- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-aware Communications in Smart
Environments", to appear in Information Systems Frontiers
(accepted), Vol.10, Springer, (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh: "A visual framework for deploying and managing context-aware services" in International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communication, Vol. 4 Issue 4, pp.411-427, (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Formal Approach for Milk-run Transport Logistics", to appear in IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals
of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A, No.11, pp3261-3268, November (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Rapidly Building Visual Management Systems
for Context-aware
Services", IEICE Transactions on Infomation and Systems, (Special Issue on IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Section on Autonomous Decentralized
Systems Theories and Application), Vol.E91-D, No.9, pp.2251-2258, October (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Spatial Communication Model for Ubiquitous Computing Services",
Journal of Networks, Vol.3, No.4, pp.10-20, Academy Publisher, April (2008).
- Christian Hoareau and Ichiro Satoh, "Query Language for Location-Based Services: A Model Checking Approach", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J91-D, No.3, pp.976-985, April (2008).
- 佐藤一郎: "博物館向けコンテキスト依存サービスにおけるM-Spaces空間モデルの実証実験",
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.49, No.2, pp.797-807, February (2008).
- 楠房子, 佐藤一郎, 溝口博, 稲垣 成哲: "サウンドスポット:博物館の展示支援向け局所音声再生システム",
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J91-D, No.2,pp.229-237, February (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Bio-Inspired Deployment of Software over
Distributed Systems", IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals
of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E90-A,
No.11, pp.2449-2457, November (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Location Model for Smart Environment", Pervasive
and Mobile Computing, vol.3, no.2, pp.158-179, Elsevier, March
- Ichiro Satoh, "Location-based Services in Ubiquitous
Computing Environments", International
Journal of Digital Libraries, vol.6. No.3, pp.280-291, Springer
- Ichiro Satoh, "Building and Selecting Mobile Agents
for Network Management", Journal of Network and Systems
Management, vol.14, no.1, pp.147-169, Springer (2006)
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Rapidly
Building and Managing Application-specific Overlay Networks",
IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E89-B, no.9, September
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro Satoh: "A Software Infrastructure
for Supporting Spontaneous and Personalized Interaction in Home Computing
Environments", Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing (PUC), vol. 10, no.6, pp.379-391, Springer (2006)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Spatial Model for Ubiquitous Computing
IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E88-B, no.3, pp.134-144,
March (2005)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Mobile Applications in Ubiquitous Computing
Environments",IEICE Transactions on Communications,
vol.E88-B, no.3, pp.239-248, March (2005)
- 佐藤一郎: "MobiDoc: ネットワークを考慮した複合ドキュメントフレームワーク",
情報処理学会論文, vol.46, No, 2, pp,556-569, February (2005)
- 佐藤一郎: "スマートスペースのプログラミングモデル",情報処理学会論文,
vol.45, No, 12, pp.2655-2665, December (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Software Testing for Wireless Mobile
Computing", IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 11,
no. 5, IEEE Communication Society, pp.58-64, October (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Reusable Mobile Agents for Cluster Computing",International
Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, vol.1, no.3,
pp.77-89, Inderscience Publishers, October ( 2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Component Framework for Document-centric
Networking", IEICE Transactions on Communication,
vol.E87-B, no.7, pp.1826-1833, July (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Configurable Network Processing for Mobile
Agents on the Internet", Cluster Computing (The Journal
of Networks, Software Tools and Applications), vol. 7, no.1, pp.73-83,
Kluwer, January (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Testing Framework for Mobile Computing
Software", IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, vol.29, no.12, pp.1112-1121, December (2003) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh:"Building Reusable Mobile Agents for
Network Management", IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics, vol.33, no. 3, part-C, pp.350-357, August (2003) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh:"MobileSpaces: An Extensible Mobile Agent
System", IEICE
Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer
Sciences ,
vol.E86-A, no.11, pp.2782-2790, November (2003)
- Ichiro Satoh:"Itinerant Agents for Network Management",
IEICE Transactions on Communication, vol.E86-B, no.10, pp.2865-2873,
October (2003)
- 佐藤一郎: "Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds with Mobile
Agents", 情報処理学会論文誌,vol.44, No, 8, pp. 2218-2229, August
- Ichiro Satoh: "SpatialAgents:
Integrating User Mobility and Program Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing
Environments", Wireless Communications
and Mobile Computing, vol.3, no.4, pp.411-423,
John Wiley, June (2003)
