Publications (written
in English)
Ichiro Satoh
This page shows my selected
papers and you can download some of them, which are formated by Adobe
Acrobat PDF.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Context-Aware Service Infrastructure", to appear in Proceedings in International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Context-aware Ambient Media Infrastructure", in Proceedings of ACM MINDTREK'2009, ACM Press, October 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Rapidly Building Multimedia Management Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing", in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2009), pp.86-91, IEEE Computer Society, July 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Context-aware Service Framework for Large-Scale Ambient Computing Environments", in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'09), pp.199-208, ACM Press, July 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Test-bed Framework for Self-organizing Approaches over Distributed Systems", in Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'09), July 2009.
- Christian Hoareau and Ichiro Satoh: "Invited Paper: Modeling and Processing Information for Context-Aware Computing: A Survey", New Generation Computing, Vol.27, pp.177-196, Springer / Ohmsha, 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Morphogenetic structure of distributed systems", in Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Morphogenetic Engineering, June 2009.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Test-bed Platform for Bio-inspired Distributed Systems", in Proceesings of 3rd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, November 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Visual Framework for Deploying and Managing Context-aware Services", International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communiation, Vol. 4 Issue 4, 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Rapidly Building Visual Management Systems for Context-aware Services", IEICE Transactions on Infomation and Systems, (Special Issue on IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Section on Autonomous Decentralized Systems Theories and Application), Vol.E91-D, No.9, pp.2251-2258, October, 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Context-aware Deployment of Services in Public Spaces", in Proceesings of 6th IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS'2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.5287, pp.221-232, September 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Context-aware Agents to Guide Visitors in Museums",in Proceedings of 8th International Conference Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'08), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), vol.5208, pp.441-455, September 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-aware Communications in Smart Environments", to appear in Information Systems Frontiers (accepted), Vol.10, Springer, 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Formal Approach for Milk-run Transport Logistics", to appear in IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91, 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Experience of Context-aware Services in Museums", in Proceedings of International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'2008), pp.81-90, ACM Press, July 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Specification Framework for Earth-friendly Logistics", in Proceedings of 28th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE'2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.5048, pp.251-266, Springer, June 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Spatial Communication Model for Ubiquitous Computing Services",
Journal of Networks, Vol.3, No.4, Academy Publisher, April 2008.
Joint Works
- Christian Hoareau and Ichiro Satoh, "Query Language for Location-Based Services: A Model Checking Approach", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J91-D, No.3, pp.976-985, April 2008.
- Christian Hoareau and Ichiro Satoh: "Hybrid Logics and Model Checking: A Recipe for Query Processing in Location-Aware Environments", in Proceedings of AINA'2008, pp.130-137, IEEE Computer Society, March 2008.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Location Model for Smart Environment", Pervasive
and Mobile Computing, vol.3, no.2, pp.158-179, Elsevier,
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Visual Component Framework for Building Network Management
Systems", Proceedings of
10th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium
(APNOMS 2007), pp.286-295, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4773, Springer 2007. (Nominated for the Best Paper)
- Ichiro Satoh, "Spatial
Counterpart Objects for Intelligent Environments",
Proceedings of 3rd IET International Conference
on Intelligent Environments, pp.424-431, September 2007.
- Ichiro
Satoh, "Visual Components for Pervasive Computing
Management", Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS'07), pp.19-28, IEEE
Computer Society, July 2007.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Self-Organizing
Multi-agent Systems for Data Mining", Proceeding
of The International Workshop on Autonomous Intelligent Systems:
Agents and Data Mining (AIS-ADM'2007),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4476, pp.165-177,
Springer, June 2007.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Visual Framework for Deploying and Managing Context-aware Services",
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive
Computing (GPC'2007), Lecture
Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 4459, pp. 397-411, Springer, May 2007.
- Ichiro
Satoh, "Location-aware Communications in Smart
Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and
Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE'2007), pp.1027-1034, IEEE Computer
Society, April
- Ichiro
Satoh, "Cell-locomotin-based
Agent Migration over Distributed Systems", Proceedings
of 1st International Conference on Complex, Intelligent
and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS'2007),
pp.74-81, IEEE Computer Society, April 2007.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Self-organizing
Software Components in Distributed Systems", Proceedings
of 20th International Conference on Architecture of Computing
Systems System Aspects in
Pervasive and Organic Computing (ARCS'07), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol.4415, pp.185-198, Springer, March 2007.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Spatial Communication Model for Ubiquitous Computing Services",
Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Universal Multiservice
Networks (ECUMN'2007), pp.32-44, IEEE Computer Society,
February 2007. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Component Framework for Document Centric Network Processing",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conferences on Symposium on Applications
and the Internet (SAINT'2007), IEEE Computer Society, January.
