Obtaining SRC corpora
Please send an e-mail to SRC secretariat with the information below.
- Speech corpus/corpora requested
- Name
- Affiliation
- Title (Professor, Researcher, Student, etc.)
- E-mail address
- Postal address
- Telephone number
- Purpose of corpus usage (e.g. "Research in blind source separation and source localization", "To train a speech recognition algorithm".)
Note that use is limited to non-commercial research purposes, primarily at a university or public research institution.
Your application will be reviewed and the availability of the corpus will be emailed to you.
You will be requested to submit a Letter of Pledge for each corpus (an example).
- Speech Resources Consortium, National Institute of Informatics
- 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, JAPAN
- E-mail: src