- 上野乃毅,中島達夫,佐藤一郎,副島康太: "Webプロトコルを用いたホームコンピューティングミドルウェアの統合",
情報処理学会論文誌:コンピューティングシステム,vol.44,no.SIG 10(ACS 2), pp.177-186, July,
- 佐藤一郎: "モバイルエージェントの経路記述と選択機構",
情報処理学会論文誌,vol.44,no.6, pp.1473-1482, June
- Ichiro Satoh: "Network
Protocols for Mobile Agents by Mobile Agents", 情報処理学会論文誌,vol.44,no.3,pp.760-770,
March (2003)
- 梅澤猛, 佐藤一郎, 安西祐一郎: "モバイルエージェントを用いたセンサネットワーク向けフレームワーク",
情報処理学会論文誌,vol.44,no.3,pp.779-788, March, (2003)
- 佐藤一郎: "Flying
Emulator: 携帯端末用ソフトウェアの開発試験環境", 情報処理学会論文誌,vol.43,no.12,pp
.3765-3774, December (2002)
- 谷澤 佳道,佐藤一郎,安西祐一郎: "ユビキタスコンピューティング環境構築のためのモバイルエージェントフレームワーク",
情報処理学会論文誌,vol.43,no.12,pp.3774-3784, December, (2002)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Reusable
Mobile Agents for Managing Networks", 情報処理学会論文誌, vol.43,
no.11, pp. 3448-3457, November (2002)
- Ichiro Satoh: "MobiDoc:
A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Compound Documents",
Informatica, vol.25, no. 4, pp.493-500, December (2001)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "プロセス代数によるリアルタイムオブジェクト指向プログラミング言語の意味論",
情報処理学会論文誌, vol.35, no.11, pp.2355-2365, November (1994) (平成7年度情報処理学会論文賞受賞)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "分散計算のための局所時間性に基づく形式系",
コンピュータソフトウェア,vol.11,no.2, pp.32--44,March (1994)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "時間的特性を考慮した並列プロセスの形式的記述",
情報処理学会論文誌,vol.34,no.4,p.540--548,April (1993)
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "A formalism for real-time
concurrent object-oriented computing", ACM SIGPLAN
Notices archive, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 315-326, ACM Press, October
- Ichiro Satoh: "Rapidly Building Multimedia Management Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing", to appear in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2009), IEEE Computer Society, July (2009).
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Context-aware Service Framework for Large-Scale Ambient Computing Environments", to appear in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'09), ACM Press, July (2009).
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Test-bed Framework for Self-organizing Approaches over Distributed Systems", to appear in Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'09), July (2009).
- Ichiro Satoh: "Morphogenetic structure of distributed systems", to appear in Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Morphogenetic Engineering, June (2009).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Test-bed Platform for Bio-inspired Distributed Systems", in Proceesings of 3rd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS'2008), November (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Context-aware Deployment of Services in Public Spaces", in Proceesings of 6th IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS'2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.5287, pp.221-232, September (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Context-aware Agents to Guide Visitors in Museums", in Proceedings of 8th International Conference Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'08), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), vol.5208, pp.441-455, September (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Experience of Context-aware Services
in Museums", in Proceedings of International
Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'2008), pp.81-90, ACM Press,
July (2008).
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Specification Framework for Earth-friendly Logistics", in Proceedings of 28th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE'2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.5048, pp.251-266, Springer, June (2008).
- Christian Hoareau and Ichiro Satoh, "Hybrid Logics and Model Checking: A Recipe for Query Processing in Location-Aware Environments", in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2008), pp. 130-137, March (2008).
- Christian Hoareau, Ichiro Satoh, "A Model Checking-Based
Approach for Location Query Processing in Pervasive Computing Environments",
in Proceedings of Workshop on Pervasive Systems (OTM Workshops 2007, vol.2), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4806, pp.866-875, Springer, November (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Visual Component Framework
for Building Network Management Systems", in Proceedings of 10th
Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2007),
(Nominated for the Best Paper), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4773, pp.286-295, October (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh, "Spatial Counterpart Objects for Intelligent
Environments",in Proceedings of 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent
Environments, pp.424-431, September (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh: "Visual Components
for Pervasive Computing Management", in Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'07), pp.19-28,
IEEE Computer Society, July (2007).
- Fusako Kusunoki, Ichiro Satoh, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, Shigenori
Inagaki, "SoundSpot: a next-generation audio-guide system
for museums" Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment
Technology (ACE'2007), pp.272-273, ACM Press, June (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh: "Self-Organizing Multi-agent Systems for
Data Mining", in Proceeding of The International
Workshop on Autonomous Intelligent Systems: Agents and Data Mining
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, pp.165-177, June (2007).