2007. (The Best Paper Award) [Download
Joint Works
- Christian Hoareau,
Ichiro Satoh, "A Model Checking-Based Approach
for Location Query Processing in Pervasive Computing Environments",
to appear in Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive
Systems (PerSys'07), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
November 2007.
- Fusako Kusunoki,
Ichiro Satoh, Hiroshi Mizoguchi, and Shigenori Inagaki, "SoundSpot:
a Next-generation Audio-guide System for Museums" Proceedings
of Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'2007),
pp.272-273, ACM
Press, June 2007.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Location-based
Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
International Journal of Digital Libraries, vol.6, no.3, pp.280-291,
2006.[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "
Building and Selecting Mobile Agents for Network Management",
Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol.14, no.1, pp.147-169,
Springer, 2006. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A
Document-centric Component Framework for Document Distributions",
Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Distributed
Objects and Applications (DOA'2006) (in Proceedings of OTM Confederated
International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE 2006),
Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.4276, pp.1555-1575, Springer,
October 2006. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro
Satoh, "Organization
and Mobility in Mobile Agent Computing", Programming
Multi-Agent Systems (Postproceedings
of 3rd Workshop on ProMAS'05), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 3862, pp.187-205, April 2006. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A
Mobile Agent-based Framework for Rapidly Building and Managing
Overlay Networks",
IEICE Transactions on Communications Vol.E89-B No.9 pp.2404-2413,
September 2006.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Bio-inspired
Organization for Multi-agents on Distributed Systems",
Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Biologically Inspired Approaches
to Advanced Information Technology (BioADIT'2006), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3853, pp.355-362, Springer, January
2006. [Download PDF]
Joint Works
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro
Satoh: "A Software Infrastructure for Supporting Spontaneous
and Personalized Interaction in Home Computing Environments",
Journal of Persona and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), vol.10,
no.6, pp.379-391, Springer 2006.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Network
Processing of Documents, for Documents, by Documents",
Proceedings of ACM/IFIP/USENIX 6th International
Conference (Middleware'2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol. 3790, pp.421-430, December 2005. [Middleware 2005]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A
World Model for Smart Spaces", 1st International Symposium
on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart Worlds (UISW2005), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3823, pp.31-40, Springer, December
2005. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro
Satoh: "A
World Model for Smart Spaces", Joint Conference on
Smart Objects and Ambient Intelligence (sOc-EUSAI'05), pp.195-199,
October 2005.[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Organization
and Mobility in Mobile Agent Computing",
Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent
Systems (ProMAS'05), July 2005. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Dynamic
Deployment of Pervasive Services",
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services
(ICPS'2005), IEEE Computer Society, pp.302-311, July 2005. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Location-based
Services for Intelligent Environments", Proceedings
of IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments, pp.38-46,
June 2005. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh: "A
Location Model for Pervasive Computing Environments",
Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications (PerCom'05), pp,215-224, IEEE Computer
Society, March 2005. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A Compound
Document Framework for Multimedia Networking",
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Distributed
Frameworks for Multimedia Applications (DFMA'2005), pp.80-87, IEEE
Computer Society, February 2005. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Mobile
Agents for Ambient Intelligence", Postproceedings of International Workshop on Massively
Multi-Agent Systems (MMAS'2004),
pp.187-201, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3446, Springer,
2005. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Software
Testing for Wireless Mobile Computing",
IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp.58-64, IEEE Communication
Society, October 2004. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Self-deployment
for Distributed Applications", 4th
International Workshop on Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java
Applications (FIDJI'2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3409,
pp.48-57, Springer, November 2004.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Reusable
Mobile Agents for Cluster Computing", International
Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, vol.1,
no.3, pp.77-89, Inderscience Publishers, 2004.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Software
Agents for Ambient Intelligence", Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
(SMC'2004), pp.1147-1150, October
2004. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Bio-inspired
Deployment of Distributed Applications", Proceedings
of International Workshop on Multi-Agents (PRIMA2004), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.3371,pp.243-258, Springer,
August 2004.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Mobile Agent-based Framework for Location-Based Services",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC'2004), IEEE Communication Society,
June 2004.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Selection
of Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Conference
on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS'2004), pp.484-493, IEEE Computer Society, March
2004. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Dynamic
Federation of Partitioned Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications (PerCom'2004), pp.356-360, IEEE Computer
Society, March 2004. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "A
Component Framework for Document-centric Networking",
IEICE Transactions on Communication, vol.E87-B, no.7, pp.1826-1833,
July 2004.
