The 12th NTCIR Conference
Evaluation of Information Access Technologies
EVIA 2016
a Satellite Workshop of the NTCIR-12 Conference
June 7(Tue)-10(Fri), 2016
at National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
The NTCIR-12 Conference and EVIA 2016 ended successfully.
Thank you very much for your participation, cooperation, support, and interest.
The Twelfth NTCIR conference (NTCIR-12) and the Seventh International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2016) would like to welcome all of you who are interested in and/or working on information access research. This sesquiannual event was first held in 1999, and has grown steadily ever since. About 200 people from 20 different countries attended NTCIR-11/EVIA 2014 and we are hoping that the event will be even more successful this time. NTCIR covers diverse information access tasks including, but not limited to, information retrieval, question answering, text summarisation and text mining, with an emphasis on East Asian languages and English.
At the NTCIR-12 conference, we will hear exciting reports from the following tasks:
- IMine: Search Intent and Task Mining
- Lifelog: Personal Lifelog Search
- MathIR: Mathematical Information Retrieval
- MedNLPDoc: Medical Natural Language Processing for medical DOCuments
- MobileClick: Direct and Immediate Information Access for Mobile Users
- QALab: QA System for Real World Problem Including University Entrance
- SpokenQuery&Doc: Spoken Document Retrieval from Spontaneously Spoken Query
- STC: Given a microblog post, retrieve a coherent and useful response.
- Temporalia: Temporal Information Access
While the NTCIR conference is a venue for task participants and organisers to discuss the official task results, open problems and future task designs, our door is open even to those who did not participate in any of the NTCIR-12 tasks. For the previous Conference, among them about half were researchers participated in the "task(s)" set by NTCIR, and others contributed to fruitful discussion.
EVIA is a one-day workshop for information access researchers to present
their work on evaluation methods, measures, test collections, experimental
designs and so on. EVIA papers are peer-reviewed; please see the Call for
Papers for details.
We look forward to seeing you all at NII in June!
DAY-2: June 8 (Wed), 2016
(in application order )
(The use of visual identity (logo) and hyperlink is based on the sponsors' preference.)
For further information, please contact NTCIR Project Office (Conference)
at ntc-mtg-sec
Thank you very much for your participation, cooperation, support, and interest.
NTCIR-12 Program Co-Chairs:
Makoto P. Kato (Kyoto University, Japan) and Kazuaki Kishida (Keio University,
EVIA Chairs:
Emine Yilmaz (University College London, UK) and Charles Clarke (University of Waterloo, Canada)
NTCIR-12 General Co-Chairs:
Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Tetsuya Sakai (Waseda University, Japan)
Mark Sanderson (RMIT University, Australia)
Last Modified: 2016-08-25