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Academic Term Translation into Japanese Sign Language

In our research activities, it is necessary to have our technical terms translated into Japanese Sign Language. What is Academic Term Translation? Where can we ask the translation service? Here, we share our experience of translating academic terms into Japanese Sign Language.

How do we order a sign language interpreter?

There are five steps to order sign language interpreters for various kinds of events.

図1: 手話通訳派遣の流れ (クリックすると拡大します)

Step 1: Planning an event

 Plan and schedule an event! It’s not just about a date and a venue. It’s also important to decide whether you need equipment such as telecommunication tools at the event.

Step 2: Contacting a coordinator

 An event organizer first contacts a coordinator with the detailed schedule of the event. This schedule includes the event date(s), the number of Deaf participants, and other necessary information such as whether you use a telecommunication system. If this is an academic event such as a study group, it is important to describe the content of research articles and presentations in detail that are going to be talked about at the event. If there is any, sharing handouts and other related materials is always helpful. Particularly in academic events specific knowledge is require so that it is critical to prepare everything ahead.

Step 3: Recruiting interpreters

 In Step 3, the coordinator use mailing lists and related websites in order to recruit interpreters and manage their schedules. Recruited interpreters decide where they accept the offer or not as they view the detailed information of the event posted on the website or mailing lists.

Step 4: Getting back to the event organizer

 In Step 4, the coordinator gets back to the event organizer with interpreters’ contacts and an estimate based on the event conditions and the interpreters’ experience.

Step 5: The event day

Finally the event day comes. Prepare enough water bottles for the interpreters.

Other tips:

 There are some job placement agencies for sign language interpreters. In our lab, we hire a coordinator and have him organize academic events for Deaf participants. If you would like to know more about this, please email use at jsl-coordinator [at] nii.ac.jp. (Change [at] to @).

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