- Research
- Funded Projects

as PI / Co-PI
- 05/2022 → 03/2025
- MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas, Category (B)
- Project name:
- Understanding gesture and sign language in language interaction
- Top PI
- (Principal investigator):
- Bono, M.
- Number of teams:
- 5
- Number of members:
- 3 (PIs), 19 (Co-PIs), 8 (Collaborators)
- Project website:
- https://research.nii.ac.jp/EmSemi/index_e.html
- JSPS website:
- https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/39_transformative/index.html
- 05/2022 → 03/2025
- MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas, Category (B)
- Project name:
- A02: Building a multimodal semiotics for icons and indices in sign languages.
- PI :
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Harada, N., Fujikawa, N., Osugi, Y, & Sagara, K.
- Awarded Amount:
- 35,230,000 JPY
- 05/2022 → 03/2025
- MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas, Category (B)
- Project name:
- X00: Establishment of an academic community and network for the establishment of Embodied Semiotics
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Takanashi, K., Nakayama, H., & Kikuchi, K.
- Awarded Amount:
- 14,820,000 JPY
- 04/2022 → 03/2025
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (B)
- Project name:
- Understanding communication and comprehension mechanisms in finger Braille interactions.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Fukushima, S., Sakaida, R., Makino, R., & Ochiai, K.
- Awarded Amount:
- 17,290,000 JPY
- 12/2021 → 11/2024
- JSPS International Joint Research Program(JRP-LEAD with UKRI)
- Project name:
- Understanding cross-signing phenomena in video conferencing situations during and post-COVID-19 in rural areas.
- Japanese PI:
- Bono, M.
- UK PI:
- Adam, R.
- Awarded Amount (Japan):
- 28,491,450 JPY
- Project website:
- https://www.cross-sign.nii.ac.jp/
- JSPS website:
- https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-bottom/03_i_jyoukyou.html
- 04/2018 → 03/2021
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (A)
- Project name:
- Recognition of sentence units in signed dialogue for the construction of a sign language translation system.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Satoh, S., Baba, Y., Koiso, H., Kikuzawa, R., Osugi, Y., and Miyao, Y. Kikuchi, K., & Kusunoki, F.
- Awarded Amount:
- 38,220,000 JPY
- 07/2017 → 03/2021
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (B)
- Project name:
- Japanese language influences and multimodality in sign language, tactile sign language and finger Braille.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Osugi, Y., Fukushima, S. & Den, Y.
- Awarded Amount:
- 16,900,000 JPY
- 04/2016 → 03/2019
- JSPS Fostering Joint International Research
- Project name:
- Proposal for a linguistic description method for sign language interaction analysis.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Awarded Amount:
- 13,650,000 JPY
- 01/2016 → 12/2020
- Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Project name:
- Talking through touch: adapting sign languages for use by Deafblind people.
- (Primary Chief Investigator):
- Willoughby, L.
- CI
- (Chief Investigator):
- Iwasaki, S., Manns, H.
- PI
- (Partner Investigator):
- Bono, M., McKee, D.
- Awarded Amount:
- A$220,000.00.
- 04/2015 → 03/2018
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (B)
- Project name:
- Collective learning mechanisms of community through festival preparation.
- PI:
- Enomoto, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Den, Y., Hosoma, H., Bono, M., Teraoka, T. & Takanashi, K.
- Awarded Amount:
- 845,000 JPY.
- 04/2015 → 03/2018
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (C)
- Project name:
- Family practice in the age of information technology: clarifying the reality of intergenerational communication.
- PI:
- Sunakawa, C.
- Co-PIs:
- Hata, K., Bono, M. & Kikuchi, K.
- Awarded Amount:
- 260,000 JPY.
- 04/2014 → 03/2017
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Category (A)
- Project name:
- Proposal for a linguistic description method for sign language interaction analysis.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Awarded Amount:
- 22,750,000 JPY.
- 04/2013 → 03/2016
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category (B)
- Project name:
- Documentation, preservation, and analysis of the Japanese Sign Language lexical system from the perspective of the Deaf community.
- PI:
- Osugi, Y.
- Co-PIs:
- Bono, M., Takei, W., & Kikusawa, R.
- Amount distributed:
- 2,990,000 JPY.
- 04/2013 → 03/2016
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
- Project name:
- Understanding and supporting science communicators' working practices as knowledge transfer interfaces.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Ogata, H, & Takanashi, K.
- Research collaborator:
- Sumi, Y.
- Awarded Amount:
- 3,770,000 JPY
- 04/2012 → 03/2015
- JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category B
- Project name:
- A cross-cultural exploration of gestures and signs as interactions.
- PI:
- Sugawara, K.
- Co-PIs:
- Kimura, D. Ishii, M., Hosoma, H., Omura, K., Iwatani, H., Kamei, N., Iwatani, A., & Bono, M.
- Amount distributed:
- 1,326,000 JPY.
