33. Transcription Corpus of First-encounter Conversations by Elderly Women (TDU-Kao)
Data DOI
Producer, Project
Prof. Naoki Mukawa, Tokyo Denki University
Makiko Hiraishi, Kao Corporation
A transcription corpus of daily conversations between elderly women who have never met each other before, with the aim of investigating ways to support elderly people in establishing new friendships. No particular theme for the conversation was specified.
- First-encounter conversation in real environment
Eight healthy women over 70 years old were divided into two groups, and 12 conversations were recorded in pairs within each group. Each conversation takes about 10 minutes. (Distribution data is 9 conversations, excluding conversations in which one specific woman participates.)
- First-encounter conversation in remote environment
The recordings were made using the video conferencing system Zoom with 8 women who were different from 1. After the first recordings, second recordings were also made two weeks later. Each conversation takes about 10 minutes.
This corpus consists of time-mapped texts for commercial audiobooks.
The total of 74 audiobooks (24 novels) were selected from a large number of commercial ones for speech synthesis research.
*NOTE* Audio data is not included in this corpus.
16 elderly women
Speech file format
(Speech files are not included)
Distribution media
1 CD
For research purpose only
No fee
All documents are written in Japanese.
Sample data
First-encounter conversation in real environment
開始時間 - 秒.ミリ秒 終了時間 - 秒.ミリ秒 ID1 ID3 23.71 27.388 フランスのあの ま ああアートフラワーみたいなものですけど 26.499 27.723 はいはいはいはいはい。 27.91 31.99 あの 高い何万もする物は買えないから 31.545 31.957 えーえー。 32.104 33.325 五千円位ですけど 33.494 34.848 水変えなくて良いし 35.209 36.098 お見舞いとかにも 36.281 37.979 病院に持っていっても匂わないでしょ?。 38.321 38.883 あらー。 38.883 40.208 良い事教えて頂いた。 39.111 39.951 で ベッドルーム 40.063 41.604 ベッドの所にも置けるし 41.713 41.969 ええ。 42.028 45.197 安いんだったらもう三千五百円位からあります。