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Visual Framework for Deploying and
Managing Context-aware Services", 2nd
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC'2007),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), vol. 4459, pp. 397-411, Springer, May (2007)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-aware Communications
in Smart Spaces", in Proceedings of International
Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE'2007), pp.1027-1034,
IEEE Computer Society, April
- Ichiro Satoh, "Cell-locomotin-based
Agent Migration over Distributed Systems", Proceesings
of 1st International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software
(CISIS'2007), pp.74-81, IEEE Computer Society, April (2007)
- Ichiro Satoh, "Self-organizing
Software Components in Distributed Systems", Proceedings
of 20th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
System Aspects in Pervasive and Organic Computing
(ARCS'07), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4415,
pp.185-198, Springer, March (2007)
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Spatial Communication Model for Ubiquitous Computing Services",
Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Universal Multiservice
Networks (ECUMN'2007), pp.32-44, IEEE Computer Society,
February (2007) [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Component Framework for Document Centric
Network Processing", IEEE International Conferences
on Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT'2007), IEEE
Computer Society, January (2007) (Best Paper Award) [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Document-centric Component
Framework for Document Distributions", Proceedings
of 8th International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications
(DOA'2006) (in Proceedings of OTM Confederated International
Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE 2006), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4276, pp.1555-1575, Springer,
October (2006). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Bio-inspired
Organization for Multi-agents on Distributed Systems",
Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Biologically Inspired Approaches
to Advanced Information Technology (BioADIT'2006), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3853, pp.355-362, Springer, January
- Ichiro Satoh, "Network Processing of Documents,
for Documents, by Documents", Proceedings
of ACM/IFIP/USENIX 6th International Middleware Conference (Middleware'2005),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3790, pp.421-430, December
(2005)[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A World Model for Smart Spaces",
Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence
and Smart Worlds (UISW2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol.3823, pp.31-40, Springer, December 2005. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A World Model for Smart Spaces", Joint
Conference on Smart Objects and Ambient Intelligence (sOc-EUSAI'05),
pp.195-199, October (2005)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Organization and Mobility in
Mobile Agent Computing", Proceedings
of 3rd Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS'05),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), pp. 187-205, July (2005) [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "Dynamic Deployment of Pervasive
Services", IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Services (ICPS'2005), pp.302-311, IEEE Computer Society, July (2005)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-based
Services for Intelligent Environments", Proceedings
of IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments, pp.38-46,
June (2005)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Location Model for
Pervasive Computing Environments", Proceedings
of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications (PerCom'05), pp.215-224, IEEE Computer Society,
March (2005) [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Compound Document Framework
for Multimedia Networking", to appear in Proceedings
of 1st International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia
Applications (DFMA'2005),
pp.80-87, IEEE Computer Society, February (2005)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Mobile Agents for Ambient Intelligence",
Postproceedings of International Workshop on Massively
Multi-Agent Systems (MMAS'2004), pp.187-201, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol.3446, Springer
(2005) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Self-Deployment of Distributed Applications",
Proceedings of International Workshop on Scientific Engineering
of Distributed Java Applications (FIDJI'2004), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol.3409, pp.48-57, Springer, November (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Software Agents for Ambient Intelligence",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics (SMC'2004), pp.1147-1150, October (2004) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Bio-inspired Deployment of Distributed
Proceedings of International Workshop on Multi-Agents
(PRIMA'2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 3371,
pp.243-258, Springer, August (2004) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Mobile Agent-based Framework
for Location-Based Services", to appear in Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'2004),
IEEE Communication
June (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Selection of Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS'2004), pp.484-493, IEEE Computer Society, March (2004) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Dynamic Federation of Partitioned Applications
in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", Proceedings
of 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
(PerCom'2004), pp.356-360, IEEE Computer Society, March (2004) [Download
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro Satoh: "Personal Home Server:
Enabling Personalized and Seamless Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Pervasive
and Communications (PerCom'2004), pp.341-345, IEEE Computer Society,
March (2004)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Linking Phyical Worlds to Logical
Worlds with Mobile Agents", Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'2004), pp. 332-343, IEEE
Computer Society, January (2004) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-based Services in Ubiquitous
Computing Environments", Proceedings of International
Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'2003), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 2910, pp.527-542, Springer, December