- April 2011- March 2014
- JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category B
- Research Topic:
- A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: The Growth of Linguistic Awareness between Deaf & Hearing
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PI:
- Osugi, Y., Kikuchi, K., Horiuchi,Y., & Harada, N.
- Research collaborator:
- Takanashi, K.
- Research Assistants:
- Sunada, T., Takashima, Y., Kamba, K., Taira, T., & Moriuchi, Y.
- October 2009- March 2013
- JST-PRESTO, research program: Information environment and humans
- Research Topic:
- Information for All: The construction of coordinated environments for Deaf and Hearing
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- October 2009- March 2014
- JSPS, Innovation for interdisciplinary approaches across humanities and social sciences
- Research Topic:
- Suggestions for telecommunication environment in Japanese Sign Language communities
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-Investigators:
- Nakanishi, H., Arakawa, Y., Shirasawa, M., Kuroda, T., Kawano, S., & Naito, I.
- June 2009 - March 2012
- NII, Gr& Challenge
- Research Topic:
- A proposal for Coherent Data Collection of Ordinary Interactions
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-Investigators:
- Furuyama, N., Itabashi, S., Osuga, T., Yamakawa, K., Kikuchi, H., Inoue, M., Takanashi, K., Den, Y., Enomoto, M., Hosoma, H., Hanada, R., Ichikawa, A., Ichikawa, K., & Koiso, K.
- Aprir 2009 - March 2012
- JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research , Scientific Research Category C
- Research Topic:
- An Investigation of Integrated Relation and Sequential Relation of Utterance in Spoken Japanese and Japanese Sign Language.
- PI:
- Takanashi, K.
- Co-PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-Investigators:
- Hosoma, H., Horiuchi,Y., Harada, N., & Kazuyuki Kanda
- Research Assistant:
- Joh, A.
- Aprir 2009 - March 2012
- NII, Grants for Collaborative Research Project
- Research Topic:
- A Study for Building Annotation Systems for Understanding Body Movements in Interaction
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-Investigators:
- Hosoma, H., Takanashi, K., Sumi, Y., Horiuchi,Y., Nagashima, Y., & Furuyama, N.
- April 2007 - March 2008
- JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results
- Research Topic:
- A Study for Understanding Sequential Structures of Verbal-nonverbal Expression in Japanese Conversation.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- April 2007 - March 2009
- Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
- Research Topic:
- A Study for Understanding Participation Structures in Multi-party Conversation.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- June 2006 - March 2007
- Leadership Cultivation Program, The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program, Informatics Research Center for Development of Knowledge Society Infrastructure
- Research Topic:
- Participation Structure in Mediated Multi-Party Dialogues.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- April 2006- March 2009
- JSPS: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research Category C
- Research Topic:
- An Investigation of Inter-Dependencies of Speech, Signed Languages, and Gestures in Utterance - A Multi-disciplinary Approach.
- PI:
- Bono, M.
- Co-PIs:
- Harada, N., Takanashi, K., Horiuchi,Y., Hosoma, H. & Kanda, K., Collaborator: Prof. Susan Fischer.
(* Bono has been stepped down from PI to a research collaborator in 2007 due to another grant from JSPS starting from April 2007)
- April 2006- March 2009
- JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Scientific Research Category (B)
- Research Topic:
- Achievement of agreement: Turn-taking system in multi-party interactions
- PI:
- Katagiri, Y.
- Co-PIs:
- Iwasaki, M., Den, Y., Bono, M., & Takanashi, K.
- Research collaborators:
- Matsusaka, Y., Enomoto, M.
(* Bono has been stepped down from Co-PI to a research collaborator in 2007 due to another grant from JSPS starting from April 2007)
Research Collaborations
- September 2000 – March 2001,
- Participated in “Expressive Speech Processing” funded by CREST.
- April 2003 – March 2006,
- Participated in “Ultrahigh-speed Internet Network Society and Media Development” funded by NICT.
- April 2004-March 2006,
- Participated in “The Robot’s Ears” project funded by SCOPE, Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme.
- April 2006- present,
- Participated in “i-Explosion: Interaction research project” (JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, A03 PI: Nishida, T.)
- April 2008-March 2011,
- Participated in “Research on creating a Sign Language Dictionary”(JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Category A, PIs: Harada, D., Kimura, K., Ngashima, Y., Horiuchi,Y., Co-PI: Morimoto, K., Tanaka, H., Shirai, Y., Nishida, M., Takanashi, K., Hosoma, H., & Bono, M.)
- April 2008 -,
- Participated in “The Robot’s Ears” project funded by SCOPE, Strategic Information & Communications R&D Promotion Programme.
- April 2009 - March 2012,
- Participated in “Trust building: participation framework in conversation” (JSPS, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, PI: Katagiri, Y., Co-PI: Ishizaki, M., Enomoto, M., Research Collaborators: Takanashi, K., Matusaka, Y., Den, Y., & Bono, M.)