Some participants will be selected for each task to give an oral presentation
of their work at the NTCIR-10 Conference. The selected participants will
be contacted by the task organisers by early May.
Presentation time
Presentation time varies depending on the task.
All presentations must be in English.
A projector and overhead projector are available. You can use your own
In the case you don't bring your own PC, we will prepare a laptop computer,
Microsoft Windows 7/XP, Microsoft Office 2010/2007 and Adobe Reader 8.0/XI
installed. (Note that this computer and softwares are all Japanese version.)
If you wish to use our PC for presentation, please bring your presentation
data on a USB memory stick.
Presentation and Poster files
Presentation slides and posters are very informative to know the achievements
of the researches done in NTCIR-10. We recommend you to provide us your
If you agree to make your presentation materials publicly available together
with your paper in the online proceedings, please make your poster and/or
presentation ppt files into PDF format and rename your files with all the
required information as followings:
NTCIR10-[TASK]-[Family Name and Iinitial of the paper's first author]-['poster'
or 'slides']. pdf
For example:
Task - CrossLink, First Author of the Proceedings paper - Noriko Kando
Please rename the files as below:
-file name of the poster:
-file name of the slides:
And please send them to ntc-proc
during or by June 31, 2013.
Oral presenters who wish to distribute handouts (e.g., hard-copies of slides
or any other materials ) at the conference - Please provide and bring
sufficient number of copies for audience at the conference.
If you have questions and requests regarding your presentation, please
email to ntc10mtg-sec