Important Dates
For Evaluation Tasks
- 08/Mar/2012:
- NTCIR-10 Kickoff event (NII, Tokyo, Japan)
- 31/Aug/2012:
30/Jun/2012: - Task Registration Due (Extended)*5
- 29/Jun/2012:
01/Jul/2012 - Document Set Release*1
- Jul-Dec/2012:
- Dry Run*2*3
- Sep/2012
-Feb/2013: - Formal Run*3
- 01/Feb/2013:
- Evaluation Results Return
- 01/Feb/2013:
- Task Overview Partial Release
- 01/Mar/2013:
- Paper for the Proceedings Due
- 01/Mar/2013:
- Camera-ready Paper for the Proceedings Due
- 18-21/Jun/2013:
- NTCIR-10 Conference and EVIA2013
For EVIA 2013
- 05/Apr/2013:
20/03/2013 - Submissions due (Extended)
- 27/Apr/2013:
- Notification of acceptance
- 07/Mar/2013:
- Final manuscripts due ( Camera-ready Paper for EVIA )
- 18/Jun/2013:
- EVIA 2013
- The exact date for Document Set Release is deceided by each task. (Documents may be released earlier or later than July 1, 2013.)
- With or without dry run is decided by each task. For further information, please consult the web site for each task.
- The exact dates for the dry and formal runs are decided by each task. For further information, please consult the web site for each task.
- Please understand that we are out of business on Saturday, Sunday and the National Holidays.
*National Holidays in Japan:
2012 - April 30th, May 3rd and 4th, July 16th, September 17th, October 8th, November 3rd and 23rd, December 24th, from December 29 to January 3rd
2013 - from January 1st to 3rd, January 14th, February 11th, March 20th, April 29th, from May 3rd to 6th
- Some tasks may have their own registration deadline.
For further information, please contact at ntc-secretariat
Last Modified: 2013-04-15