15. Speech Database of the 1991-1992 Tsuruoka Survey (Tsuruoka91-92)

Data DOI


Producer, Project

Tsuruoka Investigation Database Release Working Committee

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Longitudinal Database of Dialect Standardization over 40 years" supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science during 2004-2005.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas (A) "Language Survey in Turuoka City" supported by MEXT, Japan during 1991-1992.


Speech material recorded in the Third Investigation (1991-1992)*1 in Tsuruoka, Yamagata.

Each investigator interviewed the informant according to the investigation forms with question - answer mode.

Answers to 78 questions regarding pronunciation, accent, and vocabulary were recorded.

*11 Large-scale sociolinguistic survey in Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan conducted three times (1950, 1971, 1991) at 20 year intervals by National Institute of Japanese Language. It was designed to analyze the process in which some dialect has been shifted toward common language. Interviews by the investigator were conducted to the speakers selected at random from the resident registration list. The speech data was recorded only in the third investigation.


Speakers of Tsuruoka dialect: 397 speakers (180 males and 217 females) in 1991, 87 speakers (41 males and 46 females) in 1992

Investigator: 15 males in 1991, 14 males and 1 female in 1992

About 45 minutes speech is recorded for each speaker (including the speech of the investigator).

Speech file format

WAV format (16kHz, 16bit, Mono)

Distribution media

4 DVDs


For research purpose only


No fee


※2 Speech data must be installed into the hard disk larger than 20 GB.

※3 Operational environment: Windows XP or later, and Java6(jre1.6.0 or later)

※4 Excel 2003, 2007 compatibility


All documents and tools are written in Japanese.

Speech sample for test listening

Question: 「おもしろい テレビ やっているから きてみろ」という文をこの土地の言い方に直して言ってみてください。

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