24. Speech database of Oogami Dialect (Oogami)
Data DOI
Producer, Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas funded by MEXT, Japan during 1996-1998; "A basic study on the social factors in the diversification of Ryuukyuuan dialects"
Prof. Mariko Kuno, Kokugakuin University
Prof. Makoto Kuno, Kochi University
Prof. Makio Oono, Iwate University
Prof. Takao Sugimura, Fukuoka University of Education
This corpus offers actual conditions of spoken Oogami-jima dialect in the north of Miyako mainland. The data items are arranged considering phone parallelism between Southern Ryukyu and Miyako dialects. Personal idiosyncrasy and generation difference are also considered.
The Karimata dialect spoken in the opposite side of the Oogami-jima is also contained as a reference material, because it has something in common with Oogami-jima dialect in its phonemic characteristics. Both of them are valuable dialects which are suspected to disappear in the near future.
- Oogami dialect
- Words: 120 items
- Verb conjugation: 14 items
- Adjective declension: 12 items
- Particles: 10 items
- Numeration: 5 items
- Karimata dialect
- Words: 126 items
Recording year
Oogami dialect: 1994
Karimata dialect: 1996
1 or 2 male or 1 female speakers per item
2 or 3 files per item
Recording environment
Oogami dialect: in a classroom
Karimata dialect: in a hotel room
Speech file format
WAV format (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, Stereo)
Distribution media
1 CD-ROM and 1 audio CD
For research purpose only
No fee
All documents are written in Japanese.
Speech sample for test listening
Words of Oogami dialect
Verb conjugation of Oogami dialect
「孫に行かせる」(使役) - 「宮古までは船で行けた」(可能)