(2003) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Reusable Mobile Agents for Cluster Computing",
to appear in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing (Cluster'2003), pp.270-279, IEEE Computer Society, December
(2003) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Specification and Selection of Network
Management Agents", Proceedings of 5th
International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications
(MATA'2003), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 2881, pp.11-22, Springer, October
(2003) [Download
- Ichiro
Satoh: "Testing Mobile Wireless Applications",
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Personal
Wireless Communications (PWC'2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), vol.2775, pp.75-89, Springer, September (2003) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Software Testing for Mobile and Ubiquitous
Computing", Proceedings of International Symposium on Autonomous
Decentralized Systems, pp.185-192, IEEE Computer Society, April
- Ichiro Satoh: "Software Testing for Ubiquitous Computing
Proceedings of IASTED Interfactional Conference Applied Informatics
(International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Networks), pp.553-558, Feburary (2003).[Download
- Daiki Ueno, Tatsuo Nakajima, Ichiro Satoh, and Kouta Soejima: "Web-Based
Middleware for Home Entertainment", Proceedings of
7th Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'2002), Lecture Notes
in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol.2550, pp.206-220, Springer, December (2002)
- D. Ueno, E. Tokunaga, H. Ishikawa T. Nakajima, and I. Satoh: "Connecting
Object-Oriented Middleware for Home Computing with Virtual Overlay
Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented
Real-Time Distributed Computing, pp.163-168, IEEE Computer Society,
December (2002)
- Ichiro Satoh, "Physical Mobility and Logical Mobility in Ubiquitous
Computing Environments", Proceedings of 6th International Conference
on Mobile Agents (MA'2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol. 2535, pp.186-202, Springer, October, (2002).[Download
- Takeshi Umezawa, Ichiro Satoh, Yuichiro Anzai: "A Mobile
Agent-based Framework for Configurable Sensor Networks",
Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication
Applications (MATA'2002), LNCS, vol. 2521, pp.128-140, Springer, October,
- Ichiro Satoh: "Building Reusable Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial and
Computational Intelligence (ACI'2002), September, (2002)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Framework for Building Reusable Mobile
Agents for Network Management", Proceedings of Network
Operations and Managements Symposium (NOMS'2002), pp.51-64, IEEE
Society, April, (2002).[Download
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro Satoh: "Naming Management in
a Web-based Home Computing System", Proceedings of IASTED
Interfactional Conference Applied Informatics International Symposium
on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Networks, pp. 137-142, IASTED, 2002.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Dynamic Configuration of Agent Migration Protocols
for the Internet", Proceedings of International Symposium
on Applications and the Internet (SAINT'2002), IEEE Computer Society,
January, (2002). [Download PDF]
- Tatuo Nakajima, Ichiro Satoh, Hiroyuki Aizu: "A Virtual
Overlay Network for Integrating Home Appliances", Proceedings
of International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT''2002),
IEEE Computer
Society, pp.246-253, January, (2002).
- Ichiro Satoh: "Flying Emulator: Rapid Building and Testing
of Networked Applications for Mobile Computers", Proceedings
of 5th International Conference on Mobile Agents (MA'2001), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 2240, pp.103-118, Springer,
December, (2001).[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "Mobile Agent-based Compound Documents",
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'2001),
pp.76-84, ACM Press, November, (2001). [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Network Processing of Mobile Agents, by Mobile
Agents, for Mobile Agents", Proceedings of 3rd International
Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA'2001),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.2146, Springer, pp.81-92,
August, (2001). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "Application-Specific Routing for Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial
Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/ Distributed Computing, pp.299-305,
the International Association for Computer and Information Series,
(2001)[Download PDF]
- Yoshimichi Tanizawa, Ichiro Satoh, and Yuichiro Anzai: "A
Mobile Agent-Based Framework to Support Personal Mobility",
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering,
Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/ Distributed Computing, pp.144-151,
the International Association for Computer and Information Series,
- Ichiro Satoh: "Adaptive Protocols for Agent Migration", Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
pp.711-714, IEEE Computer Society, April, (2001). [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "An Architecture for Next Generation Mobile Agent
Infrastructure", Proceedings of International Symposium on Multi-Agent
and Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000),
p281-287, ICSC Academic Press, December, (2000) [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "MobiDoc: A Framework for Building Mobile Compound
Documents from Hierarchical Mobile Agents", Proceedings of International
Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications/International Symposium
on Mobile Agents (ASA/MA2000), pp.113-125, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 1882, Springer, September, (2000). [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Hierarchical Model of Mobile Agents and Its Multimedia
Applications", Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia
Network Systems (MMNS'2000), pp.103-108, IEEE Computer Society,
(2000). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Formalism for Hierarchical Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of International Symposium on Software Engineering for
and Distributed Systems (PDSE'2000), pp.165-172, IEEE Computer Society,
June, (2000). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "MobileSpaces: A Framework for Building Adaptive
Distributed Applications using a Hierarchical Mobile Agent System",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS'2000), pp.161-168, IEEE Computer Society, April, (2000).