- Ichiro Satoh: "Configurable
Network Processing for Mobile Agents on the Internet",
Cluster Computing (The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and
Applications), vol. 7, no.1, pp.73-83, Kluwer, January 2004.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Linking
Physical Worlds to Logical Worlds with Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
Mobile Data Management (MDM'04), pp. 332-343, IEEE Computer Society,
2004. [Download PDF]
Joint Works
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro
Satoh: "Personal Home Server:
Enabling Personalized and Seamless Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications (PerCom'2004), pp.341-345, IEEE Computer
Society, March 2004.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A
Testing Framework for Mobile Computing Software",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 29,
no. 12, pp.1112-1121, 2003.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Reusable
Mobile Agents for Cluster Computing", Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster'2003),
pp. 270-279, IEEE Computer Society, December 2003. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Location-based
Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
Proceedings of International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
(ICSOC'03), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 2910, pp.527-542, Springer, December
2003. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh: "Specification
and Selection of Network Management Agents", Proceedings
of 5th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication
Applications (MATA'2003), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.2881, pp.11-22, Springer, October
2003. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Testing
Mobile Wireless Applications", Proceedings of 8th
International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications
(PWC'2003), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.2775, pp.75-89, Springer, September
2003. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Building
Reusable Mobile Agents for Network Management", IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol.33,
no. 3, part-C, pp.350-357, August 2003. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Bridging
Physical and Virtual Worlds with Mobile Agents", Journal
of Information Processing Society of Japan, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 2218-2229,
August 2003.
- Ichiro Satoh: "SpatialAgents:
Integrating User Mobility and Program Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing
Environments", Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, vol.3, no.4, pp.411-423, John
Wiley, June 2003.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Software
Testing for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing", Proceedings of
6th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, pp.
185-192, IEEE Computer Society, April, 2003. [Download
- Ichiro
Satoh: "Network Protocols for Mobile Agents by Mobile Agents",
Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, vol. 44, no. 3,
pp. 760-770, March 2003.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Software
Testing for Ubiquitous Computing Devices", Proceedings
of Interfactional Conference Applied Informatics, pp.
553-558, Feburary 2003.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Reusable
Mobile Agents for Managing Networks", Journal of Information
Processing Society of Japan, vol.43, no.11, pp. 3448-3457, November
- Ichiro Satoh, "Physical
Mobility and Logical Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments",
Proceedings of 6th International
Conference on Mobile Agents (MA'2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), vol. 2535, pp.186-202, Springer, October 2002.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Building
Reusable Mobile Agents", Proceedings of International Conference
on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ACI'2002), September 2002.
- Ichiro
Satoh, "A Framework for Building Reusable Mobile Agents for
Network Management", Proceedings of Network Operations and
Managements Symposium (NOMS'2002), pp.51-64, IEEE Communication Society,
April 2002.[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Dynamic
Configuration of Agent Migration Protocols for the Internet",
Proceedings of International
Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT'2002), IEEE Computer
Society, pp.119-126, January 2002. [Download
Joint Works
- Daiki Ueno, Tatsuo Nakajima, Ichiro Satoh, and
Kouta Soejima, "Web-Based Middleware for Home Entertainment",
Proceedings of 7th Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN'2002),
LNCS, vol.2550, pp.206-220, Springer, 2002.
- D. Ueno, E. Tokunaga, H. Ishikawa T. Nakajima,
and I. Satoh, "Connecting Object-Oriented Middleware for Home
Computing with Virtual Overlay Networks", Proceedings of 5th
IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed
Computing, pp.163-168, IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
- Takeshi Umezawa, Ichiro Satoh, Yuichiro Anzai,
"A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Configurable Sensor Networks",
Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication
Applications (MATA'2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol. 2521, pp.128-140, Springer, October, 2002.
- Tatsuo Nakajima and Ichiro Satoh, "Naming
Management in a Web-based Home Computing System", Proceedings
of IASTED Interfactional Conference Applied Informatics International
Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, pp. 137-142,
IASTED, 2002.
- Tatsuo Nakajima, Ichiro Satoh, Hiroyuki Aizu, "A
Virtual Overlay Network for Integrating Home Appliances",
Proceedings of International Symposium on Applications and the
Internet (SAINT''2002),
IEEE Computer Society, pp.246-253, January, 2002.
- Ichiro Satoh, "MobiDoc:
A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Compound Documents", Informatica
(International Journal of Computing and Informatics), vol.25, no.4,
pp.493-500, December 2001. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Flying
Emulator: Rapid Building and Testing of Networked Applications for Mobile
Computers", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on
Mobile Agents (MA'2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.
2240, pp.103-118, Springer, December 2001.[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Mobile
Agent-based Compound Documents", Proceedings of ACM Symposium
on Document Engineering (DocEng'2001), pp.76-84, ACM Press,
November 2001.
