- 14/Nov/2014:
NTCIR-11 Conference Online Registration Opened!
- 10/Nov/2014:
Call for Participation to NTCIR-11 Conference released. [CFP
- 27/Oct/2014:
Call for Task Proposals for NTCIR-12 (Due: Nov. 21, 2014) released. [CFP
- 09/Oct/2014:
- NTCIR-11 Copyright form released (Due: Nov. 01st).
- 09/Oct/2014:
- EVIA 2014 Copyright form released (Due: Oct. 22nd).
- 09/Sep/2014:
- EVIA 2014 Paper Submission Deadline Extended to: Sep. 20.
- 27/Aug/2014:
- Paper Submission Instructions released.
- 25/Aug/2014:
- Draft paper submission due extended to: Sep. 15.
- 29/July/2014:
- RITE-VAL CN subtasks: formal run submission deadline extended to: Aug 7.
- 28/July/2014:
- Schedule is changed: Formal Run Data release date of RITE-VAL: JA/EN subtasks and Task Schedule of QA Lab.
- 14/July/2014:
- NTCIR-11 user agreement form for QA Lab (Ja / En subtask) released.
- 09/July/2014:
- NTCIR-11 data page updated (QA Lab task, RecipeSearch task).
- 26/June/2014:
- NTCIR-11 conference and EVIA 2014 website is released.
- 22/Apr/2014:
- NTCIR-11 user agreement form for RITE-VAL (JA, EN, CN subtask) released.
- 07/Apr/2014:
- New NTCIR-11 Pilot Task: Cooking Recipe Search has just added.
- 17/Feb/2014:
- NTCIR-11 user agreement form (for MedNLP, RITE-VAL (JA subtask)) released.
- 30/Jan/2014:
- NTCIR-11 user agreement form (for Math, MobileClick, SpokenQuery&Doc)
- 21/Jan/2014:
- Task Registration is still possible in the some Tasks: Math, RITE-VAL, SpokenQuery&Doc, QA Lab, some other tasks.
- 14/Jan/2014:
- NTCIR-11 user agreement form (for IMine, Temporalia) released.
- 20/Dec/2013:
- NTCIR-11 Task Registration Due Extended to: Jan 20, 2014
- 26/Nov/2013:
- NTCIR-11 Call for Additional Pilot Task Proposal released (Deadline: Jan
31, 2014) [closed]. [CFP
- 31/Oct/2013:
- NTCIR-11 Task Registration started
- 31/Oct/2013:
- NTCIR-11 Call for Participation to the NTCIR-11 Tasks released
- 07/Oct/2013:
- Contact Information of each task released
- 24/Sep/2013:
- Slides and Video Recordings from the NTCIR-11 Kick-Off Event available
- 03/Sep/2013:
- Evaluation Tasks for the NTCIR-11 released
- 23/Jul/2013:
- Call for Participation to the NTCIR-11 Kick-Off Event released
For further information about NTCIR-11 Schedule, please see: Important Dates
Last modified: 2014-11-14