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Mobile Agent-Based Framework for Active Networks",
Proceedings of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference (SMC'99),
pp.71-76, IEEE, September (1999). [Download
- Takuro Kitayama, Hideyuki Tokuda, Tatsuo Nakajima, Takuo Watanabe,
Katsuhiko Gondow, Ichiro Satoh: "SMAF: A Framework for
Future Embedded Systems", IEEE International Workshop
on Network Appliances, S2-1, pp. 1-4, IEEE Communication Society, November
- Ichiro Satoh: "An Algebraic Framework for Optimizing Parallel
Proceedings of International Symposium on Software Engineering for
and Distributed Systems (PDSE'98), IEEE Computer Society, April (1998).
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "Algebraic Orders for Communicating Processes with
Respect to Relative Speeds", Workshop on Concurrency Theory
and Application'96, pp.23-39. July, (1996).
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "Time and Asynchrony in Interactions
among Distributed Real-Time Objects", Proceedings of Eourpean
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'95), Lecture Notes
in Computer
Sicence (LNCS), vol.952, pp.331-350, August, Springer-Verlag, (1995).
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "A Formalism for Remotely Interacting
Processes", Proceedings of Workshop on Theory and Practice of
Parallel Programming (TPPP'94), Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence
(LNCS), vol.
907, pp.216-228, Springer-Verlag, November, (1994). [Download
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "Semantics for a Real-Time Object-Oriented
Programming Language", Proceedings of IEEE 5th International
Conference on Computer Languages (ICCL'94), p159-170, IEEE Computer
Society, May,
(1994). [Download PDF]
- Mario Tokoro, and Ichiro Satoh: "Asynchrony and Real-time in Distributed
Computing", Proceedings of Parallel Symbolic Computing Workshop,
Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence (LNCS), vol.748, pp.318-330,
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokorh: "A Timed Calculus for Distributed
Objects with Clocks", Proceedings of Eourpean Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'93), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.707,
pp.326-345, July, Springer-Verlag, (1993). [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Formalism for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented
Computing", Proceedings of ACM Conference on Object-Oriented
Pragramming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'92),
pp.315-326, ACM Press,
October, (1992). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Time and Asynchrony in Distributed
Computing", PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Keio University,
Feburary, (1996). [Download PDF]
- Ichiro
Satoh, "A Formalism for Timed Communicating Processes", Master
Thesis, Keio University, March, (1993).
- 佐藤一郎: "海外の携帯電話業界事情",ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌,
vol.7, no. 4, pp.9-12 (2005)
- 佐藤一郎: "RFIDタグ:技術動向と影響", 情報処理, vol.45,
no. 1, pp.56-62 (2004)
- 佐藤一郎: "モバイルエージェント", コンピュータソフトウェア,
vol.17, no.2, pp.45-54, (2000)
- 佐藤一郎: "FAQ: モバイルエージェント",
コンピュータソフトウェア, vol.17, no.1, pp.24-25, (2000)
- 佐藤 一郎: "モバイルエージェントの動向",
人工知能学会論文誌, vol.14, no. 4, pp.598-605 (1999)
- 佐藤 一郎, 楠 房子, 溝口 博, 稲垣 成哲: "サウンドスポット:スピーカーアレイ技術による次世代音声展示支援システム",
日本科学教育学会年会論文集, pp.305-308, August (2006).
- 中村貴文, 佐藤 一郎, 楠 房子, 稲垣 成哲, 溝口
博: "サウンドスポット:博物館の展示支援向けスピーカーアレイセンサシステム",
日本科学教育学会年会論文集, pp.505-306, August (2006).
- 佐藤一郎: "電子タグ技術とトレーサビリティ" (招待講演),
安全・安心を届けるトレーサビリティの新展開シンポジウム, 日本食品工学会, August 2006.
- 佐藤一郎: "ユビキタスコンピューティングにおけるミドルウェア" (招待講演),
実空間指向ユビキタスネットワークシンポジウム, July 2006.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Mobile Agent-based Software Engineering" (Keynode
speech) 5th Workshop on Software Engineering on Large-scale Multiple
Agents, May 2006.
