ATR 216 words
- These include all possible two-phoneme sequences, composed of at least three moras.
- Reference
- H. Kuwabara, K. Takeda, Y. Sagisaka, S. Katagiri, S. Morikawa, T. Watanabe, "Construction of a Large-Scale Japanese Speech Database and its Management System," Proc. ICASSP-89, Paper S10b.12, pp. 560-563 (1989).
- [Copyright of this list]
- Copyright of "ATR 216 words" is belong to Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR). Some speech corpora provided by SRC contain the text list of "216 words", but their use is limited to research use of those corpora.
- If you would like to use the text list "216 words" in your own research or commercial purposes, you need to obtain permission to use it from ATR-Promotions Inc.
- For more details, please refer to the homepage of ATR-Promotions Inc. (in Japanese)
SAMPLE (No. 1 - 20)
1 | いきおい | 勢い |
2 | いよいよ | いよいよ |
3 | うらやましー | 羨ましい |
4 | おもしろい | 面白い |
5 | ぐあい | 具合 |
6 | ざいりょー | 材料 |
7 | じゅーいちがつ | 十一月 |
8 | しゅーきょー | 宗教 |
9 | じゅんばん | 順番 |
10 | すいちょく | 垂直 |
11 | だいじょーぶ | 大丈夫 |
12 | だいどころ | 台所 |
13 | ちゃんと | ちゃんと |
14 | ちゅーおー | 中央 |
15 | とりあつかう | 取り扱う |
16 | ばしょ | 場所 |
17 | びょーいん | 病院 |
18 | ひょーじゅん | 標準 |
19 | ぶんめー | 文明 |
20 | ぽけっと | ポケット |