data. M.Rauterberg et al. (Eds.) INTERACT 03: Proceedings of the Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 713-716. IOS Press. (Sep. 1-5, The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland)
- Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y. (2003) The role of eye-gaze direction in the management of turns. 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. (Jul. 20-25, University of La Rioja, Spain)
- Bono, M., Suzuki, N., & Katagiri, Y. (2003) An analysis of non-verbal cues for turn-taking through observation of speaker behaviors. ICCS/ASCS-2003: Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Cognitive Science (CD-ROM) Elsevier. (Jul. 13-17, The University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Fay, N., Bono, M., & Katagiri, Y. (2003) Interactive Gesture Co-ordination; A study of interpersonal pointing alignment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop onInteractive Graphical Communication. pp.83-86.