NTCIR-9 Workshop SpokenDoc Task Formal Run
Evaluation Results
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* Evaluation Results
Evaluation results for the Spoken Term Detection (STD) subtask
- For the CORE query set ( seven groups with 13 runs + one baseline run)
- For the ALL query set ( two groups with five runs + one baseline run )
- Evaluation results for the Spoken Document Retrieval (SDR) subtask
- Lecture Retrieval Task ( four groups with 11 runs + baseline runs )
- Evaluation results for each participating group and the baseline including result's overview [SpokenDoc-SDR-LEC.xlsx]
- Passage Retrieval Task ( three groups with 10 runs + baseline runs )
- Evaluation results for each participating group and the baseline including result's overview [SpokenDoc-SDR-PAS.xlsx]
These results were used in the
overview paper:
T. Akiba, H. Nishizaki, K. Aikawa, T. Kawahara, and T. Matsui (2011)
Overview of the IR for Spoken Documents Task in NTCIR-9 Workshop.
In Proceedings of the 9 th
NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information
Access Technologies, Tokyo, December 6-9, 2011.