17. Priority Areas "Prosody and Speech Processing" Japanese MULTEXT Prosodic Corpus (MULTEXT-J)
Data DOI
Producer, Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas funded by MEXT, Japan during 2000-2004; "Realization of advanced spoken language information processing from prosodic features"
Principal Investigator: Keikichi Hirose (The University of Tokyo)
Corpus Group: Shigeyoshi Kitazawa (Shizuoka University)
The Japanese version of Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora (MULTEXT).
The speakers were asked to read aloud the 40 passages (each passage includes 5 - 6 sentences) in following two speaking styles.
- Reading-style
- Spontaneous-style (instructed to perform with different emotional attitudes according to the text of each situation)
6 speakers (3 males and 3 females)
Recording environment
Anechoic room
Speech file format
WAV format (16 kHz, 16 bit, Mono)
Distribution media
For research purpose only
No fee
- Phoneme label
- Prosodic unit label
- Accent type and accent kernel label
- J-ToBI prosodic label
- F0 data
- Spline approximated F0 data
- EGG signal data
- Analyzed EGG data
Speech sample for test listening
Japanese texts translated from the MULTEXT corpus