- 佐藤一郎: "モバイル・ユビキタスコンピューティングのソフトウェア開発・試験手法" (招待講演),
情報処理学会・組み込みソフトウェアシンポジウム2005, October 2005.
- 佐藤一郎: "次世代RFID(ICタグ)技術の最新動向と応用", 情報処理学会・連続セミナー2005
第6回「組み込みソフト開発事例(ユビキタス系), December 2005.
- 佐藤一郎: "ICタグ", 情報処理学会・連続セミナー2004 第6回「ICタグの最新動向」, December
- Ichiro Satoh: "Software for Ubiquitous Computing",
日本ソフトウェア科学会 Summer Workshop on System, Programming and Application
August, (2002)
- Ichiro Satoh: "MobileSpaces: A Framework for Building
Adaptive Distributed Applications using a Hierarchical Mobile Agent
System", 日本ソフトウェア科学会 Workshop on System, Programming and
Application (SPA'2000), March, (2000)
- 佐藤一郎: "モバイルエージェント技術の研究動向", NII Journal,
no.3, pp.53-66, November, (2001)
- Ichiro Satoh, "An Adaptive Mobile Agent System",
OOPSLA 2000 Workshop on Pervasive Computing: The Next Generation Computing
Environment, October 16, (2000)
- Ichiro Satoh, "The Desing and Implementation of a Mobile
Agent System", OOPSLA Workshop on "Experiences with
Autonomous Mobile Objects and Agent Based Systems, October 15, (2000)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Towards a Formalization of Optimizing
Parallel Programs", 1st International Workshop on Specification
and Verification of Temporal Systems (IWTS'99), March, (1999)
- Ichiro Satoh, "Speed-Sensitive Orders for Communicating
Systems", 1st Workshop on Concurrency Theory, July, (1996)
- Ichiro Satoh, Jean-Marc Anderoli, and Remo Pareschi: "Time
and Asynchrony in Interactions among Distributed Real-Time Processes",
1st Workshop on Coodination Languages, Geneva, pp.20-36, December, (1994)
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "A Timed Bisimulation
with Behavioral and Temporal Abstraction", International
Workshop on Concurrency Theory, April, (1994)
- 佐藤 一郎: "AgentSpace: モーバイルエージェントシステム", 日本ソフトウェア科学会
Workshop on Muti Agent and Cooperative Computation, (MACC'98), December,
- 佐藤 一郎: "モーバイルエージェントの階層的な構成と移動", 日本ソフトウェア科学会全国大会,
pp.249--353 (1998) (平成10年度日本ソフトウェア科学会高橋奨励賞受賞)
- 佐藤 一郎: "高階モーバイルエージェントシステム", 情報処理学会プログラミング研究会報告,
3月, (1998) (平成11年度情報処理学会論山下記念賞受賞)
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Process Algebra for Optimization in
Parallel Programs", Summer Workshop on Parallel Processing'97,
August, 1997, published in IPSJ SIG Notes 97-PRO-14, pp. 25-30, (1997)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "分散リアルタイムオブジェクトの非同期相互作用の形式化",
オブジェクト指向コンピューティング4 , 近代科学社, (1996)
- Ichiro Satoh: "Asynchronous Interactions among Distributed
Real-Time Processes", 日本ソフトウェア科学会 Workshop on Object Oriented
Computing (WOOC'95), March, (1995)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "局所時間性を考慮した分散オブジェクトの形式化",
オブジェクト指向コンピューティング2, 近代科学社, (1994)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "A Timed Process Calculus Based on Distributed
Time", 情報処理学会研究会報告(SIGNOTE 93-PRG)/電子情報通信学会研究会報告(Technical
Report COMP93-59), March, (1993)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "リアルタイム並行オブジェクト指向計算の形式化",
オブジェクト指向コンピューティング1, 近代科学社, (1993)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "時間的な制約をもつプロセスの形式的記述", 並列処理シンポジウム
(JSPP'92), p63-70, June, (1992)
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro: "RtCCS: A Formalism for
Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing" Workshop
on Object-Oriented Computing (WOOC'92), March, (1992)
- 佐藤 一郎, 所 真理雄: "実時間並行計算モデル", 情報処理学会研究会報告(SIGNOTE
91-PRG 5-1)/電子情報通信学会研究会報告(Technical Report COMP91-59), March, (1991)
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