National Institute of Informatics/SOKENDAI
Koibuchi Lab.
Research Field: Computer System and Network
We pioneer the field of computer systems and networks by integrating system design technology, optical communication technology, and graph theory.
Michihiro Koibuchi, Professor, joined the National Institute of Informatics faculty in 2005.Our research focuses on computer system and network architecture, including network on chip and supercomputer. In particular, we are attempting pioneering research on introducing system design technology, graph theory, and optical communication technology for interconnection networks on parallel computer systems. Graduate students are welcome from SOKENDAI. Koibuchi lab is in National Institute of Informatics, Japan.
Computer architecture, Interconnection networks, optical technology, parallel processing
Koibuchi Lab.
Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Research Organization of Information and Systems
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
National Institute of Informatics 16F, Room 1604
TEL : 03-4212-2575
FAX : 03-4212-2035