The 8th International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017)
EVIA 2017
The Eighth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017),
a Satellite Workshop of the NTCIR-13 Conference
December 5, 2017 at National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan.
EVIA 2017 Online Proceedings (released Nov 30, 2017)
EVIA 2017 Program -NTCIR-13 DAY-1- (Dec 05, 2017)
Submission Instructions
Important Dates
Past EVIAs
EVIA 2017 Program Committee
We invite submissions for the Eighth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017) which will be held in conjunction with NTCIR 13 in Tokyo, Japan, on December 5, 2017. Information Access technologies provide the interface between human information needs and digital information resources. The reliable evaluation of these technologies has been recognized for decades as central to the advancement of the field. As information retrieval technologies become more pervasive, the forms of retrieval more diverse, and retrieval tools richer, the importance of effective, efficient, and innovative evaluation grows as well.
We invite both short papers (2-4 pages) and long papers (8-10 pages) addressing one or more of the following topics, as well as any other topic related to the evaluation of information access:
- Test collection formation, evaluation metrics, and evaluation environments
- Statistical issues in information retrieval evaluation
- User studies and the evaluation of human-computer interaction in information retrieval (HCIR)
- Evaluation methods for multilingual, multimedia, or mobile information access
- Novel information access tasks and their evaluation
- Evaluation and assessment using implicit user feedback, crowdsourcing, living labs, or inferential methods
- Evaluation issues in industrial and enterprise retrieval systems
- Reproducibility issues in information retrieval evaluation
Submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and must use standard ACM SIGIR templates, which are available for both LaTeX and Word from the ACM website. Papers must report work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. Submissions should not contain any author identification and should be submitted electronically via the conference submission system.
Submissions will be subject to double-blind reviewing. Accepted papers will be included in the EVIA 2017 proceedings in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( series, indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus and others.
We invite submissions of regular papers (up to 8-10 pages) and short papers (up to 4 pages). Submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and must use standard ACM SIGIR templates.
Submissions must be made through the conference submission system.
Proceedings and reports from the first six workshops are available below:
EVIA 2007 online proceedings
EVIA 2008 online proceedings
EVIA 2010 online proceedings
EVIA 2011 online proceedings
EVIA 2013 online proceedings
EVIA 2014 online proceedings
EVIA 2016 online proceedings
Nicola FerroUniversity of Padua, Italy (Co-Chair)
Ian SoboroffNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA (Co-Chair)
Hsin-Hsi ChenNational Taiwan University, Taiwan
Charles ClarkeUniversity of Waterloo, Canada
Atsushi FujiiTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Donna HarmanNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
Gareth JonesDublin City University, Ireland
Noriko KandoNational Institute of Informatics, Japan
Evangelos KanoulasUniversity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aldo LipaniVienna University of Technology, Austria
Claudio LuccheseCa' Foscari University of Venice and ISTI CNR Pisa, Italy
Maria MaistroUniversity of Padua, Italy
Stefano MizzaroUniversity of Udine, Italy
Alistair MoffatUniversity of Melbourne, Australia
Shahzad RajputNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
Tetsuya SakaiWaseda University, Japan
Mark SandersonRMIT University, Australia
Falk ScholerRMIT University, Australia
Mark SmuckerUniversity of Waterloo, Canada
Last Modified: 2017-11-24