Paper Submission Instructions
For Task Participants
This page is for participants in NTCIR-13 tasks.
Anyone who did not participate in the NTCIR-13 tasks but is working on
information access evaluation methods is invited to submit a paper to EVIA 2017, a satellite workshop of NTCIR-13.
We welcome submissions to EVIA 2017 from NTCIR-13 Task Prticipants, too!
Poster and Demo Sessions
Oral Presentations
Paper for the Proceedings
Every NTCIR-13 task participant is expected to present a poster at the NTCIR-13 conference.
In addition to the poster presentation, a few participants for each task will be selected to give an oral presentation of their work at the NTCIR-13 Conference. The selected participants will be contacted by the task organisers by Oct 20.
---See the instructions below.
Every team is required to write a paper for each task that it participated in (not for each subtask). For example, if you participated in the Lifelog task and the MedWeb task, you need to write two papers. Your papers will be included in the NTCIR-13 Proceedings, which will be publicly available online. Please follow the guideline on the web below.
If you have any problems or questions about the electronic submission process using the EasyChair system, please feel free to contact task organizers (Visit individual task links).
For the proceedings of NTCIR-13, you need to submit: (1) Draft paper, (2)
Fixed metadata (title, abstract and authors), (3) Final camera-ready copy,
and (4) Copyright transfer form.
・For (1), (2), (3): Submission must be made through NTCIR-13 submission system. The recommended submission format is 'NTCIR sample'. Please refer here.
・For (4): please send it to NTCIR Office by e-mail, postal mail or courier.
・ A draft paper is a paper that describes your work just like a normal academic paper. It must be as complete as possible (including references).
Check List before Submission
- Does your paper title include the task name? ("Task name"
means either L ifelog-2, MedWeb, OpenLiveQ, QALab-3, STC-2, AKG, ECA, NAILS,
or WWW.)
- Does your paper refer to the overview paper? (the proceedings title
is “The NTCIR-13 Conference")
- Does your paper have unique fields “Team Name” and “ Subtasks" after “Keywords”, before “1. Introduction”
- Does your “Subtasks” field contain all the tasks that you participated in?
・ You need to finalize the title, author names, and affiliations of your
paper by this date, using the submission system.
・ This metadata is fixed as a final form, and will be used for all subsequent
publications (e.g. Proceedings, website, etc.).
・ Please follow the instruction from task organizers, who will collect
all data from participants.
・If you need to change the metadata after the above date, please contact NTCIR Proceedings Team immediately at ntc-proc
・After revision and enhancement, the final camera-ready copy must be submitted no later than November 01 November 10, 2017 in PDF. (Please understand this is really firm deadline!)
・Please submit the camera-ready version of your paper by updating your draft paper submitted at EasyChair. More specifically, click on “Update file” link at your paper page and upload the camera-ready version.
How to Create a PDF With embedded fonts:
Please use the form we provide for the Proceedings NTCIR-13: [PDF] or [TEXT].
( How to write 'Date' column : e.g. Nov/1/2017 (month/day/year ) )
Please fill in the form and submit it to us electronically (scanned file
with signature) by e-mail or by postal mail by Nov 1, 2017 Nov 10, 2017.
- E-mail address: ntc-proc
- Postal Address:
NTCIR Project Office:
National Institute of Informatics, Rm 1309 2-1-2
Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8430 Japan
Phone: +81-3-4212-2750
We are using the EasyChair conference management system to track submissions
for the conference. Please submit your paper through following NTCIR-13
submission system, and select an appropriate track for your participating task when you submit a paper:
Note that tracks in EasyChair are equivalent to tasks in NTCIR.
If you have any problems or questions about the electronic submission process using the EasyChair system, please feel free to contact the appropriate task organizer.
Submitted papers should be in the official 2014-2015 ACM Proceedings Format and must be submitted as pdf files.
*The submitted PDF files must be with all necessary fonts embedded - in the text and the figure. Please check it again in the figure words.
*Please refer to Task Name in the Title
Task Name should be clearly shown in the title. "Task Name" means
either of Lifelog-2, MedWeb, OpenLiveQ, QALab-3, STC-2, AKG, ECA, NAILS, WWW.
Ex. [TEAMNAME at the NTCIR-13 Lifelog-2 Task]
*Unique fields to NTCIR
Please insert the information below between 'Keywords' and '1. Introduction'.
- 'Team Name'
Your official team name. This is usually the prefix of your run names.
Ex. [Forst] [NEXTI]
- 'Subtasks'
List up all subtasks that you participated, with the language information.
Ex. [Query Understanding Subtask (Chinese)]
[Phenotyping task]
[English iUnit Ranking]
[Temporal Intent Disambiguation (TID) Subtask (Chinese)]
[Lifelog Semantic Access subTask (LSAT) (English)]
[Japanese subtask (Phase3:National Center Tests(Multiple-Choice type questions))]
*No Copyright Block needed
The ACM template gives instructions to leave blank text box at the bottom of the left column of the first page for the copyright notice.
Regardless of this instruction, no blank text box or no copyright notice
is needed when you write a paper for the NTCIR-13 and EVIA Proceedings.
Please ignore it.
The NTCIR Samples shown above has already removed the copyright block, so we recommend to use it.
How to remove your copyright block:
*NTCIR publications are not peer-reviewed: please do NOT anonymize or exclude the author information in your paper.
Each paper must not exceed 8 pages.
If you have any questions, please contact: ntc-proc
Last modified: 2017-10-31