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Network
Processing of Mobile Agents, by Mobile Agents, for Mobile Agents",
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication
Applications (MATA'2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
vol.2146, Springer, pp.81-92, August 2001. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Application-Specific
Routing for Mobile Agents", Proceedings of International Conference
on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/
Distributed Computing, pp.299-305, the International Association for
Computer and Information Series, August 2001[Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "Adaptive
Protocols for Agent Migration", Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'2001), pp.711-714,
IEEE Computer Society, April 2001. [Download
Joint Works
- Yoshimichi
Tanizawa, Ichiro Satoh, and Yuichiro Anzai,
"Mobile Agent-Based Framework to Support Personal Mobility"
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering,
Artificial Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/ Distributed Computing,
pp.144-151, the International Association for Computer and Information
Series, August 2001.
- Ichiro Satoh, "An Architecture
for Next Generation Mobile Agent Infrastructure", Proceedings of
International Symposium on Multi-Agent and Mobile Agents in Virtual
Organizations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000), p281-287, ICSC Academic Press,
December 2000 [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "An
Adaptive Mobile Agent System", OOPSLA 2000 Workshop on Pervasive
Computing: The Next Generation Computing Environment, October 16 2000.
- Ichiro Satoh, "The
Desing and Implementation of a Mobile Agent System", OOPSLA Workshop
on "Experiences with Autonomous Mobile Objects and Agent Based Systems,
October 2000. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "MobiDoc:
A Framework for Building Mobile Compound Documents from Hierarchical
Mobile Agents", Proceedings of International Symposium on Agent
Systems and Applications/International Symposium on Mobile Agents (ASA/MA2000),
pp.113-125, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 1882, Springer,
September 2000. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Hierarchical
Model of Mobile Agents and Its Multimedia Applications", Proceedings
of International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems (MMNS'2000),
pp.103-108, IEEE Computer Society, July 2000. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Formalism
for Hierarchical Mobile Agents", Proceedings of International Symposium
on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDSE'2000),
pp.165-172, IEEE Computer Society, June 2000. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "MobileSpaces:
A Framework for Building Adaptive Distributed Applications using a Hierarchical
Mobile Agent System", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'2000), pp.161-168, IEEE Computer
Society, April 2000. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Mobile
Agent-Based Framework for Active Networks", Proceedings of IEEE
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference (SMC'99), pp.71-76, IEEE, September 1999.
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Hierarchically
Structured Mobile Agents and their Migration", Workshop on Mobile
Object Systems (MOS'99), July 1999. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh, "An Algebraic
Framework for Optimizing Parallel Programs", Proceedings of International
Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems
(PDSE'98), IEEE Computer Society, April 1998. [Download
- Takuro Kitayama, Hideyuki
Tokuda, Tatsuo Nakajima, Takuo Watanabe, Katsuhiko Gondow, Ichiro
Satoh, "SMAF: A Framework for Future Embedded Systems",
IEEE International Workshop on Network Appliances, S2-1, pp. 1-4,
IEEE Communication Society, November 1998.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Process
Algebra for Optimization for Parallel Programs", SWOPP'97, August 1997.
[Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "Algebraic
Orders for Communicating Processes with Respect to Relative Speeds",
Workshop on Concurrency Theory and Application'96, pp.23-39. July, 1996.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Speed-Sensitive
Orders for Communicating Systems", 1st Workshop on Concurrency Theory,
July 1996.
- Ichiro Satoh, "Time and
Asynchrony in Distributed Computing", PhD Thesis, Department of
Computer Science, Keio University, Feburary, 1996. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro,
"Time and Asynchrony in Interactions among Distributed Real-Time
Objects", Proceedings of Eourpean Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming (ECOOP'95), Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence (LNCS), vol.952,
pp.331-350, Springer-Verlag, August 1995. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro,
"A Formalism for Remotely Interacting Processes", Proceedings
of Workshop on Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming (TPPP'94),
Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence (LNCS), vol. 907, pp.216-228, Springer-Verlag,
November, 1994. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro,
"Semantics for a Real-Time Object-Oriented Programming Language",
Proceedings of IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer Languages
(ICCL'94), p159-170, IEEE Computer Society, May 1994. [Download
- Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro,
"A Timed Calculus for Distributed Objects with Clocks", Proceedings
of Eourpean Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'93), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol.707, pp.326-345, Springer-Verlag,
July 1993. [Download PDF]
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Formalism
for Timed Communicating Processes", Master Thesis, Keio University,
March 1993.
- Mario Tokoro, and Ichiro
Satoh, "Asynchrony and Real-time in Distributed Computing", Proceedings
of Parallel Symbolic Computing Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Sicence
(LNCS), vol.748, pp.318-330, Springer-Verlag, May 1993.
- Ichiro Satoh, "A Formalism
for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing", Proceedings
of ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Pragramming, Systems, Languages,
and Applications (OOPSLA'92), pp.315-326, ACM Press, October 1992.
[Download PDF]
Ichiro Satoh
Ph.D, Professor
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430 Japan
Tel: +81-3-4212-2546
Fax: +81-3-3556-1916