26. Chiba Three-party Conversation Corpus (Chiba3Party)
Data DOI
Producer, Project
Prof. Yasuharu Den, Chiba University
Senior Assis. Prof. Mika Enomoto, Tokyo University of Technology
This is a collection of 12 sets of conversations made by 36 speakers recorded at Chiba University including 6 male and 6 female groups, aged 18 through 33 years old at the time of recording. Each set contains a casual conversation among three participants of the same gender; the participants of each dialogue were friends. The recording operator tried to avoid placing any restrictions on the content and progress of the conversations, thus keeping high spontaneity. It was recorded with high quality through separate head-set microphones for each speaker.
This release contains one set of conversation from each group, about 2 hours in total, excluding image data.
- Speech wave
- Transcription
- Morphological information
- Transcription and morphological information (ELAN format)
36 speakers (18 males and 18 females)
Recording environment
In a lounge with carpet and sound-absorbing curtain installed
Head-set microphone
Speech file format
WAV format (16 kHz, 16 bit)
- 3 channels
- 2 channels mixed down from 3 channel recording
- 1 channel extracting the voice of each speaker separately
Distribution media
For research purpose only
No fee
Further information
https://chiba3party.jdri.org/ (in Japanese)
All documents are written in Japanese.
Speech sample for test listening
- A:
- あれもやってみたくない
- C:
- (I_うん)
- A:
- あそこの人にこれをみたいな
- C:
- (I_あー:)
- B:
- (I_あー)
- A:
- わかってくれた
- A:
- 今ので
- C:
- (I_うん)
- B:
- (D_ン)わかったわかったわかった
- A:
- <笑>
- C:
- わかったわかっ
- B:
- あちらのお客様からです
- A:
- そうそうそうそうそう
- C:
- (I_うん)
- C:
- <笑>
- A:
- それそれそれ
- B:
- で
- C:
- でもそんなお店行かない(0.14)からな
- B:
- <笑>
- A:
- (T_イ-|いい)ファミレスでいいじゃん
- B:
- ファミレスでやるんだよ
- C:
- ファミレスで?
- A:
- <笑>
- C:
- <笑>
- A:
- (I_えっ)
- A:
- 一年生みんなバイトして:ないん
- A:
- どうなの
- C:
- (F_えーっと)(D_オ)
- C:
- (R_尚弘)は少なくともしてないですよ
- A:
- まあしてない
- B:
- (I_あー)
- B:
- だろうね
- C:
- 遠いっすもんね
- A:
- (I_ふうん)
- C:
- 他はやってんじゃないすか
- C:
- みんな
- A:
- (I_あ)
- A:
- で(R_聡史)今何してんの